This IS a Sacred Space/awakening into once’ own Higher Confidence:
March 16, 2013
the day before today I was just again pondering and FEELING my Home Planet and people that I am proud of to be sharing this almost turquoise energy (THe “blue” lips of Father Sky kissing the Green Mother’s body Gaia, her mostly Feminine surface getting better by the day, transforming into the most beautiful Divine Goddess there ever has been!) She is so Rising and I wonder: Can YOu feel Her?..
I have been borrowing these English words into existence to be able somewhat “communicate” but had promised to myself my next blog is different.(to be).
I have been working tirelessly with many others of removing the blocks, parasitical criminal and hostile energies, have not been sleeping, tossing and turning my body into overtwisting my mind with overwhelming knowing what has been happening and what is to happen, the rise of the White Gaia Soul BOdy which some of us shall witness as a Blessing and some of them will witness as a consequence of their actions against life…. I have been crying and calling for some kind of Supper man ability to change the pain without adding more pain, trying to consolidate my personal “tragedy” and the realization that all my life I was never able to speak fluently to accommodate my huge heart and my huge emotionally body which could magically stop all the harm being done, and then rising like the eagle within higher perception allowing to guide me into a calm and decisive place where I am finally seeing my self to be resolving something I cannot let go of and have to find a solution to. To confront the criminals who took my children. How to confront all these people who has cause me AND thousands of families so much pain that it almost kill all the senses and abilities invested in me as a Spiritual guide,my human self, someone who intuitively knew how to guide others out of their own challenges and struggle. IT has been taking me six years to recover and heal from enduring such kind of most cruel treatment. The ex-husband and his terrible wife accountable for lying to my children telling them that I was at any point emotionally and mentally unstable without bringing one single prove for their abusive claim, hence forth it was better for my children to go and live with them without seeing me, and by doing so endorsing a complete separation from their dedicated mother, this fraudulent woman marrying my ex-husband has forced her self to be the authority over my children without their or my knowledge and consent, I want to see the judge who asked me for 50.000 canadian dollars and who has refused to read my evidence and to hear me, going to gail as well as the people from children’s aid society who broke into my home and my children’s school claiming they had the right to manipulate, harass and intimidate me and my children with their removal if I or they don’t cooperate with their’s rules! All energy is being broadcasted transmuted individually into the collective and collectively back onto the individuals, this is how are we connected, if large group of people has felt depressed, suicidal it is also because they felt the treason overall but they were not aware of it completely, they thought it was only their own little world unhappy… Well Earth Is Changed so trauma doesn’t apply, it has to leave, by all possible means!
At the place of my Centre and strong standing and seeing what is happening on the big scale and how this brake down is part of big picture and huge changes, the total end of the patriarchate mentality and despotism and it’s idiocy for control. I am touched by humanity as well as very frustrated with it… I know that most family of human are good people they care for each other, and there are few who are an idiots just because they believe they have to behave instead of be them selves, to defend their own insecurities and their imprisonment in believes.
Intimidations and any kind of emotional and mental blackmail can set one to shut down. But the strong sense for Higher Justice that one knows of pulls you up and back on your feet. Staying focused and build High Infinite energy and maintain Higher connection and centre, is the main inspiration and Guidance for closures for resolving conflicts. What your intuition is telling you can be also supported in having the knowledge of the law the means how to put negative energy into it’s right place.Like behind bars and setting the same life conditions which were inflicted upon innocent people, make them drink and oily polluted water, a hard manual labor with minim of food mainly Monsanto’s genetically modified corn and such as for lovely nutritions for all the criminals etc., Monstanto is also on the list of criminals and shall be dealt accordingly.
As you keep going and working with the High realms of energies the physical manual of my logic an clarity build its confidence. Well as I am connected to the people I have not met with I have observed the huge movement that has been going on .I feel this is OUROBOROS in Action: (“The true positive Mayan Prophecy is revealed by dearest Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book), the ancient Mayan prophecies that the only way to a higher consciousness and to positive change is throughout the HEART and how the old needs to meet with the new because both need each other. I add they need to find life for each other in harmony. I celebrate the fact that so many intelligent and truly brave and confident people, my soul family are on the same energy frequency of love and unconditional support and see that the lighter way is the way which has the potential for removal of hardships. Through the same difficult hardships it is leading us towards each other to see how easy it is to be living in the heart. Many closed up adults would do well to learn this from little children! Cooperation is the positive faculty and the source of mutual abudance.
The Higher Truth is coming to meet with us- who are ready- with her big smile on Her “face”.
I found out last night, it actually came to me very obviously the most Historical event has taken place and shall continue to unravel. Annuncement for THE CORPORATION OF CANADA HAS BEEN FORCLOsSED ON MARCH 8TH, 2013
Here are links so see for your selves :;; Notice:Canada is dissolved -8 march 2013, also look for a download which you can carry with you and which you can autograph your self for your self. This is about arresting Harper and Elizabeth Winsor who were found guilty as charged with genocide committed against at least 50 000 Native children but that is not all.
This Public Disclosure is a Sister for the previous announcement we have received about USA: (the Public Trust) and foreclosure of Corporation USA)
I would invite us to take very close look not only at above links but also to ready fully THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, available on the internet.
in honor for Gaia and all beloved honorable living souls