
This is My Sacred Space:The Seaker and the Seeking.

September 29, 2018

The word “darkness” can be considered and understood as magnificent UNEXPLORED LIGHT; A POTENTIAL. within MY SPIRIT EGGS POTENTIALS THAT I TAKE BY MY OWN FAST GROWING AWARENESS into my I AM PRESENCE. That is what makes it safe and protected. I am here in this transformational transmutation transcendence plasma void/world land of Earth Mother face surface, to support and encourage, point out the much much higher CONSCIOUSNESS THAT IS AVAIABLE, AND   free of  “fast food” noisy and dangerous vehicles, of-gassing smoky factories, abusive people etc., SILENCE BRAKES THE INTUITION SPAM. VORTEX=plasma=CREATION.  To be continued.

Namaste Jarmila Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide



This is my Sacred Space: Prague, the Spiritual High Alchemist.

September 9, 2018

Aloha, I want to make sure to talk about the fact that our Planet as a Sacred living Sentience, has ever MORE places  deserving to be validated, experienced for their original authenticity and spiritual connections rather then commercial means.  Prague is place of ancient alchemy.

Cause not everybody is into the  comercialism and consumarism rushing to be buing  a bombastic and glamorous souvenier for 8.000  Krowns, burping pizza and bear as he drags his precious souvenier through the thick volumes of visitors., mainly in the summer months. Prague has been stuffed with thousands of crystal snoby shops, with beer spills, cigarette smoke aiming inevitably into your face  of unaware noisy travelers who go to Prague  just to say they have been there to see what everybody goes to see: the tower, the castle, the beer drinking experience, the Charle’s bridge, the Singing fountain. Gets on the horse vagon and presumes now he know the city. Well brother, you might have missed something.

We organic human beings need to REALIZE WE ARE PART OF GREATER EVOLVING CONSCIOUSNESS AND THAT IS MOTHER NATURE. WE NEED TO SEEK  WHAT IS OUR NATURE AND HOW IT MAY MATCH, REFLECT, ACTIVATE, CHANGE UPON/WITHIN THE PLACES WE ARE VISITING, we are immigrating to, or were born to…  We need to stop buying into the pushy and forcing artificial neediness of consumerism as single reality, constantly creating sense of unworithiness, lack, poverty and other self-serving programs of propaganda. And acknowledge each of us has her/his own reality. So does every city, every tree, every hill, vortex, star gate, crystal caves etc. It all has its unique energy, spirit, soul, messages. One of my many realities  for example, is  the fact that i  might have been  born in Prague and had very tough life there, for one nasty people had taken over in some 50 years ago and the czech was duped. The story seems to be continuously modified in accordance to some technology rather then human heart’s truth and free will and co-creation., to the needs of  the surface cosmetic appearances. And it can make one to want to say something about it provided there is a different ground understanding available to us. 

Consider to  open your heart and eyes to what is beyond the matrix in every place you are visiting as traveleres. Lets say for the sake of an example, WHAT IF you wanted to reunite with your true soul family, make a closure to some family history, have more understanding, wanted a different experience,  and the place you were guided to was a Grand Canyon in AMerica, Ancient pyramid in Rumania, dolphins in Atlantic ocean, area 51 or Prague the heart of Europe? NAMING AND FINDING WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT PRAGUE? HOW DOES IT VIBRATIONALLY MATCH YOUR REASONS FOR BEING IN PRAGUE?

YOU didn’t travel here to “just get laid” (to terribly mistaken your sacred sexuality for something else as you saw it on television that doesn’t love you), or got drunk, ate too much pizza!!! I can’t actually believe i’ve seen that, several pizza restaurants in Prague??? Is that why millions of Italian tourists are coming to eat Pizza in Prague? I am really curious myself about this. No no no, you didn’t come for that here. Think again. What makes this place different/ What is unique about Prague? And why these questions are  not part of your corporate declaration?

  For two I may have grew up in the very back yard of Old Time square. The city may had been the inspiration of how could i get to know my self better in times of having no parents around, so… On my very odd days out of time…, was to  spit (with the other kids) down  from the old  tower. The goal was to measure the speed of my spit as a purely scientific curiosity, and then place  bets with my peers for the most powerful, most sophisticated spit ever in history of this very tower. Somehow we intuitively felt many generations before us had a similar use and reasons for being that high looking at all the 100 towers all around and have our moment of a measure too. Do i have to mention some of us got cought and had to face the consequences for we were apparently being disrespectful to this place of our ancestors, people of high places of world famous educators. Well my grandfather was highly respected professor of chemistry at Charles University. There you go world famous chemists shamans and alchemist generations of them growing up Prague and Prague growing their psychic abilities throught chemistry/al-chemy, is all the same. Then we found out the adults were doing the spit as we the kids…  

We live in “times” of big uncovering, discovering, making ancient connections among ourselves, huge awakening in awareness. Working with the galactic 208 000 numbers of years cycles. Places on Mother Earth are waking up and Prague will not stale behind.

Every living soul wants to be loved, respected, seen, heard, acknowledged, each wants to find her/his own place and purpose. Only if you are AUTHENTIC and true to your self, you give your true self  to another living soul, to your project, idea, study, hobby, to Earth…, you shall be happy, living as the original rather then a copy. I have said this many no-times before. For it is true. Each of us have our own truth which is equally valid in the spirit eyes of Mother Earth.

