
This is a Sacred Space – I ask Infinite for that which I need at this time

August 29, 2013

Today I was gifted with a sky picture of an image of a horse created out of gentle and soft cloud formation, the horse with his head down toward a grass feeding him self. This horse’s definition was embedded in a golden light from the sun behind him slowly sinking into life on the other side of our planet. This picture invoke justice freedom and peace so I send it to my planet as a Light message knowing in side of my self that my Guardians will do with It what’s most appropriate. They know what we cannot see just yet but soon this is changing. I took this picture of a grassing horse inside of my soul and melted with it.

In the evening during a meditation I was feeling my children. I have not seen them for almost 7 years now. At the moment of seeing my first child in my vision, the phone rang and it was my daughter calling me.
The conversation was generous and I felt that pain was leaving my body. For I didn’t hear her voice for many years. Listening to her voice reminded me again not only of this beautiful sunset I saw just few hour ago but also the fact there is something cohesive within her voice, like she felt to me she is connected to her HIgher self and she knows it. In that tone there was a singing during her speaking to me.

Some time ago – I kept witnessing images showing me blobs of white across my room, erasing the parts of my room. And before that I was walking my walks along side of my tree family in the green sanctum and was looking at some blobs of fog. But the fog was more like a Spirit rather then some molecules forming as a cause of heat and moist. All my lives stag up one after the other going into thousands now I want to hijack the many high above this one knowing it is possible. O.K. the white to me is I am being shown that this reality IS dissolving! YEah. The fog is a sign of birth of me seeing more inter-dimensionally, because I can only do that when I close my eyes, but not with my eyes open. The lives stag up one after another corrects my previous impression that we have past lives, it is a rhetorical discombobulation of our interpretations that are also changing and aligning to more accuracy.

If I come to now I must say that this day also has brought me my young friends with whom I have been sharing things for some years about practical/spherical Spirituality. This is my term coming from understanding of how things are and where etc., I want to thank them for coming to visit and have a conversation, because any time we do this meeting it is as if we shoot an arrow straight up above our heads to take us Home to our Original Creator, anchor the arrow there and leave the rest of the robe in case anybody wants to join us. I also should use the term that what is going on is the integration between the spiritual and the matter to create a third element! And that is what I have been up to. It has been also difficult and frustrating at times to be doing this kind of work that I am here to do with people. Their mater(s) and Spirit and showing the way how this split could be remedied. My observation has been mostly that people use a lot of distractions, looking for many different modalities, not sure what to pick, just checking into something because it may sound different and interesting and then check quickly out. Some of them hearing they have to do their own readiness of internal work is too much to ask for. Not really any dedication and focus. This too has been discussed with my young friends- as a indicator to avoid such contradictory ideas.because some young people are searching what they can do how they can contribute and how not to follow the old regimes and staleman staf. I am concerned with young people because it is obvious how difficult it must be for them to be here in this matter which continues to be so confusing and camouflaging the living truth and life. We agreed that their choices “will” be of their heart’s integrity, that they made the choice to live their truth. People feel living empty lives especially children and youth.
This is my Sacred Space. I cannot tell Infinite what to do, but I can emit my Light and this Light can be send where ever is mostly in need. We can learn to speak with simplicity and easy to our Original Creator, directly going to the point.
This thought of my heart has been to share it with you and my self in case I might get a senior’s moment. The latest to be avoided at all costs.
Jarmila of Divine Service and Thank you Infinite for all your Gifts!

This is a Sacred Space – alias the Cosmic progeny

August 23, 2013

The teachings of Infinite and my Guardians continues to connect my both ends: the consciousness with subconsciousness. IT allows me to clear my SPACE where things flow, happen or not, depending on its clarity and the presence of awareness that I can loose at times and then rushing my self back into it. The Good well natured life always waits if I fall behind. I am ever grateful for being able to notice to accept to learn and to have the opportunity in my space to have a clarity instead of stuffed events one after another. Thank you Life for being my Teacher and a good friend and a companion.

In last twin nights at the dreaming the scene of a court and a famous face (to me) appeared: Robert Menard* all happy and victorious approached me with a generosity of his hug and recognition, dressed in the mourning black sheet of judge’s robe. Robert has won his case and it was to be celebrated since it included the humanity’s collective sovereignty that this lovely fellow had in mind. He was here to assist humanity and he was here also in my dream.
The next “branch”of a dream was a scene of my mother or rather only surface resemblance of her. The “mother: was speedily aligning her scratched white car into the busy highway. I was the quest in her vehicle. As observed, mother did not check her blind spots of any upcoming cars, she was rushing and with absolute confidence, and busy talking to us, and knowing as if her eyes would be also present on her back, she justly merged within the traffic. It was at dusk in my dream. The speed of her car turned beyond the speed of light and thought and in an instance we have evaporated from this dream condition (state reality) into our sovereign original selves. A “place” of outmost freedom and greatest joy. The place where words cannot trap you only a sole existence gently enveloping. A complete skill with merging of the wholeness and now.(As you can see this last sentence seems a little FRAGMENTED).This has a Purpose here but I will continue.
The mother wasn’t and I – as a physicality – wasn’t. Instead the Beyond existed and my consciousness basking inside it….

