
Earth Mother as my teacher.

January 19, 2018

some 13th of this new january i was reading very old material which talked  about Atlantian calendar. As i was browsing through the text correcting some information from my own DNA memory, I felt this other layer {meaning:as a multidimensional any sentient reading invokes expansion so one is able to tap into other pages or layers of information simultaneously) connecting me to Mother Earth’s consciousness and “telling” = Showing, me something about it. I felt Earth is showing me clairvoyantly that these old calendars were being created to incorporate all the bodies of the universe on each corresponding  time line as a unique expression, however  Earth has her own “private” or innate calendar(S) <.so many.> This one presented it self as the LUBE PRINT (p.s. i meant actually the term “blue print” but it skipped the beep and went into Lube print instead so i am goinng to leave it as such for now, till corrected by the Higher sovereign self authority within.) P.S. pondering the Lube print i feel it might be connection to Earth’s celebrospinal fluids, you know the living liqueid you are putting into the cars calling it gas?

This Lube blue print calendar is the crystology of Earth’s accounts with all civilizations ever existing on Her face and inside of Her. The first layer i was shown, is the Earth Chart represented as 13 mothers for each “month”.The “months” and “days” is witnessed by Earth’s mind as the  linear terminology which is desperately iPhoto on 9-9-17 at 12.32 PMn-accurate negative hybrid overlaying the sacred feminine consciousness. This negative linear hibrid babylon magic is a scar over her face that She is healing in communion with the awakened humans and the star children coming quickly to Her aid more and more. It has farthure helped me to begin to understand a little better how this “personalized sacred feminine cronology/calendar is very tided into Earth’s own DNA stranding that is repaterning with the help of our local sun since the sun too is changing into the higher octave of beingness, ascending perhaps. All aligned once again with the Galactic central sun.

These mothers (again in linear program called “months”, how the Moon has been “cutting the Light!, to trigger the counting for different days, weeks, months…) are of different age and capacity, ability, knowingness. Just like obviously our own Light Body DNA has unique multilayer capacity for interacting with different realities, worlds, star people, nature, our own inner core of light…

There has been so many calendars and still are many.They work as archive for human civilization to validate chronicles of their evolution, awareness and contribution through Unity consciousness and Peace for the most part. (Exampleas would be: the Hindu calendar {}, Adam’s calendar (Africa mostly known by good man Michael Tellinger who has discovered this ancient system of measurement of time), Chinese calendar, Mayan calendar and also Croacian calendar, please take a look at this site article {}. And so many more!

Each of us have unique way of how we percieve reality. This is how i perceive it, how i am trying to brake the egg shale  to free myself completely from this imposing of one and only reality. And to connect to many other soul family members who are aware and awake.

 And again, listening and reading these “words” i am aware of the holes in the languaging since my core is of the feminine flow, using the linear rigid factor of speach to describe something that i am perceiving as a form of organic teaching straight from this living planet, is not withoug a struggle. There should be every efford made on our person part to spend extensive time inside of our selves so then we all may connect right where we belong,  the Inner self- Beingness, then the telepathy flows with ease. For now this is what we have as our tool to  master it. I feel this is wanted the connection with a seintient being be it a soul sister as a person or a living planet or a bug and or a tree. If this is needed then it is a tool for deeper heart felt thinking to understand our connection we must strive to want to communicate and dance with the living essence that brought us here. I percieve such a personal teaching from Earth mother as stimulating! And that is all (unlimited potential) i need to know.


May 17, 2016

From place of One Gaia meditation: may 2016 fraud time: in this layer of our group meditation        Photo on 2016-05-17 at 14.14 #2
I was brought closer  into the heart of my ancient shamannnes  healer. There is nobody who can teach you this except your very old soul can and the connection one has for Mother Earth. It is my continuous growing relationship I have chosen to have, allowing my present life to grow and evolve. With such a sincere relationship and daily self-care and inner works the underveloped ego/mind programming and self =defeting thoughts/believes are much lesser affecting my decisions, understanding of life purpose, and the difference how this artificial world needs human to be undermined in order to survive and to live off human’s mind/ego.
Today we studied skin from energy perspective: every spectrum of light within our skin.Permanent authentic energy  imprinting seemed to be taking place into our awareness. We were learning the language of the photonic light via the skin. I don’t even know how to write about it, so i will go slow and see what happens. Maybe one needs long time for this to fully understand, intutively that is rather then surface life mentally, which is the limitiation we are overcoming here. We could use at least  five days of uninterrrupted meditation. These 5 days  would make 1 “day” in the galactic central sun where we end up being today, in one fraud hour. What i am saying here is to learn more and more from the infinite point of “view” and transmited into the physical finite realm of this not really existence, because….. how can you exist if everything here  is limiting to you, like money, like lack of travel, you constantly are prone to “worry”. Worry doesn’t make you live.