 The authentic self   honores and respects. There is a respect for Earth and everything what is placed  as authenticity on Her face. These places are places of legacy, places of power. We need to  quiet ourselves, teach the yonge generations to be respectful as that is part of being nobel, rather then vulgar, loud, and full of smoking mirrors and arrogaant images and messages that some believe wants us to manifest and forfate our own original blue print of creation. Cause what is a behaviour but reflection of some kind of repetation of believe as a predictive corporate soul-less modeling. That which  only could be observed and copied from wifi  technology programming you, and your thoughts, your actions, your decisions/choices every step of the way according to its forced evolution. Example  public media system. 

 Avoiding second hand opinions of you, I invite you into finding your own authenticity, your own truth of who you are, instead of the forced collective accepted consumer value denying you your own self-validated interpersonal and spiritual need to grow up. The gift of Prague and her essence is in offering you the least expected, facilitation into your beginning. As the silent observer alchemist who knows who is visiting this very heart of ancient scholars of change. Be willing to see Prague not as presented to you by the life-less western cult society uniform of fast food,  big companies, such copies repeat them selves to dull the minds. And how is that “convenient for you”?I don’t really appreciate how that enriches olden city?TO have mc donald as part of czech cuisine? With other questionable cheap shots od those who wrongly believe they are number one and can continue to be harnessing the life force of this planet. Be willing to understand Prague as place offering you more insight into your soul’s journey. 

Who and What Prague is? Should be the equaly good question as who and what am I?  Well dear traveleres,  please consider while  you are being marched by your travel agent group leaders through the Old Time square to see the newly reconstructed Orloy, that is the  Old and “famous” Tower those are the 12 apostles looking  at you from a different time line and different dimensional perspective witnessing you and your  sore necks and feet from the cobble stones all day walking here and there… Here it is when upon the strike of the symbolic skeletal figure indicating the shift of time, you are aligning with your higher divine free sovereing will of organic evolution, peace, love, harmony manifestation, Or if you might be just a 3D tourist , stricking the cord of those who has programmed your life for you. You decide your preference. Here you are making your wishes, your prayers  come true, At least that is the saying that goes by.., or it might be for some rare souls the  conscious application of the sacred arts of the self I am Presence, in Unity and no harm to any sentient life. In the language of that tower are meta messages , symbols of our mixed ancestors. Some may be positive incantations for growing sovereign culture, diversity within unity, far seeing prosperity for all people of peace, anywhere in the worlds. As the apostoles are rotating around, you might be activating your own synchronicities, incarnations you ever have had in Prague and elsewhere. You are steping into multitude spectrum of difficult time lines that Prague had to go through to become this city that is today. Many of her faces real and fake to fit everyone’s idea. 

 You woun’t be abel=able to buy Prague. Under neath of her many skirts is her skill the measure. Only she can decide whether you earned your nowingness or not. This might be for some the highlight of her alchemical application as the sacred lady Prague actually is but in apperance she may resemble many matrix places you have seen somewhere else. (the fast food, the big magnamous stores, the commercials on the T.V. interrupting your clever thoughts) but don’t worry about those. When you are in Prague know you came into a beginning.. Hold onto nothing, let go and enjoy, if you are of pure heart.

With these “thoughts and ideas” i wish to leave Prague and wish her prosperity of the heart’s truth, of new and unique inventions, talented and gifted souls who are not for sale. Thank you and

Namaste. Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide.Photo on 2009-12-21 at 18.31

This is my Sacred Space: Growing

July 25, 2018

The Home page of my love website is a Welcome to you, dear True Soul Family Members. Please make sure you read/feel it. I am addressing also those DNA links to Pleiadians, Sirius, Andromedans, Orions, Vegans, Inner Earth/Agarthans. And the Unseen worlds. 

iam2.jpgand Infinite Mother Goddess of All Creation incoded in each of us as well as within Mother Earth’s being.

Looking into my websites pages – their many drafts waiting to come out into seen world, I am feeling again like a raw and wet small caterpillar who remembers all the butterfly strings only when it becomes the new butterflying sorcer of Original Source. The Source Itself does get lost, on purpose, to find itself. I have been “sitting in cocoon” chooing on a live (not a leave) of a different life FOR WHERE THE POTENTIALITY OF A SPECIES EXISTS. HUGE AND POWERFUL. On the small scale of my micro being i am aware that Source is holding space for us.  IT Has been holding and holding for me  feeling in a small minees of feelings the ten thousands million other time lines Source manifest It self while i am speed strugeling from one afwul memory to another into a beautiful gardens with happiness all around me, meeting my unseen world, recognizing the many star families who come and visit briefly as a reminder of how huge this family actually IS.