Then I noticed a some male figure. He was observing the silver cord which connects me to the physicality’s meltdown. And I wasn’t to go where my mother seemed to navigate her next steps,as this dream was showing me.The possibility here in the dream was to show me a resolution for discovering where my mother could go if she is to pass the way. How smooth it could be for her and easy. As discussed some days earlier with my good sweet intelligent soul friend, people are also “afraid of death because they don’t know where they going”. The information of our conversation was a keeper and it showed up in my dream.
I witnessed this man’s intentional interference: beaming of his cold hostile energy to distract us also from this teaching. To “help him” a telepathic question generated itself to find out what this man wanted, in spite it was already obvious. He felt like Smith from Matrix movie. Because I didn’t react to his weak beams of interfering-for I knew how to “hold” the wholeness, there was no damage done only he got burned out and vanished.
My questions and pondering toward my Guardians formulated at my clairvoyance: The reason and purpose for a Free Will?
While I allowed my higher consciousness teachings to penetrate my human ego = the re-convalescent body uniform to be touching the highest principles in order to achieve total sovereignty in all of my aspects, there arrived a clairvoyant childhood recall as a watch response from the Presence with me.(note:”all my aspects” this term again suggest we are dealing with fragments from the point of the lower perceptionist. This aspects may be also polarized in association with different time lines and their events. And all of this needs to clear and integrate so it doesn’t cause obscure dilutions.)
My Free Will was hugely marked at the childhood years with a guilt:guilt is something like the Smith. It also has the capacity to be like a pipe exhaust of a gaseous origin firmly attached to once desires to have knowledge on its own without the intervention of an adult! So one needs to look out for an opportunity. In other words: the child wants to “play” her mother wants her to wash the dishes.
And besides the guilt there was also an obedience for following somebody’s else commands, living somebody’s else thoughts (ideas), their needs and wants. I have felt I never could fully evolve into the understanding of self.The term self I mean the connection where we come from. Understanding of something to me is full interfacing what free will is or can be, its role and purpose. Certainly in many cases one doesn’t even know there is a such thing as a free will until something inside you prone you to want to do think(g)s on your own regardless of age. It is not the age rather the Soul that is at works, I think, that pulls one into a different angles and augmentations. On the contrary I was the utmost “good child as expected” you could find. ANd that was also to my own detriment, like discouragement. What I mean is I come from the place of pure innocence, to search what life is how things work, not always it is beneficial to have already formatted adult to be telling you her opinion mostly full of distortions. How do you know it is a distortion because it just feels awkward Free Will was given to us for a purpose. Nature doesn’t function in prepared fixed road payeved with asphalt!. And I already know it is all unpredictable. Because there is a heart at play. Heart finds the best ways where the brain, the way it so far is, cannot reach. Besides the heart was created first, it is first born in the body, then it makes the spine and the rest of it, so take it is a sage compare to you.
I recall a repeated scene of a summer hot days. If the commander (my mother) was satisfied with heat and sun she would pack us up and we would go to the water. Some restrictions applied. But I felt she didn’t really cared except how dark sun tend she would get and also she needed a rest. At that very moment I was “free” of her mind and was temporary released from her focus to control me. Off I went to explore to talk to my invisible friends inside of me. This is crucial to grasp I am saying in this very moment I had a full access to life directly! No interference. I was hoping to hear live’s language and I was worried if it did go away because I didn’t have time to pay attention to it all the time due to the above. The live’s language as my way shower and primal teacher, the compass of my heart which was magnetically oriented and at rare times charged with the music of my primal Home. ANd never ever WORDS were spoken.
I don’t know if I was “grateful” to the Sun doing exactly what my mother wanted. My brief happiness was simple: to be left alone so I could get in touch with the authentic.Now I know that was exactly what felt great.
When my mother had enough of baking under the sun I would get to know it half an hour before we had to pack and go home. Her thoughts would reach my consciousness and I started to get disoriented and distracted, probably nervous what was it now that I had to be doing instead of just being a child. And by this very nature I knew a change was coming and cage would be put around me again, symbolically speaking. But if you really “think” of it it is so true and this is how we all get stupid with time.
When in captivity (doing chores which were endless, looking after my younger brother, taking care of my mother’s needs doing ballet, schooling my self in impossible confusion of math, words and a strange people, everybody wanted something = expectation), so when in this kind of a captivity, you might call a conditioning, lack of oxygen to the brain, stress forms, not creative thinking is available at the moment. The heart compensates and speaks to the mind to calm it down using pictures of patience and a reminder for another opportunity to come. There is a point when you can become aware of you are being programmed and there is an equal time when you forget it all together and you let the programs to run your life, void of Free will. Well, I know there is a Supreme Being which watches over all its divine expressions and has make the channels of a day and night differently as to give the opportunity for those who seek it, to “repair one self” so to speak.

