
This is a Sacred Space – your dog’s life

May 19, 2014

Today a client came with her dog. I was being asked to “do some healing”, (since this was her session for her self originally) also for her little friend.  A long account of her concerns for her dog’s health was listed and the reason why she has had additionally  decided to go ahead and seek some laser treatment. (this was after I seen her dog and did long healing session only for him with  lengthily feedback from the dog him self.  I was quiet not saying a word which made my client a little uneasy since most people are still programmed with the expectations for quick answers, endlessly seeking problem resolutions, trying to be dissolving complicated schemes and chimeras, mind not at rest causes this kind of control. So you see this never ends unless you end it yourself. Provided you are aware of the thought programs machine and don’t want to having it manipulating and dominating your original creative thinking and feeling.

 I slowed my self down to the closest still point where I could feel and connect to this dog.  Immediately I hear him telling me how he feels very relaxed once he is at this place, the only think now bothering him is all these thought forms, he stores them at his adrenal glands, and as has been confirmed previously, his thyroid is very sluggish. He said glad to be here,  somebody can hear his story is transmitting.  He said not today, I really do not need any healing and I am in need of relaxing. Just if you listen it will help me to release the thought forms and that will be a great relief to me.” The loving human control, concerns and  behavior around me is something disturbing I feel sometimes like I want to jump out of my skin. Please tell my human friend with all my love for her I do not want a healing.”  The constant “fixing” makes me then work on other projects that are Not dog consciousness but the human unconsciousness and then thus we are “forced” to manifest them to make the human right. “You are transmitting healing vibrations anyway but please talk to my human friend this: “would she  consider   her  live to be the other way around, in our world? For we have been living on human terms for very a long time.”.. pause. Then I was given in my crown chakra all the images about fear of cages, patterns which had to be learn through many many dogs generations so they would start liking the limitations, get lazy, more stupid, and very adaptable to human illness and be taking them on, to want to heal people, to show them unconditional love. 

Think of our mild conditioning this way: we cannot develop wild/full nature, we forfait this freedom in order to ease our life as I was told by my higher guides ancestors, and to be with humans to help them develop something. Friendship, softness, trust, severe the gap between animals and humans.”

“Our senses long time ago have been altered.”  It went furthere in other details  but I will stop it here. I wondered after this meating how long this information will last and if it will make any impressions in terms of learning something different for my client, if it will help to feel her friend rather then think first assuming him. For me this is always a great experience and I am in awe how the animals are so much more connected to all there is, so much more open and easier to communicate with. I am sure someone who might read this perhaps has lots to say about animals and how little we still turn the head/heart to be willing to know and learn about this fascinating kingdom.



This is a Sacred Space – Soul revocation contracts: by: The Galactic Historian,Andrew Bartzis

May 12, 2014

Aloha there, I have been reading loud since last year all Soul revocation contracts which have been created by brilliant Andrew Bartzis, the galactic historian. They are avaiable at his website:, for very important purpose, as to free my self of  hidden events  that I am not consciously aware yet I feel how incredibly deep such revocations can go into my well of being, hence I claim my sovereignty in inmemoriam by reading these soul revoke contracts LOUD.

I want to thank Andrew one day in person for I am seriously in deep gratitude for his work and presence on Earth at this critical timing. I felt this work on my soul must be done as well today, for today is Mother’s day. I feel Gaia as our Mother must be respected, acknowledged and so I worked very hard for past 3 days on my sacred garden to clean, mend it, realign with the new energies so I could present this little tiny speck of ground  to Gaia’s heart as my gratitude.  I wanted something I could be proud of as my stewardship with Mother Earth at manual, human labor. That is what is called love expressed. I also received 50 seconds phone call announcing at the other end from  my bestranged child I gave a birth to, cared for, loved her no matter what, homed her 100 %.  She wanted to wish me a happy mother’s day and then she said goodby. In the soul revocation I have chosen the Sacred Feminine but have done them all (Soul revocation with Government, Bank, Social Media, also Soul revocation of the Sacred Masculine) for they have a power, especially if you do read them loud and from your heart center space. Who wants to know how does this work for one? It goes without saying a heavy load/ burden released anytime I read this revocations and realization of my wholing of the infinite merging with “Jarmila’s” soul Presence, feels to me I am better together with my self.