I got lost my self in my own pretence that i have to shape my writing into simplified calm structure lineary synchronizing to the level of what the public/reader can assimilate as it’s own understanding, (based in linear believes and programs once again>)… against (well I wish to harmonize it instead of formulating as “against something”) and organically synchronizing with the elements of wild nature of all changes punching my ego down to bring about the real communication skills. We have those in the heart. I have walked the edges of what i can put into words in terms of my knowledge, my understanding of the big picture with the mitochondria of a human life. And i found times again that the linguistics are really my only thing that limits me and holding me back from achieving my goals and purposes. The fear of coming forward and sharing throught the world of “words” can be realy overwhelming. You know because….I feel like this BLANK PLAN OF SOURCE ITSELF, again Source holding space for us. I have been rinsing my tonge in the SOUL LIGHT LANGUAGES FOR SO MANY LONG FRAUD YEARS, i have been rinsing my tonge/ language in waters of the new pericardium where the old programming is obsolete, where one is fully imprinting her face into her own heart!

Facing now another insecurity of m negative ego. It is on top of me. Why am I allowing it? Why I don’t want to get involved with the broadcasting system? Because of psychic parazites? I am in the wood. Let me provide you with what i mean when i say “I am in the wood”. My (Spirited) intellect has been chooing on the problem of english for years. Thus i say ….am in the wood. Silent. Standing tree inside of me holding space for my human who goes through so many changes she can barely keep up with it. I have been stretching the synthetic strands of english far too long, looking at it from my NO-TIME LIVING ANCESTOR BEING’s observation/feeling. And i have to say: I cannot speak like everybody speaks for the sake of sameness, for the sake you may understand when i repeat like a parot the sentenses you have been taught in your schools because that is NOT HOW WE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE FOR THE BETTER HERE. My language is HEART BASED. My language must continue to be transparent and authentic. And that is my diagnoses. The amount of work what has been produced privately is enormous but very little comes out into the broadcast to the public. I am also aware this has to do with all the incarnations and evolved individuals and how they have been attacked, destroyed by the schyzophrenic psychopaths of status quo. I am so tired of it. I am so aware of it. And look at us we are coming back we always come back stronger with our own organic evolution our nature just like the wheat grass boldly grows through the toxic poisons called ass-hphalt that makes me smile makes me remember and so i go back into the voice heart truth to be in council of my True Soul families together in union.

Namaste, Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide Jarmila

This is my sacred Space and what the Light Soul Languages

July 20, 2018

Oh brother, I thought i had something more then just nothing on this so evolved page. To share with interested soul family the Light codes. Here are my writen thoughts in the meantime.

i think while making some food for myself human woman,  i am thinking thoughts  that are directed to my daughter.  She represents the next future present generation. I would like to email here to ask her something new:…” would you be interested in my website? I would like to learn what you think of this kind of work, what would be your feedback?” There is a sad memory/ distant shadow of wanted an approval,  so to cancel the push backs and many disapprovals and fraud years of rejectings of me. Like the rejection of Light languages which is something that is so part of my being as this human is part and shelter for my soul.  The light languages carries DNA activation, healing codes, upliftment, omnipresence, removing mental linearity. I celebrate the birht of them in my being for many years. Since my childeren were little children teh light soul languages helped me to heal my self, they helped to understand who and what i am and whom i am becoming, how my soul grows expontialy in light years, so distant from human drama, separation, lack, unhapiness, and all these things that make this life on earth so dense and difficult. The soul light languages are my soul shards, helping rise mine and thousands of other people’s frequency. I sing them to Mother Earth for many years now in Earth Shamanic ceremonies. Here are some examples:Movie on 2014-05-11 at 14.00 #2 (it is a spirit ray song of peace). And i will be bringing all the soul light codes here for i have many to share with my beloved soul families all over this planet and other planets as well. It is just difficult for me to do computer work and i need help. SO with more percevirence and a help from a dear friend i shall succeed. 

Namaste, Nahava-kiyaye, yochona, nayka kamo. Transparent crystal spirit guide jarmila



Earth Mother as my teacher.

January 19, 2018

some 13th of this new january i was reading very old material which talked  about Atlantian calendar. As i was browsing through the text correcting some information from my own DNA memory, I felt this other layer {meaning:as a multidimensional any sentient reading invokes expansion so one is able to tap into other pages or layers of information simultaneously) connecting me to Mother Earth’s consciousness and “telling” = Showing, me something about it. I felt Earth is showing me clairvoyantly that these old calendars were being created to incorporate all the bodies of the universe on each corresponding  time line as a unique expression, however  Earth has her own “private” or innate calendar(S) <.so many.> This one presented it self as the LUBE PRINT (p.s. i meant actually the term “blue print” but it skipped the beep and went into Lube print instead so i am goinng to leave it as such for now, till corrected by the Higher sovereign self authority within.) P.S. pondering the Lube print i feel it might be connection to Earth’s celebrospinal fluids, you know the living liqueid you are putting into the cars calling it gas?

This Lube blue print calendar is the crystology of Earth’s accounts with all civilizations ever existing on Her face and inside of Her. The first layer i was shown, is the Earth Chart represented as 13 mothers for each “month”.The “months” and “days” is witnessed by Earth’s mind as the  linear terminology which is desperately iPhoto on 9-9-17 at 12.32 PMn-accurate negative hybrid overlaying the sacred feminine consciousness. This negative linear hibrid babylon magic is a scar over her face that She is healing in communion with the awakened humans and the star children coming quickly to Her aid more and more. It has farthure helped me to begin to understand a little better how this “personalized sacred feminine cronology/calendar is very tided into Earth’s own DNA stranding that is repaterning with the help of our local sun since the sun too is changing into the higher octave of beingness, ascending perhaps. All aligned once again with the Galactic central sun.