Another vivid example is a trip to Poland (42 years ago)?, Sopoty and its sea waters. (This is also a part of the response to my questions in my dreams and how they got answered through recalls and pointing thinks out to me.)
I wouldn’t conceive as a small child that the water which danced me into its body’s shore waves could hurt me in any way. I felt exited for this yet undiscovered place,with its different rolling movement power, how could I fit with it? Thoughts of a child versus thoughts of an adult are unmarked territory against build up army city. I felt I wanted to be one with the water or at least make friends with it. I was really hoping they wouldn’t be watching me for I would get stifled just by their negative don’ts, which was so insulting and discouraging like you have no idea. Plus it is what may cause actual injuries to some kids. THis world is dominated by words and mentality. My world was of no words but pictures and its teachings so I could hope to grow well. In the mental world of words it gave me a hard time for I had a trouble to express my self through them.
Anyway I am trying to get me here to say that somebody the man or the woman (“the parents”) were instructing me not to drink the salty water or else my tummy will get sick. Because it caused a wonderment as to why a salty water would cause an issue I took a sip. As a result because I contradicted my parent’s instructions I started to cough. But I loved the different information it gave me because I experienced a different density, It filled me somehow as if I could see “better” this dark world or something like that. I also had to briefly pretend I didn’t hear them yelling at me to get out of the water because I wanted to experience this different feeling I had of the salt. I was “eating” something and it felt good to me. When I was drinking a soft sweet water it support me. So that is what I got while chocking on this water/parental reprimand. I felt also stupid for getting cough and for being reprimanded instead of supported, and asked what I was doing.
the preference for being left alone grown inside of me. It would be so good for my spine would feel connected (also through the many many hours of ballet and movement) to Infinite instead of construed by stuff.
The point is when one is left alone without the adults already formulated opinions and drama, one can find/see authenticity. And I think that is one of the reasons for free will. If you find something that feels new to you you then employ your mind into its creativity aspects how your findings could be extended into some applications and such. Authenticity likes to stay the way it presents it self to us, we must meet it without words and opinions.
As a side effect one might feel special for a brief second. The two worlds, one living in silent observation of enriching pictures, the other physical world of words, their meaning of life being backwards, stupidity and blindness. It is a miracle that some children are able to live within such a split and are not the subject of a mental cause deformation but only some ridicule and or bulling. It all washes over you as the sea wave which came to me the first time wrapping it self around my tiny body and with its masterful spin gently lay me down onto the shore. I stood up surprised and honored. The body of water had more wits then a new parents not knowing ever what to do with a child and how to raise it with love only. IT doesn’t matter. As balance seeks its continuum within its created tension so we seek purity within our daily experiences. Free will can be polarized, definitely manipulated, denied, conveniently overlooked. But if one leaves the eyes naked it still can discern the original from a fake and or a coverup.

This is a Sacred Space – see where the spiral is turning.

June 1, 2013

I really don’t know yet how to call this next article. I am pushing my brain forward and upwards to get me some relief from so many questions, to eradicate confusion and sense of imprisonment that I have been feeling again in many ways. And I don’t like that at all! Low ceilings don’t work 4 me. I called my Lion People from the favorite 7th dimension to help me with some major clearing. It is not only a matter of Personal spiritual hygiene but also the fact that every city is highly acidic hence rendered infertile. It is up to us to change this radically. Some of us work day and night. The linear clock is jumping and skipping it’s impotent round-bounds, so it seems not much has been accomplished (am I still linearly thinking?) soon will be fully gone and the make believe attached to it as well… The life is finding it’s new ways of expression and I love the moments when one can sing highly with the birds for the tree entertainment.
With the protest against criminal, hostile Monstanto’s crops and genetically engineered food came a huge wave of side effects like the immune shots within the Aware spirit body. It is to get us “grow our consciousness”.It is to cross some boundaries.I am feeling that the huge amount of power people has given away is stored and it is gonna come like one major earthquake. In Europe people are much more alert and adamant in saying what they don’t want on their plates for dinner. I also love what Iceland have done, to kick the corporate monkey banker out of their land. Ireland seems to be making their free way from enforcement soul-less agents as well. That is very good and healthy and I am fully for it.Because it stimulates humanity’s immune system, and helps to clear the free will which has been on a verge of complete abolishment. The extra-supper negative terrestials who love the negative time line fueled with chem trails, acidity aggression are soon to find their match but not here on this planet Earth! The question mark is what canadian man is doing, Hello? I didn’t see many people in major cities to discuss what their choice of food is, how embarrassing. Oh I get it, they probably require more 2 by 4 before they wake up?
Crossing the boundaries means the ability within the zero point to reach somebody whom we thought we have lost and she / he has been swollen by the main stream.If you are smart you know it is not possible, really. This is the time to cross these mental boundaries. The reptilian brain is only operating on programs, beliefs and presumptions, the mammalian brain is accustomed to ongoing adaptation, flexibility and learning of a new. Much better to realize is the fact the programs and believes can be eradicated, cultivated heavily tested against original and authenticity. Then we can swiftly move into the present Higher heart mind. I don’t like hypocrites and I don’t like when there is a projecting into people of any believes, that is like doing black magic. Some are still doing their life by this way of unconsciousness doctrine instead of living, and it needs to be pointed out so there is a chance for a freshness and change.
If situation like a Global March against Monstanto arises people of different walks of life have an opportunity to talk with each other. Obese to athletes,spiritual to main stream, horses to chickens. It is all a veil. Any kind of silliness is being removed. The difference in cells doesn’t make them to separate! The tong in your mouth doesn’t shriek because it is surrounded by 32 sharp teeth (symbolizing aggression)
The above can be an outline for more observation and study of the human DNA. I have been studying this subject,working with it and researching. Right now a book was chosen to help me to gain some more insights about the DNA or many kinds of DNA. (The book is called “The Nummo. The Truth About Human Origins” by Shannon Dorey.It is another possible version of us or some of us. It reminds me of books by Zacharia Sitchin, THe Sumerian records of Annunaky. I had to study these books 15 years or so ago to correct many lies and convenient interpretations printed in the Bible) All these books are an indicator that we still don’t know our selves well and how could we.”Know your self through the present moment.”Yes but without the shadow!
And what reaches me is the Sounds, colors, tones, vibrations. From here we get geometries, from here we get some pronounced sentence/meaning within the strand of DNA. We do not know the real “number” of all the strands, so I want to remain open to what comes to me from Infinite and also the significant teachings I have been receiving through Mother Earth/her Nature. It is to guide us into the liquidity of life not to be stug with density. The density has absorbed and held all the vibrations that we are only discovering. I feel to be a mystery is a great fun and an expression of Infinite of Unconditional Love towards human beings which has been so significantly threatening to those without a soul and a home. The human spirit and her heart is in the focus of Higher realms and dimensions, the positive time line. Hurray. The point is ( at this moment) when Sacred tonal Infinite Languages are spoken – I Know all inclusiveness, while when one uses the box language I am in loss of temporal separation. The same I feel about DNA formation and its origin. Human life was created for very specific purpose, it is something that demonstrates a Presence of a High Intelligence. This includes so far “known of” star races that we made the Pot luck with on Earth. Humanity is the helper of an Original Creator since there is an additional idea yet to be discovered. O.K. my DNA seems “pleased” with me for the acknowledgement of it’s much higher purpose and an open door to those who continue to be learning.