 Namaste, Jarmila, Thea

In my Sacred Space – the pearl inside

April 8, 2014

People are looking for their true love while the true-love waits for them in their own hearts. As I walk in the realm of I AM (Initiate, Adept, Master, levels) the continuum question “what I want freedom from?” leads me into my dark places where previously I didn’t dare to venture, because I was afraid, but now as I have realized there is no time to wait and waste  it is just to face these dark places and confront them. The subconscious presences me with what I have carried as a memory from my childhood interpretation of my memories such as *(random example: mother used to discourage me in advancement through questioning things by dismissing me and or other means where fear was present in her and she really didn’t have the means to guide me through my process of growing as I needed it). In real life of wisdom harvesting from my experiences I have had this fear of facing a deep incredible emotional pain of  premature and forced/violent disconnect/removal of my children. Years I would be just healing my self the best possible ways step by step only this “one” place in the body I couldn’t digest so finally it has knocked on my door to see if I would open to it and finally feel it the whole 30,000 miles in my depth all paved by this pain in injustice. The minute I willingly opened up to this road in side, it disappeared. On its “end” there was a realization waiting for me stating that “I now see/say you (my kids) were allowed to turn away from love from home from your mother”. This is very powerful realization if you need to know. I felt a little more freedom for all of us I felt I was able to better let my children go and I felt it was still O.K. to cry anytime I felt like it, because tears bring change/shift. Good going, what do you say?

 I also now keep thinking of my old time idea to have a big house in the country with my own garden few people I can co-work with and in there have orphans maybe up to 15 kids. These children would most definitely be loved and respected and with endeavors for practical skills, their own interests would be greatly supported, spirituality/nature, sovereignty. The house would have to be placed into the nature so these children would always know Mother Earth first hand/heart. They would be home schooled like with Aristoteles, Plato, Nicola Tesla, Nassim Haramein, John Lennon, Vivaldi, Maria Montessory, and 7,83 Shuman resonance of Earth, plus many very valuable heart core intelligent woman and man which needs to include the Star families of course.  This sounds very saint and good to me. If we want to have projects they have to be of the heart calling plus there needs to be realistic foundation. I am so happy we are very much leaving the wage’-slavery paradigm! More people realize the capacity we all have for turning this around and start looking into each others eyes and hearts with appreciation,  so do make your self available for what you really want and creates warms and gladness in your heart for you have done something you always wanted. That is true responsibility and accountability. These words are often with negative connotation  plus as a bonus if you make your self available towards your heart’s guidance for service you love it will keep the fear based arrogance away. Plant good seeds and look after them. Take care of new life and will take care of you. Because as I said at the beginning the true love is as close as your very heart is, inside of you. To close this short reflection I would like to let you know, if you already don’t know about beautifully realistic pro Earth/Gaia+Human project called Go and read and or connect to what millions of awakend people are busy with these lovely new days. If you are electric engineer  interested in participating and building most benevolent machinery please see QEG (Quantum Energy Generator, patented by Nicola Tesla!) now available at:

Namaste. Jarmila


This Is a Sacred Space: And need to share this dream from “last night”

March 30, 2014

ALoha my friends, well I wish it would be the last night and then there would be only a day, no polarity what so ever….Working hard at that, waking up several times during each night…  When I finally had the chance to be in the dreaming it  was truly exiting. But first I need to make a note with a prerequisite to this mentoring insight last night.

The year 2005 was truly significant in terms of many star beings being very active around me, taking me constantly to their ships and mentoring me on healing and DNA and my soul and nature I must add. There were some extra special friends whom I got equated with at some workshop as well beside the trips. These Beings were the Tree people who showed up to me briefly and told me few things some of which we are going to be experiencing shortly. These Tree people resembled owl looking like beings but not quite. They were downloading info about clothing pointing to the fruit that Mother Earth has been growing for Her humanity. Well, the last night just hit the jack pot because I saw my self at the Infinite Palace wearing a black long gown/dress. And black is not every my color so I was a bit surprised to see my body suit covered in this kind of expression. The  interesting part was that I observed my thoughts  entertaining the idea to finally find my true soul husband, but instead chasing after him I saw my dress changing frequencies/colors. The dress-depending on my heart space – went from turquoise to magenta, to golden white yellow,orange to green back to turquoise, then it went transparent and I thought I was naked. At that point my Guardians shared with me the simple truth that I was being familiarized with Conscious Clothing. Well, let me tell you this was highly unborring event and so I felt it was very good to share with you. And there is more to be very shortly here for us to read…. Until then


Jarmila (the dress will be posted and more is to come about such dreaming, smile)

This is a Sacred Space: not a meteor showers!