These mothers (again in linear program called “months”, how the Moon has been “cutting the Light!, to trigger the counting for different days, weeks, months…) are of different age and capacity, ability, knowingness. Just like obviously our own Light Body DNA has unique multilayer capacity for interacting with different realities, worlds, star people, nature, our own inner core of light…

There has been so many calendars and still are many.They work as archive for human civilization to validate chronicles of their evolution, awareness and contribution through Unity consciousness and Peace for the most part. (Exampleas would be: the Hindu calendar {}, Adam’s calendar (Africa mostly known by good man Michael Tellinger who has discovered this ancient system of measurement of time), Chinese calendar, Mayan calendar and also Croacian calendar, please take a look at this site article {}. And so many more!

Each of us have unique way of how we percieve reality. This is how i perceive it, how i am trying to brake the egg shale  to free myself completely from this imposing of one and only reality. And to connect to many other soul family members who are aware and awake.

 And again, listening and reading these “words” i am aware of the holes in the languaging since my core is of the feminine flow, using the linear rigid factor of speach to describe something that i am perceiving as a form of organic teaching straight from this living planet, is not withoug a struggle. There should be every efford made on our person part to spend extensive time inside of our selves so then we all may connect right where we belong,  the Inner self- Beingness, then the telepathy flows with ease. For now this is what we have as our tool to  master it. I feel this is wanted the connection with a seintient being be it a soul sister as a person or a living planet or a bug and or a tree. If this is needed then it is a tool for deeper heart felt thinking to understand our connection we must strive to want to communicate and dance with the living essence that brought us here. I percieve such a personal teaching from Earth mother as stimulating! And that is all (unlimited potential) i need to know.



December 31, 2017

I woke up this morning with a new no-time wrist “watch” Mother Earth has left me with after i left my dream body.
It was very interesting surprise since i have been without any wrist watch for over 30 years for the very simple reason of no need to be measuring anything except putting my efforts or choosing to live in the present moment. O.k. this morning I got this new gift and it looks like a pressure gauge with a ball compass used by scuba divers. In addition this thing has something like four legs or tentacles indicating a collective and or unity of awareness. When i felt the purpose of this gift, i was told that one of the “legs” is for the surface earth no-time=presence=zero point, the other is for the inner earth=much stronger frequency collective no-time=zero point=presence, the third is for the level of consciousness humanity is moving towards and or away from, and the last one is the unconscious leg, the ego…All of them in unified field of Earth Mind now “training me to be aware of this compass which looks as describe above plus the very top features Earth’s  belly button in fist apperance but ofcorse we know it is actual psychic picture connection point with the galactic center, full of sun light. Earth is full of this double sun light. Double cause we have been interacting for some time now with the galactic central sun directly. (the picture bellow is my primitive description but very accurate of the earth’ synchronicity of no-time “watch” with the galactic center as per the “belly button”.

Synhronicity of No-Time Earth

….Since i am writing this post at the very edge of the end of this fraud year, in december 31st, 2017 there is a little more for you to feel and connect to: (the insight came just the day before) “The Day of My Power”: Power is oposit to war! Power is when you give up on wondering where about and the outside is no longer “out there”! Give in is Power . Power IS FREEDOM from domination and control, it is my own sovereign authenticity, my own authority within myself. When i am back in my own home- the heart  with my team of Spirit guides and beings and ancestors, it is called power…”

Namaste from the Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide and Presence may be the major within me and you with feet bear touching and communicating to this loved Earth.20160904_190641


This is my Sacred Space – The Pandora Box and the Realm of realness

December 26, 2017

It is matured fraud afternoon at this moment.

The SUN wants me to go outside of my house, to get in its Golden-orange ornamental Presence. So I can regain my sunny nature of happy and happy -go- lucky being of natural Earth. It is December 25th 2017 another fraud day in the world of preetendce. The world has its many a Pandora boxes wrapped in poisoned chocolates and faked expensive gifts that people are opening now as their most “un-expected” christmas present(s). I am in the arms of me of-no-time recapitulating what i have done this fraud year, what i have given, learned, forgotten, got angry with and about while still feeling love and gratitude for what is real.