This is a Sacred space – internal expansions…

May 23, 2013

This internal expansion(s) has been going on on on for a “time”… The most recent energetic activity has taken place amongst the forestry that becomes intensely more beautiful to me as days go by, when I am present amongst these silent friends of mine.
On the run this day (May 22nd), it was brought to my awareness upon getting severely blessed with showers of inspiration as we had a small thunder storm, that the electrical charges in the sky were also coming indirectly through my spine. Then – in a split of a second – I was taken “out of body” and became part of the North Pole, and I experienced a large activity of movement and it Was painful. I could stand it only for few seconds then I asked Infinite to please put me back within the tree space..Then tears start coming down as result of such intense experience. My physical presentment was soaking wet and clothing sticking against the skin. A very young woman with a growsome appearance – also soaking wet – and very unsual looking dog was passing buy. In one hand she held her cell phone, in another a cigarette bud a her dog chain continuing downward to this very contend looking being, her huge purse twisted over her wrist with the cigarette bud.

I coudn’t help but exussed my self for interrupting her making a phone call and gave her a compliment about her unsually looking four legged friend. As this came out I added she felt ancient to me hoping she might accept it as acknowledgement rather then some unthinkable insult… She promtly responded, with “Oh yeah, you woudnt’ say it to somebody without intuitively feeeling you can because I feel the same about you,” and.._still within one inhale she continued): …”yeah, he (meant the dog) was on T.V. with few other dogs, this kind saved some kids so he was being recognized as a hero,” well anyway I had a terrible day and you feel to me like a guide right now….” Without a hesitation a permission was asked for giving her a hug.And also to ask if I may pat her dog who evoked inside of my soul a memory of ancient wisdom of cooexistence, play, purity and darlingness. The fast speed communication went on and one was noticing this young woman and her face of a beautiful child like with very painful early experiences. She reminded of a Buddha, Marry Magdalene and Nazarene just coming back and saying ‘Hi’ to me.
It was magical few minutes as if the movie “wizard of oz” was playing in the back round of my skull and I knew the very life is a wisdom. And wisdom is love. Her shoes were not red or with heels, but everything about her was like in a magic and buy the way, I felt it was played backwards when she said I am like her guide because I felt she was my guide… and in the presence of the tall Tree People and her little wizard dog we are undoing ill deeds of a black magic so we can enjoy and love life as friendly humanity meant to be originally. Yes, this was a gift and I am grateful. Thank you, Infinite.
p.s. must be aded: after this meeting with all involved energies in my day, much vitality accumulation extended. I didn’t sleep till 4 a.m. The feeling of the NOrth pole let me see that is the weakness of the field shifting itself, it was like a spinning dollar against the table base in chaos. I know what ever is taking place it is only going to do good to bring humanity together into its core. It will force to live fully again, to regain absolute sovereignty and many manual abilities – back =forward to the pencil and paper things..making attributes for each other. What’s wrong with living Higher and personally without the ego attachments?
Next: life force and Spiritual immunity.

This is a Sacred Space – And more changes

April 26, 2013

I want to do my best to be brief.
I continue to feel that all these words and those that I had to learn
and memorize in order to “speak” and “communicate” sound to me like an idiot.
I know the world of words is a babel, it is a fiction! Knowing this for long time and refusing to be part of it, I am using from now on Sacred tonal language of Infinite. Infinite tells me to breath and feel. That is it. To feel.
Last time my group of Gaia One/meditation was breathing and clearing out these fictions from their system and will continue to do so. The shadow needs to be released so one can experience her/him self as a pure energy field. People’s spines need to straighten.
I cannot sleep for the longest time for various reasons, because there is so much happening. I miss
communicating with my beloved friend Eva. She is the cutting edge and already beyond what can be hardly comprehended . She is within deep Existences, versatile in pronouncing Infinite’s “information/insights”! and Eva does so through her Sacred wheels, drawings. I also continue to miss my children.
Before I am done with babel for today I need to say what’s UP in the 3D awakening field and how are people feeling it but maybe not realizing it yet. This is strictly a matter of fact. There has been lately much evidence about the “scary stuff” such as income tax. Well friends, this is also a myth as found out it was never properly legislated as documents shows clearly. The latest link to this can be found at:
If you are tired of being used and afraid and confused beside education in the terms of law, you can listen to the Global F.A.C.T. Radio – Conscious Living and found out a lot more eye opening revelations.