March 19, 2014

No idea why I wrote in the headline “not a meteor showers”, well maybe I am just picking up on something that might be in the books of the desperate who have lost. It is that the un-civilized, un-disciplined mind can create a disaster of meteor shower when nobody expects it except when something idiotic such as this idea hits the television programming of insane mentality and life-less people buy into it hence materialize it in their own  reality/ or relativity of a reality!.

O.k. no need to manifest any more embarrassments . Rather I am seeking to  share or attempt to share a vision/insight that has been forming  as an audit of some kind, for many  years.  This prophetic night experience showed me how  the Earth being dramatically altered in her terra form expressions, from inside out. P.S. Yesterday so called March 17th I felt really off and was throughing out of my system more old/odd garbage of no use. On my brake, in the evening meditation my crystals kept “calling” me to pay more attention at the cedar stance corner where I hold in high reverence a ball symbolizing Mother Earth. Beside it is another crystal: purely light blue {see picture bellow}. I feel this is somewhat of a significance to what I have seen in the very telling dream that I am writing about.

 In this night vision/dream I saw my physical aspect running as fast as my legs could master , towards south pole. I noticed the terrain beneath me was so difficult for I had to be jumping constantly off  massive stair like  sculpted from a huge shakes of  clay.And instead of Earth being split apart on her surface it was the different intermediate levels of her presume consciousness creating these sculpted stairs.

 Clear physical map was being made before me leading me to   where I would find my Soul family and my children! Realizing what was happening I was on fire.  This intuitive line of my internal credit has charged me with enormous fearless propulsions, lots of energy.  Asking Earth  Mother to  hold me steady so I can keep this high consciousness athena  just in time for Her next major move. On my way I was sensing out for some people. Those that I did see where memories who couldn’t remember who they were looking at me very puzzled asking when the bus was coming or something like that. YOu know, in dreams all is happening all is possible mainly to the obsolete part the survival/ego who always needed to control everything and be in charge. Well, that was gone too.

If I have a sunny day in my vision I know it is a very good sing of a success, guidance, support of Higher Presence and a protection. I still have this sense of urgency of my timing to be precise or else… I might miss the shift that I have been working so hard for with millions of other bright beings around us. I felt like I could finally take of all these layers that were of unkind density, turning inward, upside-down, imposing over my true skin, my true sense of human existence, instead of the experiences, the one who really shines and compliments the tones of this universe.  Oh, there is a new word: “un-inverse”.  So it is telling me the inside out is taking place as we speak, the picture of the blue is the evidence.This dream that I am sharing with you goes back maybe about 7 years or so and is neatly playing part now with Earth and human. With the Spirit and the matter.

Presently, in the smaller details there are still many many  stag and very frustrated parts of  the tight jacket having some hold of  people.

 This dream is  a message from my Galactic self on”heads up” and it is part of the shift, flip. I see it as a flipping a coin in the air putting it safely back on my right top of my hand. I am telling my human self what’s happening, I keep the big picture in my small body and it gets me dizzy all the time. Then if one hangs onto these words such as “keep” then for sure it is going to be misunderstood , so step back and observe. Thanks.

In this radical change I felt I could finally fulfill my mission/service for being here  on this plan-et ;to make  huge changes, to build something new what has a deep meaning and supports the new paradigm. Hence I am sharing this authentically  To bring the inner knowing to the present moment: for example: we are here to compliment each other as a souls not to argue and be hostile and play silly karma game on somebody else’s behave! I didn’t come here to be lectured and  to learn lessons about who’s authority I will be subject under. When I married the wrong guy, I came from a good inner place, my place was a hope that I can have a family that I didn’t have as a child. Instead I got kicked in my face and my ass and was rejected. I don’t agree with this scheme of psychophatic archons, inserting their pollutions into the pristine fabric of free will creation.