Here is something within i can perhaps call “emotional recording of my meditation experience”.

We are healing and connecting to what AL-WAYS has been originally intended: THE KNOWING WE ARE ONGOING LIFE.  (I question the jargon of saying “every day is a new day” or “If you don’t feel loved you settle for feeling to be needed”.*) In biology we know life is endless intelligence self – organized, therefore the DNA is a endless stream of awareness, memory and spectrum of LIGHT Language. As per example something from the Soul Light language that is 12 dimensions accurate:

…”the Hapshashataa” roughly may mean ” flying flower essences producer,”  the english is calling the flying flower essences “the butterflies”.  Alright so the english sees it as a flying butter.

Hapshashataa the flying flower essences levitating, are collecting data from one spoon of other levitator- the earth flowers- onto a different breatherin of flowers in north to the south. Hence giving more genetic communications to one another, just like the human could do, if its DNA woudn’t be thought only as two stranded mantle of borrowed material from his/her ancestors, having a fatals floss in it. The flowers  interact, and give of their DNA essence to these polinators.  The additional observance was that such an interaction in nature communicates inter dimensionally for many gaia

s denizens. These teachings through One Gaia meditions are helping to heal the human life compass.

Such as for instance the following:

During the process of experiencing this different level of DNA Light codes teaching I was heart- reminded of all those childhood/youth times =pages of my days, where my life was not fully given its autograph of conscious vibrational dance. In another words ~ Spiriti put it: the may childhood moments were not filled with awareness, {Therefore where awareness is not acitivated dense energy takes over and person or a child can be affected, influenced from the outside such as perhaps a fight of a parents arguing over soomething and the child psychically picking it up and storing it in her little digestive system and or nervous system etc,}.Child’s soul is apart from the disturbed physical shell, it can have eating habit dissorders, gain fat,the presumed veil gets thicker and thicker in times of huge distressful situations, more density takes over and one forgets his her Spirit body. Then we have this ongoing problem with a forced separation of a spirit and matter. Then we have this ongoing problem with materialism, iddiocy, politicians and poor quality of life.Enclosure has been created.Again all these other  old and more layers of the same were being canceled during the meditation so we could learn, retrieve and gain from the Light language DNA which is many more then two strands.
It does continue to show up because of what is happening with Mother Earth, what is happening with the so called human. Therefore this human skin is to be taken to Spirit cleaners, to recover my own Sophia of all its living and non living/renegate.= claim it back into your awareness. 
As our meditation work unraveled the group became one big Hapshashata,then add to it was 
 a tree, a new space on earth, earth her self, water, fire, cave, voice.  And people in this group
 experienced it. 

People need to give them selves LIFE BACK IN FULL. Versus: People choosing acidic expression that is killing , lying in blind noise of junk and confusion. The forced manufactured by bulling media aggression you are expected to be enjoying, is not your true birth autograph, dear people: examine energetically the word “people” like as in “apple”=knowledge
of what? For example: The knowledge of zero point energy withing the human electro-magnetic filed if it is cultivated, nurtured, preserved, rested well, exercised well,the human is its own free doctor energy. That is the truth.

The meditators are experienced and evolved beings. That is why we may enjoy a better queality of teachings that are endless. 

We have torn the veil even better today. My skin has all the transparency of Light I am colors. The Infinite connected to its finite self, now in communications, one of many many part.
Who can give me passport for that? What agency wants to claim a hierarchy over my sovereign soul? I don’t acknowledge any such corps having any more place in life fully lived. Keep the plasma of Mother Earth within your eternal Being, know of it, be it as it is lovely highly deeply always for ever more :mama-kuna-ye layehe. THis is the SoulLight contact, the WO- man in festival. Then ask your self another question(s): who can possibly have access to your own Akashic record  but you? Who can tell you about your self but you? Well, i think deeply into Isness, with all my lives ever lived, experienced and now fully integrated cannot be ever again stolen, infringed upon, illegally taxed, sold, re-incarnated. Because i said so, i did so i know so i am so, with Isness, the perpetuity, the whole complete life force of this entire universe the oldest one the Original Creator has thought of and loved and has Presence here there and everywhere  the clear crystal liquidity light. I thank my own Soul and i thank my own heart and my own feet and i thank the Higher Intelligence helping me to be free every day more free. 

Namaste, transparent crystal guide.