This is a Sacred Space/a friendly reminder-mostly to myself!

March 18, 2013

“The State of Being precedes the Place of Doing”. This axiom always, always, always is applied to myself first. So this is a loving reminder because for the last several weeks, maybe second week of February until “now” it was such n overload of energetic information that the result here was no sleeping. It woudn’t be accurate to say one was exhausted from not sleeping much but rather upset with not able use for resting and calmness. I had to work to be calm… well it is much better that Gaia is less earthquake prone so we the people are doing the burping and clearing of obsolete inside of ourselves. And that there are some short brakes in between
My cells are communing with very bright pearl like frequency, it’s like being under the water able to breath , the liquid has changed it’s tendencies over my lungs, it is all friendly… I am feeling Infinite Mother as I let the fingers clicking the tab of letters. I sense Her “smiling in absolute Silence” I wish I would be so silent as I am experiencing the Presence to be now. I feel deep loving embrace and I am being asked to let go and allow much exponential growth of my Being to take place. I feel I am being held without holding onto me with so much love I cannot call it love anymore, it is beyond “love”…. I am in the Soft White Energy sorry cannot write but I am seeing my “mind is widening opening like some door….

I have been studying today after work more about The Maxim of Law, very useful think to be in awareness with. It explains very well the syntax and letter of the law. As we are interested in the Common Law, which is actually the unspoken “word” which has cometh from our Creator, I feel it is innate.
The Maxim of Law is written in Latin with English translations and it is mostly for the “Christians”. Hm… And as I truly find it useful to study this paper in the same time I find it stale for it’s emphases on what Jesus Christ once was teaching. IT is written in such a way that it might give the impression that no-body will get over the bar of these “words of teachings”, which are mostly just an interoperation of very abrupt and inaccurate memory and convenience of the writer of the Bible. There is a lot about sovereignty and who or what is sovereign and who is below that… It should be clear that we all came here for Learning Experiences hence we rely on making mistakes to find out what works for the common good and individual and what does not. Since it is clear that not all people are of the same consciousness and spiritual, emotional intelligence and frequency, it cannot be ever implied that we all got same start hence forth the silly condition of the christian is not even logical. That would really make many people “believe” they are sheep, all made like coca-cola bottles, and again in terms of Law were all equal meaning we all have the same, common sense guidance, which is: no harm to any living soul,and or their possessions, no fraud, no steeling, no lying. That is basically the common law for all. BUT I loudly doubt that the Frequency of Christ Energy intended ever to limit anybody, only to set the corse straight upstairs. ANd that’s That!
There is Creator’s given Freedom to us, an unconditional Love Governed by Universal Laws:1) U exist; 2) All is One, One is All; 3)What you give out, comes back to you; 4)Everything else is subject to change. So the Christianity and or all other teachings are for an examination with an open heart and an open mind.

This IS a Sacred Space/awakening into once’ own Higher Confidence:

March 16, 2013

the day before today I was just again pondering and FEELING my Home Planet and people that I am proud of to be sharing this almost turquoise energy (THe “blue” lips of Father Sky kissing the Green Mother’s body Gaia, her mostly Feminine surface getting better by the day, transforming into the most beautiful Divine Goddess there ever has been!) She is so Rising and I wonder: Can YOu feel Her?..
I have been borrowing these English words into existence to be able somewhat “communicate” but had promised to myself my next blog is different.(to be).

I have been working tirelessly with many others of removing the blocks, parasitical criminal and hostile energies, have not been sleeping, tossing and turning my body into overtwisting my mind with overwhelming knowing what has been happening and what is to happen, the rise of the White Gaia Soul BOdy which some of us shall witness as a Blessing and some of them will witness as a consequence of their actions against life…. I have been crying and calling for some kind of Supper man ability to change the pain without adding more pain, trying to consolidate my personal “tragedy” and the realization that all my life I was never able to speak fluently to accommodate my huge heart and my huge emotionally body which could magically stop all the harm being done, and then rising like the eagle within higher perception allowing to guide me into a calm and decisive place where I am finally seeing my self to be resolving something I cannot let go of and have to find a solution to. To confront the criminals who took my children. How to confront all these people who has cause me AND thousands of families so much pain that it almost kill all the senses and abilities invested in me as a Spiritual guide,my human self, someone who intuitively knew how to guide others out of their own challenges and struggle. IT has been taking me six years to recover and heal from enduring such kind of most cruel treatment. The ex-husband and his terrible wife accountable for lying to my children telling them that I was at any point emotionally and mentally unstable without bringing one single prove for their abusive claim, hence forth it was better for my children to go and live with them without seeing me, and by doing so endorsing a complete separation from their dedicated mother, this fraudulent woman marrying my ex-husband has forced her self to be the authority over my children without their or my knowledge and consent, I want to see the judge who asked me for 50.000 canadian dollars and who has refused to read my evidence and to hear me, going to gail as well as the people from children’s aid society who broke into my home and my children’s school claiming they had the right to manipulate, harass and intimidate me and my children with their removal if I or they don’t cooperate with their’s rules! All energy is being broadcasted transmuted individually into the collective and collectively back onto the individuals, this is how are we connected, if large group of people has felt depressed, suicidal it is also because they felt the treason overall but they were not aware of it completely, they thought it was only their own little world unhappy… Well Earth Is Changed so trauma doesn’t apply, it has to leave, by all possible means!
At the place of my Centre and strong standing and seeing what is happening on the big scale and how this brake down is part of big picture and huge changes, the total end of the patriarchate mentality and despotism and it’s idiocy for control. I am touched by humanity as well as very frustrated with it… I know that most family of human are good people they care for each other, and there are few who are an idiots just because they believe they have to behave instead of be them selves, to defend their own insecurities and their imprisonment in believes.
Intimidations and any kind of emotional and mental blackmail can set one to shut down. But the strong sense for Higher Justice that one knows of pulls you up and back on your feet. Staying focused and build High Infinite energy and maintain Higher connection and centre, is the main inspiration and Guidance for closures for resolving conflicts. What your intuition is telling you can be also supported in having the knowledge of the law the means how to put negative energy into it’s right place.Like behind bars and setting the same life conditions which were inflicted upon innocent people, make them drink and oily polluted water, a hard manual labor with minim of food mainly Monsanto’s genetically modified corn and such as for lovely nutritions for all the criminals etc., Monstanto is also on the list of criminals and shall be dealt accordingly.