 There are some addictions  added and contained in the human suit ,{ the parasympathicus} such as survival: this program runs mainly in the kidney/adrenal area and must be eliminated. It is the place where it keeps telling you how you must be paying your bills, go to slave place, sorry your work.  Find your self deeply dis-interested in being fearful of those who were on your back for billions of years and their own terror of you was holding you small and lifeless.  When you charge your body with your legitimate acknowledgement of absolute sovereignty (where the heart responses to the harmony of your own truth)  you walk away the charges within the systems of the body are gone, because you dismounted them, game over. This dream can mean both: the true re-adjustment of the continents without hurting human and two: my own soul/body adjustments as my Hight Intelligent Principal has been actively modifying so my human DNA suit would be one day (…soon…?) complete for take of.

 It really much also depends how much space you can create inside of your own cells on purpose For example when you practice Yoga,  fasting  and meditation and energy clearing/healing your self, you become aware of your inner spatiality. It can be called refinement, tuning, it is a zen landscape where there are no surprises, no expectations and I say it again, the Isness of the heart’s presence prevails.  You are singing inside of you without making any sound on the outside.

The third part of this insight is the over all picture what is happening these days in this so called year 2014. In fast pace, of so many chaotic holes,the incredible light coming from all directions the sun included, dissolving the predictable imagery of dictator ship, into the unpredictable Light force currency that is much more understood by the  DNA which is being activated day and night. The  low gravity of earth changing  (again confusing the synthetic setup)  the inner core, and the inner core in response of synchronicity moving, turning, aligning there is a clear spectrum of 160,000 lights of unison frequency colors we couldn’t possibly see before since we were asleep. (THe Rainbow people came to me precisely in January 2013 to announce their presence of their cooperation with us) Now I don’t really know if the number in my previous line is accurate, I just see clearly the full spectrum of the frequency light fabric opening to face the surface but not through cracking the surface as much as rather penetrating it psychically clairvoyantly, and this internal field of change is felt by all the  sensitive people,  animals, the consciousness  trees, nature. I might add to this because my book is full of hand writes of all puzzle pie-ces.




This is a Sacred Space – and How am I leaving it and or not ?

March 7, 2014

If I had an orange pupils would this world be a different? Do I expect this world to change because I don’t like how it is? What happens when people, I myself included, don’t expect much anymore from their lives? Are we going to enter the androgeny? How is my day today?

I am struggling to understand and find a straight line:.  the print of bills, be-lie-ving these mean you well (with loosing lots creative frequency along the way).  Humanity has been invested as an offering to the beast, just like a beautiful woman having her body laid at the edge of a cliff.lots of  Good will energy  spell bound.

I have felt today that maybe I wasn’t  able  doing my work 100% because I needed to connect with the inner calls in my  depth. I needed to hear me and to find me. This is the home office calling you to show up for your self. My beloved Soul healing “Jarmila”. If I live truly and honestly in gratitude for everything in my life I still need to tune into my self: the soul moving away any degraded dead leaf, branches that don’t grow.

An interesting analogy presented self in front of me: role of a “the rapist” means the “surrogate mother to the foreigner body/tree of an intricate nervous system’ how this role has been dysfunctional as well for last several decades . I feel  the people who pretend their own spirituality is well developed, authentic but are a big fake, not alive, not fresh, have been copying the people before them.

I looked into the eyes/lips/language  of my self not fully opened  to the outside. I wasn’t speaking fully of the path I was taking separately from these spiritual pseudo-alchemists, because I was partly harmed, violated and ashamed to recognize it.But also waiting for the next aligned light frequencies, codons of my DNA to be visible to me so I would have a back up how to speak this.

I started my walk today and entered with the intend to speak loudly to Infinite Mother, because I my self needed a “shrink”…. In the fresh  morning sun I  merged with the Natural energies and presences. My lower back has been hurting, I couldn’t make a step forward for the pain that I have been re-ocurringly feeling coming from the left hip. I  announced my self to Infinite Mother in transparency,  to be able to hear my self, looking for to the gladness of being me.{pause: the part had to be seen as well, seen I mean feeling it, to recognize it as my authentic self in transparency} I realized it was over due to address the situation I was standing in, hence the painful left hip/ lower back, announcing itself how the ex-money/energy of refusing to change its tune and farther cause stagnation to growing moral/human awakening. My consciousness is to raise the human consciousness so sometimes the so called personal stuff is not really only personal. (I see this clear as a day, and want to make sure I can speak it freely!) Yes, that is also what is part of this “talk” with Infinite Mother.