I raised a glass of pure water to my forehead and the water revealed to me the state of my mind. There was a depth of it in orange color and all around it – but not in perfect circle, – rather in perfect cosmic like spiral i saw clouds and white fluff very soft and floating. In my dream there were the actions of many changes. What needs to heal? Everything! I say. This world is such a mess and it is breaking apart, the people are so concerned with their attachments just like i am concerned with mine: where should i live, what other kinds of works and healing modalities i can birth to prove my self to a new awakening persons without any need to prove anything. Then i saw in the dream of many layers a cat and her human owner. The owner was moving from one house to another and had to arrange a truck to fit all her possessions into it. The cat meeaued, hopped on her master’s lap and “just because”.. that was it. What a brisk and brilliant vivid message from Spirit!? I thought to my self.. The cat with no attachments and the human person with all attachments. Another world of differences. I have thought of very old and diseased people who have very hard time to die, to leave this planet so other souls may be born. I thought of Europe and the places i have visited during my birth there, the place of deep ancient alchemy where i come from and how it may have served me with what i am of service now. To raise the torchred humanity’s consciousness, to raise my young human woman, the person who stutters behind my Spirit….Healers and alchemist they have most definitely much different knowingness and observation from those living in unawareness busy with the Pandora boxes. Just wait when they open them. In last several months, during the forced evolution and its manipulating people into buying things for the end of the year”christmas”, i saw many versions of a christarms trees: And on the last occasion while complete and as always ignoring the whole sharad the Intuitive in me saw a tall evergreen (my Spirit, the Krystal or Christ being as the KRYST_ARMS TREE of glowing its DNA the garlanded, laced golden belt wrapping in a spiral motion from the top crown all the way down the bottom…….then i was thinking what i am not thinking anymore: how many birthdays and christmases and new fraud years i have been missing my children and how heart braking that has been for me as their mom. Rather I thought how much I love them and in no position of ever doubting that that is EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED, LOVE.

IN THE NATURAL WORLD THERE IS THE CALM BREATH OF EARTH, HER KRYSTAL ARMS, HER BEAUTIFUL FACE FOR AN ALTAR. THE BIRDS, TREES, ANIMALS OF LAND AND WATERS KNOW ITS REAL PLACE. THAT WHICH IS GENTLE YET VERY COLD BLIND AND CARELESS AS PER THE NORTHERN WIND BLOWING INTO MY FACE ITS OWNING DOMINION OF WINTER’S SOLSTICE. TODAY IS A RESTORATION DAY. THAT IS HOW I CALL IT. TAKING BACK POWER I HAVE GIVEN AWAY. I just feel the psychic mail coming in recognition of the old memories that are now harm and trauma free, receiving what is mine. I wish (or …”i witch/the green woman the shamans) I wish to every woman man and child and all the nature and Gaia to be in love for ever. Love doesn’t need us, but we need it. It is the building blog of the universe, it is what heals and inspires and brings back what is yours. Stand tall and know you are the EVERGREEN which makes this world to go round.
Namaste from Transparent Krystal Guide.

It is matured fraud afternoon at this moment.

The SUN wants me to go outside of my house, to get in its Golden-orange ornamental Presence. So I can regain my sunny nature of happy and happy -go- lucky being of natural Earth. It is December 25th 2017 another fraud day in the world of preetendce. The world has its many a Pandora boxes wrapped in poisoned chocolates and faked expensive gifts that people are opening now as their most “un-expected” christmas present(s). I am in the arms of me of-no-time recapitulating what i have done this fraud year, what i have given, learned, forgotten, got angry with and about while still feeling love and gratitude for what is real.

Photo on 2015-09-26 at 22.42

I raised a glass of pure water to my forehead and the water revealed to me the state of my mind. There was a depth of it in orange color and all around it – but not in perfect circle, – rather in perfect cosmic like spiral i saw clouds and white fluff very soft and floating. In my dream there were the actions of many changes. What needs to heal? Everything! I say. This world is such a mess and it is breaking apart, the people are so concerned with their attachments just like i am concerned with mine: where should i live, what other kinds of works and healing modalities i can birth to prove my self to a new awakening persons without any need to prove anything. Then i saw in the dream of many layers a cat and her human owner. The owner was moving from one house to another and had to arrange a truck to fit all her possessions into it. The cat meeaued, hopped on her master’s lap and “just because”.. that was it. What a brisk and brilliant vivid message from Spirit!? I thought to my self.. The cat with no attachments and the human person with all attachments. Another world of differences. I have thought of very old and diseased people who have very hard time to die, to leave this planet so other souls may be born. I thought of Europe and the places i have visited during my birth there, the place of deep ancient alchemy where i come from and how it may have served me with what i am of service now. To raise the torchred humanity’s consciousness, to raise my young human woman, the person who stutters behind my Spirit….Healers and alchemist they have most definitely much different knowingness and observation from those living in unawareness busy with the Pandora boxes. Just wait when they open them. In last several months, during the forced evolution and its manipulating people into buying things for the end of the year”christmas”, i saw many versions of a christarms trees: And on the last occasion while complete and as always ignoring the whole sharad the Intuitive in me saw a tall evergreen (my Spirit, the Krystal or Christ being as the KRYST_ARMS TREE of glowing its DNA the garlanded, laced golden belt wrapping in a spiral motion from the top crown all the way down the bottom…….then i was thinking what i am not thinking anymore: how many birthdays and christmases and new fraud years i have been missing my children and how heart braking that has been for me as their mom. Rather I thought how much I love them and in no position of ever doubting that that is EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED, LOVE.