As you keep going and working with the High realms of energies the physical manual of my logic an clarity build its confidence. Well as I am connected to the people I have not met with I have observed the huge movement that has been going on .I feel this is OUROBOROS in Action: (“The true positive Mayan Prophecy is revealed by dearest Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book), the ancient Mayan prophecies that the only way to a higher consciousness and to positive change is throughout the HEART and how the old needs to meet with the new because both need each other. I add they need to find life for each other in harmony. I celebrate the fact that so many intelligent and truly brave and confident people, my soul family are on the same energy frequency of love and unconditional support and see that the lighter way is the way which has the potential for removal of hardships. Through the same difficult hardships it is leading us towards each other to see how easy it is to be living in the heart. Many closed up adults would do well to learn this from little children! Cooperation is the positive faculty and the source of mutual abudance.
The Higher Truth is coming to meet with us- who are ready- with her big smile on Her “face”.
I found out last night, it actually came to me very obviously the most Historical event has taken place and shall continue to unravel. Annuncement for THE CORPORATION OF CANADA HAS BEEN FORCLOsSED ON MARCH 8TH, 2013
Here are links so see for your selves :;; Notice:Canada is dissolved -8 march 2013, also look for a download which you can carry with you and which you can autograph your self for your self. This is about arresting Harper and Elizabeth Winsor who were found guilty as charged with genocide committed against at least 50 000 Native children but that is not all.
This Public Disclosure is a Sister for the previous announcement we have received about USA: (the Public Trust) and foreclosure of Corporation USA)
I would invite us to take very close look not only at above links but also to ready fully THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, available on the internet.
in honor for Gaia and all beloved honorable living souls

this is a sacred space/notes from insight out:how one doesn’t relate to the words

March 11, 2013

on my walk to the store I got hit with some last remark, made in my home page book: about negative old belief systems, the connection to the matrix,{The very important good news is that we [as the energy healing facilitators, the translator of the multidimensional soul groups] got hold of the matrix and we can manipulate it to complete dissolvement.O.K.?} this is as old as 2000 year of.
The belief system + religion is linked together. An infestation took place old program which was implanted on our Mother Gaia by the Orion community of negative ET’s. They had to put into a place something for the separation and distortion so they put the court of religion which was apart from the One Creator.Any belief is a replacement for not knowing effortlessly. Look the thing is that it is possible that the stupid is gone completely and the fruits of the original ones just continue to blossom.

