Archives: April 2020

This is a SacredSpace: Come and Co-Motherfest with Her.

April 9, 2020

aloha. My page as it was almost written what I wanted, disappeared so i am starting again this post.

A new beloved (in the tittle of today’s post) frequency of sacred feminine came to me, expressing it, feels so gentle and more home, so I trust it is O.K. to mention it and share it with you, dear friends. My post today is about how one spends her time in the lock down, what can you learn if you want to (?), if when people around  feel uneasy, they are hiding,seem unreachable, which may lead you to misunderstand and take it personally, coliding with each other in their homes, running out of fiat, food and patience, trapped questioning wondering, having fights and arguments because that is what misery does to people when they don’t know what is going on, and the real reasons behind all of this. and they are being told what to think their own critical thinking for them selves not so much as their forte. That is wrong in my books. And just when I think to my self “Oh troubled people let’s not make an enemy among our selves, let s communicate, share..” And I think, I might fail, It doesn’t happen, I can reach out, I can reach him or her, It is O.K> and we are talking and it is GOOD. I am doing my part to be of help and positive interaction and encouragement of better days ahead. My self I  feel relaxed, having loads of unwanted previous challenges, and co-creating motherfesting with Spirit, After what ever  needed to be taken care I’d like to use the material lack of missing things and turn it into a spirit energy. Some of my pastels and rainbow coloured pencil are with me to be using them

I feel well I feel  relaxed, continuing my daily practices in between working, easy flowing mixture of texture.  The idea of staying outside and meditating attractive, even though there was  strong wind, clearing away useless chemicals from the long grey tractor-tire fields of clouds

…I wanted to connect with the Sun-setting, so I sat down and got quiet, using my white feather template for non-attachment, un-assuming… What I saw was huge and long rubbery like tube feminine white being with a burgundy rose  flower behind her spirit ear, joining my silent interaction…What was presented to me was pyramid ( as it appeared several weeks ago to reveal some details). And it was so clear and simple and I got the reason behind this and why the corona virus  is a riddle actually. Virus is called the one who wants to remove the actual long standing defects, infection, but the defective infectious bully doesn’t like to be taken down from the top of the seeing pyramid ( hence the corona may also represent, beside the sun corona, the “crown” the top of the pyramid that is being taken down as it appeares),and it is not this sun that I have connected to,). That makes sense .. The few weeks ago when some info about the triangle, the pyramid arrived I was reminded to look up as a refreshment on the fact our DNA is full of viruses, they are reminders, when something is out of balance in our own human bodies, these protene mimicing sentices come to bring balance again thus we get flu and that is all. (bellow link of wikipedia not my favorite but gives at outline, when I asked where do virus originated from? I didn’t get anywhere answers, so I ask Spirit. Maybe you ask too? Let’s see what answers we may learn…

. I really wished  all humanity having one clear positive time line. What I don’t know is if on Mother beloved Earth there is anything virgin like neutral place, space continent, river anything that doesn’t’ have any corporation’s names and labels attached to it, it is not stolen taken colonised, it is just Earth, There is no passport no money, It is JUST EARTH. Sensational Earth, Free EARTH NOT BELONGING TO ANYTHING JUST TO HER SELF HAVING HER BEAUTIFUL HUMAN PEOPLE LIGHTANDed UP LIVING!That has been my birth mark of meditation, my birth mark worth of bring. What is your vision? What is you want? Leave me a message, add to it. Thank you and wishing you beautiful imagination, magic feeling the earth beneath your lovely two feet.

Namaste, Spirit KrystalGuide. 


April 3, 2020

I am having conversations with my heart. I send it love daily, putting one hand over it. It likes sincerely, authenticity, truth, courage. I am straight forward unique, unit of many planets and many words now of this world, that is obvious, …my heart goes on…there is more about this but let’s skip it and let’s go to the following page in my book: WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO ME IS WHAT I LIVE FOR NOT WHAT I WORK FOR. That is my own soul intimacy. The soul intimacy needs to be (for my to practice) the highest frequency, i love velvet, silk, silver, white light pure, space, aspects of virtue of reality, to communications with the star systems manly the sun and the galactic central sun, It is important to me IF I AM STILL ABLE TO CREATE ANYTHING BEAUTIFUL AFTER SO MUCH DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE TO MY LIFE? It is important to me the integrity with which I do things, what I say. FEELINGS and “allowing”: LET ME FEEL MY SELF FOR CHANGE instead of figuring out other people (also this was a wrong gene in my heart due to abuse, so I could create my safe space).Feeling my own feelings not other’s people’s feelings, I think humanity’s home work is to stop warring about silly non existent virus that kind that people are being trained to fear… Human’s better use of their own time could be something like  coming home for them selves while the corona virus 19 (? why 19 cause it was made somewhere in the laboratory last de facto year???) business people . and actors on common media are talking care of their own world wide business distributing humanity with falls flag of  deadly non existent viruses. Question the integrity of that information, since that information is missing integrity to me it is bullshit. somewhere  shall be my actual recording which comes with my text, to hear might be also useful/smile.


If the virus is made in mililabs and mixed with animal gene and or off world material then Yes it is a concern but so-far that has not been found and nobody is proving to me/showing me how this virus suppose to look like really I don’t really take seriously something that is hugely missing integrity. Let’s go back to the Emotions: Feeling my own emotions means a sense of real security, safety, free of worries (because WHY WOULD I WANT TO CHOOSE TO LOWER MY FREQUENCY TO HELP THE ASHOLS TO WIN IF I AM HERE TO MAKE SURE THE NATURE CONTINUES ON GAINING WHERE IT BELONGS?) Learning from what is happening inside continues to build stamina, continues to build soul intimacy, continues to build trust and one is also careful about it. Soul Intimacy, equals soul mate it is me to myself I refuse the labels such as OCD, ADD, etc., … MY HEART MY FACE… FACE SHOWING ME MY HEART’S MESSAGE… I WEAR THE HEART AS MY FACE. I FACE MY HEART… PROSPERIOUS IS MY NATURE…. so 11 years it takes me to find out the mysterious and sacred ways of revealing its truth , grace and gentle closures,.. learning through love instead of coercion and or violence (fear, tyranny like what is happening now is a treason in many ways) New Zealand to me is like Earth’s sacred WOMB where my Spirit can be reconnected to my brain again in couople of months and create new meanings and new beginings for my life. To be in New Zealand teaches me of what it means to have inner balance. I am on scale of my own self, vibrational match.

as my partner points out, “flat theory of Earth ?Great let’s ged rid of the 24hours cycle then!”

Namaste from Transparent Crystal Spirit guide, Jarmila.