IN THE NATURAL WORLD THERE IS THE CALM BREATH OF EARTH, HER KRYSTAL ARMS, HER BEAUTIFUL FACE FOR AN ALTAR. THE BIRDS, TREES, ANIMALS OF LAND AND WATERS KNOW ITS REAL PLACE. THAT WHICH IS GENTLE YET VERY COLD BLIND AND CARELESS AS PER THE NORTHERN WIND BLOWING INTO MY FACE ITS OWNING DOMINION OF WINTER’S SOLSTICE. TODAY IS A RESTORATION DAY. THAT IS HOW I CALL IT. TAKING BACK POWER I HAVE GIVEN AWAY. I just feel the psychic mail coming in recognition of the old memories that are now harm and trauma free, receiving what is mine. I wish (or …”i witch/the green woman the shamans) I wish to every woman man and child and all the nature and Gaia to be in love for ever. Love doesn’t need us, but we need it. It is the building blog of the universe, it is what heals and inspires and brings back what is yours. Stand tall and know you are the EVERGREEN which makes this world to go round.
Namaste from Transparent Krystal Guide.

It is matured fraud afternoon at this moment.

The SUN wants me to go outside of my house, to get in its Golden-orange ornamental Presence. So I can regain my sunny nature of happy and happy -go- lucky being of natural Earth. It is December 25th 2017 another fraud day in the world of preetendce. The world has its many a Pandora boxes wrapped in poisoned chocolates and faked expensive gifts that people are opening now as their most “un-expected” christmas present(s). I am in the arms of me of-no-time recapitulating what i have done this fraud year, what i have given, learned, forgotten, got angry with and about while still feeling love and gratitude for what is real.

I raised a glass of pure water to my forehead and the water revealed to me the state of my mind. There was a depth of it in orange color and all around it – but not in perfect circle, – rather in perfect cosmic like spiral i saw clouds and white fluff very soft and floating. In my dream there were the actions of many changes. What needs to heal? Everything! I say. This world is such a mess and it is breaking apart, the people are so concerned with their attachments just like i am concerned with mine: where should i live, what other kinds of works and healing modalities i can birth to prove my self to a new awakening persons without any need to prove anything. Then i saw in the dream of many layers a cat and her human owner. The owner was moving from one house to another and had to arrange a truck to fit all her possessions into it. The cat meeaued, hopped on her master’s lap and “just because”.. that was it. What a brisk and brilliant vivid message from Spirit!? I thought to my self.. The cat with no attachments and the human person with all attachments. Another world of differences. I have thought of very old and diseased people who have very hard time to die, to leave this planet so other souls may be born. I thought of Europe and the places i have visited during my birth there, the place of deep ancient alchemy where i come from and how it may have served me with what i am of service now. To raise the torchred humanity’s consciousness, to raise my young human woman, the person who stutters behind my Spirit….Healers and alchemist they have most definitely much different knowingness and observation from those living in unawareness busy with the Pandora boxes. Just wait when they open them. In last several months, during the forced evolution and its manipulating people into buying things for the end of the year”christmas”, i saw many versions of a christarms trees: And on the last occasion while complete and as always ignoring the whole sharad the Intuitive in me saw a tall evergreen (my Spirit, the Krystal or Christ being as the KRYST_ARMS TREE of glowing its DNA the garlanded, laced golden belt wrapping in a spiral motion from the top crown all the way down the bottom…….then i was thinking what i am not thinking anymore: how many birthdays and christmases and new fraud years i have been missing my children and how heart braking that has been for me as their mom. Rather I thought how much I love them and in no position of ever doubting that that is EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED, LOVE.


Bird:my son's Photo on 2013-02-04 at 11.13

IN THE NATURAL WORLD THERE IS THE CALM BREATH OF EARTH, HER KRYSTAL ARMS, HER BEAUTIFUL FACE FOR AN ALTAR. THE BIRDS, TREES, ANIMALS OF LAND AND WATERS KNOW ITS REAL PLACE. THAT WHICH IS GENTLE YET VERY COLD BLIND AND CARELESS AS PER THE NORTHERN WIND BLOWING INTO MY FACE ITS OWNING DOMINION OF WINTER’S SOLSTICE. TODAY IS A RESTORATION DAY. THAT IS HOW I CALL IT. TAKING BACK POWER I HAVE GIVEN AWAY. I just feel the psychic mail coming in recognition of the old memories that are now harm and trauma free, receiving what is mine. I wish (or …”i witch/the green woman the shamans) I wish to every woman man and child and all the nature and Gaia to be in love for ever. Love doesn’t need us, but we need it. It is the building blog of the universe, it is what heals and inspires and brings back what is yours. Stand tall and know you are the EVERGREEN which makes this world to go round.
Namaste from Transparent Krystal Guide.
Satnam. (she drawing is a curtasy from my children’s archive)



This is my very Sacred Space and Gaia Winter Solstice

December 22, 2017

Since I am feeling encouraged  by very Moterha (this is not a typo but rather something that came out of knowingness automatically) – Beloved Mother Earth Gaia Herself to share the teachings of today’s very lovely and powerful honeytation, (honeytation previously understood as to meditate) ceremony, I am doing so.

There is another change in the octaves of expressing life by the sentient kind living as co-existence on the surface Earth, in the Inner Earth and all around the Earth, the Astral planes. The PRESENCE means the ZERO POINT, nothing else, and everything at once, we are entering with hightent awareness the teaching of Heart Reverence through this zero point as the continuum of our frequent practice is concerned. That is where we started. We are being taught by Mother Earth everything we need be aware about and of our own DNA. What is it? When we lay down (symbolically speaking during our meditation within the subtle bodies that is), when we lay down our “lives” the DNA human skin suit into the heart beat of Earth space can we hear the language of Gaia’s Life?