Pure Mind.
When I stand behind the body, in neutral still calm place I see my mind beautiful. I do not take joy for writing any words, for these words are truly foreigner to my consciousness.
I always struggle how to find the way to be able to communicate without them, it clearly is perceived like the stupid babel which I and my original sisters and brothers did not invented but knew it is going to come into the place where illusion needed to be tested and everybody was sleeping….
Then when I start feeling the part of my mind where it is recognized with the label for “carnal” there are these thoughts: “…i really wish my mind to be very smart, clever, genius and creative but i am afraid this is not my truth”. Eh. This sometimes stopes me from writing anything no matter how “clever” I might feel the texture is. It is called scrambling. And only by canceling it and seeing what is helps me to move it out of the way.
Then I catch this other thing: I am worried if I have everything right. (“worried”, “if” “mind”) tells me conditioning of part of my mind in unconsciousness. So no that is also gone.
Next: I am measuring how much time I have for each task! Did I make any contract with “time” to measure the length of my life’s role in this made believe fabric?
It has also came very clearly into my realized focus that there is an ill tradition of the collective believe which states that “humans DON’T DESERVE TO LIVE LONG AND PROSPERIOUS LIVES RESTING ON THE FOUNDATION OF A FREE WILL, THEY DON’T DESERVE TO BE SIMPLY HAPPY. Jesus was apparently a good guy and so was Mary Magdalene and so was Mahatma Gandi and so were all the Native People of the Land of America and Canada. Who was so sick minded that convoluted to claim that because he was a good man who was teaching the Feminine principles governing laws of creations and how it relates to the physical man and how we are not separated from our Creator, for that he was crucified. That makes no sense to any healthy and half withs commoner . Which of Jesu’s actions and dead would justify to murder him, I doubt that it happened I think there are many versions of how he lived how the Native people lived, how Lemuria existed but because it was so beautiful and close to the heart it had to be destroyed. The jealous bastard couldn’t live with it. The movie with J. Travolta “Phenomenon”: the gifted man all of a sudden has to get a tumor in his brain, people cannot learn from him, because it is not convenient it is even considered dangerous his knowledge, that is on top of it his very human compassionate heart, so he dies. Phenomenon is a message of how human is closely connected to the original creators’ creation how healthy, well developed human can be in real. Millions of families are destroyed for various reasons, one of many is that the one of the partners is also thinking differently in terms of spirituality versus indoctrinated religion [as institution which only has brought war, prostitution, hate against each other, mistrust, abuse of little children, hunger, crime], thinks natural instead of programmed, thinks organic instead of Mc/Donald, doesn’t like to be governed by the foreign state, is living from the heart, from the Higher mind, respects and loves her/his children. So this too has been in recent past found dangerous. The imposters fraudulently claim children as their private property to take them away children to abuse them. This is a example of long long long negative ego chain of very bad believe systems, criminal actions, very bad deeds.
However:THis long chain, predatory tentical/cord bloody attachment imposed into a healthy consciousness of MOther Heart/Earth and her children was severed! The living Spirit, the living emotional heart’s intelligence cannot be destroyed ever. No one has such power. Let this be known and realized. YOu can let go of the mind’s schizophrenia.
The healing continues to take place to disengage from low self worth, emotional/mental addictions mainly to lack, fear, being governed by another,the layered believe you don’t need to be responsible and accountable for all you actions. This collective addiction of the unconsciousness has to dissolve. The conflict to discern for one’s self-responsibility, refusing to grow up from the level of kindegarden consciousness and the big part in this is the fact that Free Will IS restoring itself can bring much joy in itself.
The most embarrassing belief out of laziness and out of blindness is to keep falling down on the knees crying out for nonexistent demigod.(Notes from January 2013)
This needs to stop here, because there is something very great that happened again last night, March 10th
A strong debri of energy clearing pushed through my body. May this be the 8 questions my beloved friend Eva found that Infinite was asking IT Self? Does Infinite qualifies as “having the Self”??? What some of us has been experiencing since the year 1999 is that we are aware of Infinite Mother of All Creation, as our Original Creator. Lately some of us have been working intensively on more discoveries which comes through revelations, these are authentic like pressure points and or physical delivery (I really am having very hard time to describe something like this in the stupid english words) it is a delivery of a different consciousness happening in the state of heart recognition, without the use of ego, mind, or words,it happens suddenly during a time of a silent still mind, It is very profound and nobody thanks God, has any prove for this, and or explanation. This makes me happy and I feel totally free and with it what is happening, I grow into this knowing of Infinite Mother and wish people could feel O.K. to get beyond the belief for stupid.
“Jarmila”: of True Divine Service

This is a Sacred Space – For the Lovehood on Earth

March 6, 2013

I am reading a book called The Gaia project 2012 (by Corean author Hwee-Yong Jang). On the page 107 (second paragraph) it says:…” Because control of the heart chakra, including its opening and closing, is operated by the mind.” This didn’t resonate with me as I was reading this information last night. So not familiar with such approach, energetically perceiving it, I went instead and accessed something that looks like sacred heart chambers. I saw two. And one can see throughout. They look like very tinny petals touching each other vertically. Upon me entering these chambers they opened as in lotus petals and on the third step the hole “dome of these petals opened up, I was standing in the middle of this see through dome and all around me there was this universe. It was absolutely beautiful experience.
Then I heard this call ” Love-hood on Gaia/Earth ” and I knew that Humanity and it’s consciousness is moving fast out of polarity dissolving duality’s grip, into the living heart.
But the fact that one can clearly see a transparency is a strong message to me that it is truly happening because some of us are making it happen, are going with the flow of Infinite. I am all for living the heart belonging to its true nature and its true origin. And most definitely have the awareness that even in the spiritual “circles” there needs to be endorsed sovereignty.
This planet also was missing for ages the existence of Free will. This is no longer the case, however each must find her/his own freedom and connection to the Original Source. That is the responsibility to support these changes and welcome them instead of fearing them.
In “1990” the communist block fell in Europe and I could go “back” to Canada the land I remember my self to once live as Native American.
Then the Germain wall fell, people broke it and families were reunited.
On December 25th 2012 One Peoples Trust 1776 was resurrected, re-established, registered lawfully and legally and the slavery is no longer the law on planet Earth. (When we count the numbers 1776 all together we get the number 21. That is interesting because On December 22nd 2012 The New Paradigm Feminine Consciousness has begun according to the original Mayan prophecy and it is going to take 9 years in gestation which is the year 2021) This is an observation one has made as interesting synchronicity of all events that are taking consistently place and the resignation of the negative ego and it’s puppets falling down accordingly to their own most suitable frequency that they feel most at home, which is fear based.
The link to the World event of One Peoples Trust on December 25th 2012 all the corporation corrupted system controlling the well being of humanity was foreclosed.
Please find information and conversations with Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as one of the three trustees and one of the many/few Bright Souls who brought this into the physical reality for all people on planet Earth.
My “reason” for sharing this huge event is that when I went through the documentation of all these fillings and the history of it, a huge transparent white energy frequency I felt in my heart. My feeling is that Heather might be one of the Original once from Source who is of Divine Service at this time on our planet Home Earth/Gaia.
Jarmila and P.S.!Two or so days after this post something more prevalent arrived into my awareness about this One people public trust : WHERE IS MY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE TO THIS AND HENCEFORTH WHERE IS ANY CONTRACT TO THIS, MY CONSENT??? Or is this structure just another build up version for the New World Order which I do not consent to? It shows me again how important it is and crucial to be informed fully, meditate, read relevant books on subject one the most important out of many are: MAXIMS OF LAW, by Broom and Bouvier (1856), 350 pages,…”excellent reference work on the fundamental principles of Law.. highly recommended”; The Spirit of Common Law by Roscoe Pound, (1921), Trust Law, And: Proper syntax grammar by David W.Miller.
To conclude: I do prefer to do my own paper work and stick to that, I do not consent to be governed by a corporation calling itself “a government”. And nothing can ever stand between myself and my Original Creator!!!!!!

This is a Sacred Space/U have nothing to be afraid, worried about

February 22, 2013

I have so many creative ideas that it is difficult for me to suspend them in the air and then pick the Uno. It is to be realized that within the ZERO point where everything is happening in quantum speed the linear pretend has no chance!
One writes unconditionally even if it is only of nobody but I don’t think so.
Meditation:it has been an organic everything that one needs to come to terms with.
Can be also sorting things/energies out, releasing everything heavy, un-natural and grey and even “afraid of or for”. The perceived fear is only temporal and the Just and clear/transparent stays.
In mediation I get to meet my self as a free energy. I want my body to be experiencing the same freedom that I have as Soul/Spirit. I want for my Soul to be in upgrade frequently to bring as much newness and freshness as possible so Gaia would feel the difference as well for carrying me on her Beautiful Face. Yet have to say I do feel Her tremble and I feel my inside tremble.
During this inquisitive time in space I have been experiencing an appreciation and wanted to write it down, hope in few well chosen “words”. For I do not like the English, it makes no sense to me. And am clear to say that people have been twisted into such a terminal, combustive and confusing soon to expire system.
The ability to appreciate is a great gift.

I entered an appreciation and as I did a man came into my picture and a healing took place. I felt emotional for recognizing the human spirit in everyone and my tears were running away from me. (Tears leaving=toxins leaving.)
This man is working as a car mechanic. I have known of him for many years, he has been putting up with my car before I divorced the believe that I want to be traveling in a toxic, dangerous and unfit, meaning also wrongly geometrically shaped thing which is set up to fail! So for last several years I bike and walk.

This man is my distant friend. (I really do appreciate his forte.) His hours in the shop are long, everybody wants
his/her car to be fixed here. Level of brilliance plus intuition leads him to figure out what many other shops coudn’t provide. He is like a resurecter of a deadly beast. He has at heart the best interests for his family he loves.

I felt his clear intentions and saw his Higher self. And this very seeing allows the access to the subtle energies we all live in. Healing happens as well.
He is constantly subject to environmental distress, toxic smell and discomfort for twisting his body under each vehicle at least 10 hours a day actually. Then he has a family he is dedicated to and he loves. For some reason in my meditation I saw him and felt a great appreciation for him as a human being and what he represents in the collective human consciousness:
On every level there is a transition. It is happening with us and or without us. It is better with us, because it causes a great statement where the collective human benefits the most. It might sound complicated only because the majority brain is brain washed, that the subconsciousness mind is also a child like, plus carries all the information from the individual plus the collective. It is like the night and the dream and the consciousness is like the day and the now you live in.
In a sense the “car” represents a negative ego/ mental body. At the very beginning it wasn’t like that. The intention was a “comfort faster transportation”. But based on combustion,it is like pretending/believing that this way is the only way and because of it we need to keep at it, only because the strongest representations of this low negative ego, can strive on it financially.And by doing so putting down the majority of the life in the physicality. We are aware that this insidious brat kid refuses to take a responsibility to grow up. It is the most un- natural mechanism known to ma’s internal intuitive knowledge and understanding. On the other hand there is 10 000 years advanced technology, as we keep reading about, based on Free Energy evolving the knowledge of telluric fields of planet Earth and her electro-magnetic field used by most of the Star Families who have been visiting us for thousands of years. Hence this free energy is in alignment with Nature. I am seeing the car as an obsolete archetype, sitting in a museum for last 100 years…

The negative ego of few people who are self serving Are NOt the True Guardians and hence cannot assume any role for governing this world. Only thee self first as a long process of self-growing for several incarnations!

I wish for my good distant friend that as in my meditation, his vast knowledge helps him to transform into the higher frequency level of understanding how free energy technology is our means to travel . So when I visit him in his renewed and clean shop he is able to teach me how my car could benefit me by being hydraulic, electrical and or even levitating, if we configured it’s shape into a harmless “darling”.

This makes me think-at-heart of the fact how big appreciation and respect one feels for some many people who lives on my beloved planet Earth/Gaia. For example:
Mahatma Gandi is my big brother and I love him. He represents for me Harmlessness. a Higher Choice. Intelligence and a maturity and Love. One appreciates Mother home Earth:
All the lash warm green forests, gardens who provide us with fruits and vegetables and Gaia work and Sun’s work is to be appreciated. The fact that the oceans represents the Infinite consciousness our small eyes reflect is a gift of abundance and appreciation and gratitude.greatly appreciated.

And through the expended conscious awareness one was taken into creating Amethyst/Emerald domes where one’s energy field can sit comfortable and observe a different healing to take place. The Amethyst/Emerald domes then transforming the “walls”. One hears the songs of Universes.