I feel my whole life has been about healing and opening the heart, allowing its nature to be the sovereign Being that it is anyway, leading its way with Spirit and on the other hand the same Principal, the given natured LOVE/heart space was afraid of the  opening up, cause of all the beatings received from this synthetic world- imposed over the land mass face of Mother Earth by the domination and control which has poisoned everything it could. As if the heart and the love was wrong to be its own sovereign leader/master. Was unappreciated, spit on, misunderstood, very distorted…so now, in the Zero point at the heart beat of Earth we nurture ourselves and every single cell of our body and we stopped (long, long, looooong time ago) worring about this blind and cold imposed world that has stollen the will of people from peoples hearts and vital organs, cause we know something. We KNOW because we are with Mother Earth in daily prayer and heart felt interactive contact:The people more and more SPECIALLY MAIL/MAN WHO DIES EASIER AND YONGER AND FASTER THEN A WOMEN WHO ARE BUILD STRONGER IN EVERY WAY, WE KNOW….THE MAN IS SEEKING THE HEART OF MOTHER EARTH TO HEAL HIM SELF BACK INTO HIS OWN POWER, WEALTH, SOVEREIGNTY, BACK INTO HIS OWN PEACEFUL MAN. HE IS AND WILL DO SO BY HIS OWN VIOLITION, HIS OWN SACRED MOTIVES THAT SURVIVED ALL THE ABUSE THE MAN WAS EXPOSED TO all he WAS EXPERIENCING. (The second doodle picture bellow is a fast draft from our meditation which shows the closure for the two previously separate bodies: the dream night and the awake state, if we have spend sufficient no-time in the sacred womb to heal all birth and other traumas we should be able to get the dream body into the heart space out of the digestive system. In the bigger picture here it shows Earth’s day and night system being changed during the dream time which is actual awakening process for all sentience concerned. In another words i am able to communicate with my soul sister on the other side of the planet and she knows it while “asleep” and while i am so called “awake” this is merging now. It is done through soul agreed ways Hurray.

Next: i get to see the matrix lines on the street when i am taking a walk. It does look literary like dirty old spider web(s) hanging down from the ceiling.And another useful tool note: if we continue to study, work with and read daily the soul contract revocations we build very strong spiritual boundaries and find ways how to recover our soul shards (lost through trauma etc.,)I have been doing this work long enough and have much greater understanding of its layers as they come into my own awareness.

The next level/layer of todays Winter Solstice celebration honeytation is the new vibrational frequency (first picture) given by the Prime Creator of all the galaxies as each galaxy has its own prime creator. This one presence something like grate gala all creators meeting place via Prime Creator’s Awareness (all is connected, hope you can see it here) The Akashic records were available for this…
“Bran new morning for Earth Gaia, my soul sister saw clearly new seed inside of Mother Earth uterus for that, it shown up for me in the “formless of pure white light, breast milk and the crystal selenite. This emerging of THE new declines STRESS. Stress is nonsense. Absolute means Sole, means Soul means SUN the grandfather brightness eliminating all that is necessary which is the third party. WE DON’T NEED A NANNY TO LIVE. Mother Earth has declared:..”The consciousness of aware living sentient species must unify, integrate…To be able to live life through harmony that  has been promised by the Prime Creator. This is our own work, we ourselves must do this. O>K>? Many ancient stones/crystals with pictographs in them telling us about our own ancient heritage DNA inner Earth and Surface Earth in communion. Muscles in the flesh and senses together are also able to access by-location (you know, you need to be physically strong capable, the Spirit has to be well integrated, grounded within the physical body or else we are just walking use-less shells. so this is what is coming from Mother Earth Akasha records. The energetic body Ancient DNA ACTIVATION. My dear people who gather as the collective representatives have been experiencing interesting experiences, such as to feel like marshmallow striping it self in the heat, the old skin went down and the expose of the marshmallow remained, leave them feeling very different and very grounded and centered, or “Infinincy” (as a bran new expression of my other lovely soul sister): when we are a baby we are experiencing this infinincy of no names no faces, but rather lights and sounds, or…experiencing in the space of no words..The outer Earth and the Inner Earth: release of charged (fat) polarity, hence the decline of stress. Earth’s “final” message: …..”BE HONEY WITH YOUR SELF”. Namaste, from your Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide.

Photo on 12-21-17 at 8.33 PM #2Photo on 12-21-17 at 8.32 PM

This is my Sacred Space: Be-MOREing,instead of “B-LESS-ing:Loved Mother Earth Chakra Ceremony

November 5, 2017


on a fraud november 5th 2017, nedele

THIS IS MY SACRED SPACE: BE-MOREing, instead of B-less-ing!
we have been reduced and dumb down for thousands of fraud years. Don’t get that to get you and raise above it. You can do it. Here is my own little peace/piece of work that i continue to adventure my being ongoing -ly. I shall call it “LOVED MOTHER EARTH ROOT CHAKRA CEREMONY.”

1. In the heart chakra meditation: I call in my beloved council of elders which is my spiritual court of equity for gathering of assisting this being that i am today with gaining back and forward my authentic memory of who i was who i am as a photonics light being in the mother earth’s realms manifested multidimensional ph-light.
When i called on my beloved council, all rainbow beings and worlds came to me, first grand grand grand-mother Earth came to me and embraced my “world” the trillions of cells…

now i am being shown to bring a SEED into my mouth and use that kind of womb in impregnated, AND IN MY DEEPER DISCIPLINE OF HEARING THE MEDICAL INTUITIVE, IT says this:(INPRAUGENATITED) with my saliva so the seed of a future tree gives me exactly what my health requires for its self sustainability we must take care of the soil we put the seeds in. this is the format i used to read about 15 or 16 year ago in the 9 series of books of Vladimir Megre Anastasia!!!!! Now Mother Earth’s council of elders is guiding me to actually take a hold of my heart activation and proceed into birthing consciously the expression of my soul energy with the expression presence changing existence with Mother Earth’s Pure LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS.
{For the possible guest reader: If you don’t get what i am saying here: what this is revealing, is the teachings of our ancient Mother Earth’s and how She communicates with each of us!, with me She communicates this way that i am authentically prescribing here, for one. And thus it means: put the seeds that you want to grow in your tended garden, firstly into your mouth for 9 minutes (as described in Anastasia’s book!) the seed(s) will take information from your very saliva and arrange it self accordingly, thus it shall have all the properties needed to ensure your health, give the seeds message what do you want from them, be-more the soil that you have taken care of so it has minerals and all nutrients as a birthing ground and then put the seeds in it and or at home firstly in the small containers.”}
THIS IS THE PROCESS OF MANY LEVELS OF CO-CREATION WITH MOTHER EARTH, BLENDING OF PUE ENERGIES. If you have done everything in self-care (healing, nurturing, physical fitnessing , loving, love making=or you call it creating, removing all dis-unity, duality to be as pure channel so Mother Earth is ABLE to work through you.)
My next step is the understanding of the ROOT CHAKRA:
It is the understanding through the perspective of the heart. The heart must be healed first so we don’t perceive the teachings of R.CH. through distortions. A ceremony may be appropriate here. Invocation of your sacred medicine spread: crystals, feather, candle light, purified sacred space. Invocation/invite of your Spiritual court of Equity. That is the beginning of my ceremony. The actual ceremony/prayer is to connect with my LIFE(root) chakra intelligence/awareness, memory/colors, etc. I am connecting through my heart’s presence, feeing, sensing in patient “no-time”then i begin to receive images and messages from the root/life chakra i am seeking the level of well being and if it is missing i must apply healing energy first for many of us woman have been sexually molested, or beaten as children, harshly handled, have been in abusive relationships, or had a great childhood but still we carry ancient pain from previous re-incarnations (that is the hi-jacked forced evolutionary system), and incarnations.

In my actual spending no-time ceremony there is my own experience/teaching. I don’t say/tell you what should you be expecting for i consider that as arrogance, to be telling you that (that is what we re actually NEEDING TO REMOVE, THIS IDEA OF TELLING YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD BE EXPECTING IS FROM THE DOMINATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM NOT FROM A BEING OF FREE WILL, LETTING SENTIENT LIFE SUCH AS YOUR SELF, TO HAVE YOUR OWN UNIQUE EXPERIENCING.

Namaste: Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide.

This is my Sacred Space ~Circles

September 26, 2017

I am experiencing what my soul sister(s) were experiencing. My soul sister(s) is (are) experiencing my past and future. These experiences are taking place through the 3D yet these are not at all of that kind of limiting dimension. The Land Consciousness is about more penetrating and integrating, merging into my skin. How can i say this differently? Basically I am aware that Mother Earth is speaking to me all the time but not only to me, to all my sisters .A frozen image is offered to my clair voyant  of the scifi movie the Dune. There is something about this scifi where the voice of the land resonates and echoes through thousands of miles wide…so this image is presented here before me and the consciousness land, our Mother Earth is sort to announcing how she increasingly is bringing her inner voice power presence so we can hear her. I think the crop circles has a lot to do with this. I think the crop circles are time activators, consciousness awaker and scifi is not a scifi but simply part of the natural aspect of the human and the Earth to be telepath. We are Her Offsprings. So now i hear Earth speaking to all ofher human via the desert sands. The desert,the water, the ICE, the bodily liqueids are all means of telepathy! We are crystals after all. The good energy previously existing on the lands of Earth Mother from thousands of years still exists. This energy is from the previous chapters of highly conscious beings and the Earth’s magnetic field was being used the very right way. The way so beings levitated, it was the times of unisons, times of no time. Life remembers it self. It is because it is living self-organized intelligence. Now we are in mists of this kind of rejuvenation, don’t really love much the term “resurrection” but in actual fact i do see it happening just like the old high alchemy practices of Isis with Osirus when this “goddess” was putting her beloved back together. Yes, The Earth has her Blue print to put her back together as well some of us are doing it as well. 

Through the new weather conditions and changes that are for the most part fully under Earth’s control the Ice cannot be any longer programmed negatively imposing onto people more drama disaster and other shit. Yes, that is what i am saying. Water must be respected, loved, and honored, just like woman and child must be respected and loved and honored.


Crystal spirit guide.Photo on 2014-11-03 at 09.57