I said: “Mother of All, Divine Mother, I need to be able to speak freely without any constrain, or fear for  being ridiculed that I am not maintaining the status of the pretend spiritual/light workers who are afraid if we actually make the shift they will be out of business! (…of not looking like the well educated and blissfully decaffeinated spiritual councilor and a healer, to have somewhere a stale image that my life is perfect). So to continue the situation I am standing in is meeting of two ends meet: one old  memory of an experiences which went like this: I never ever as a child 8-19years of age wanted to go home when I knew that there is going to be this person’s emotional schizophrenia and abuse waiting for me to accept it as my reality, I didn’t want to go home and listen to the words of blame, lack and emotional deprivation dressed as blaming. I knew I couldn’t in all fairness stop it, address it properly, I didn’t want to feel like I was part of the group of not having self worth,  and all this 2nd world war after effect dis-ease. So I spend hours outside of this home waiting for nobody there  so I could rest, do homework, listen to my music, dance and do art. And then do the chores waiting for me always. This memory was attached my land-lord as if was a cat’s tail. It has been noted/observed they resemble psychological/game playing/schizophrenia/avoidance for their own responsibilities such as the regular repairs and maintenance of their premises.  The word is  “short of money”,  they don’t hesitate to ask for higher rent against the fact that people living here are doing their own repairs and maintenance them selves. The land lord has very similar issues of psychopathic qualities reminding me of my old home and that is why these two ends – as I have said a minute ago, have met as I was speaking out loud with Infinite Mother, so I could find a remedy and help my hip to align.

It was a great feeling to have the blue sky, birds, trees  mother Earth and Infinite to my self, with no people around. I wasn’t holding back anything and kept simultaneously focusing on the places in side of my self which felt dead in terms of   the claim: “glad and grateful for being me”, as my left leg was clearly giving me more signals of  a weak spot. Supporting the feminine from my masculine in the physical walking: the difference in strength in the right leg compare to the left was 50%. With lots of encouragement and giving  my real love energy, plus acknowledging/addressing  needs such as  to be seen, to be respected, to be heard, to be acknowledged” In that place of my inner dimensional self being and its legitimate child’s memory I begun to feel my left leg and the hip got more stronger in walking. I also felt I needed to say no consenting in standing in anybody’s else’s situation and making it my own. If you are an empath you need to master this. I stand in sacred neutral, I stand in transparency. As very real and true example, the mother at old home making her own personal problems as my fault, my problem, hence I had to deal with it.  I don’t consent to this. The conclusion was  this: “I claim  my right to  all  knowledge, all my memory of who I am so I can find a remedy and make a shift”. I have said this several times.

 The next step was to create a meaningful  connections to some real people. This would really help to harmonize Spirit+Matter and glowing it stronger. It would also be helpful to Mother Earth/Gaia for the purposes of Unity consciousness, but that is not what I knew when I was charting this place/letter, this came afterwards.

I wrote a letter to a fellow man/public figure/a warrior of peace, who is presently constrained unlawfully, another Mahatma Ghandi,  about who I am and of my experiences.I have written him before but this time instead of beating around bushes I came out of closet, sharing actually the energies which brings us together like one mine.

Self-revitalizing as I call it, which would weakly translate into self-empowerment. But the “self-empowerment” is rather a place where you clearly see the order of all things and how you stand in the center. You must meet the crevices of your life, memory, experience which you couldn’t deal with properly for not knowing how, not having any tools,such as a priceless experience of an adult life/in comparison to a baby/child. I have been the traveler into my own inner earth/heart/agartha alone (?),I am happy about naming or seeing my life as a traveler into the inner dimensions of being in life where the life has a physical cover/suit. I must remember this. The surface without this knowing is confusion and interpretation of guessing.Now I am at the point of seeing the physical as the spiritual and the spiritual as the physical. So something HAs shifted. Yeah.

 And making new connections with people who are speaking up,but also making changes, are showing me evidence that they mean their word, they are love in action. No need/use to continue living in fear. Remind your self what is your true governance: it is for the physical your immune system and in the spiritual your Higher Self.

The good example would be a farmer/construction contractor who educates people on the natural law movement. I completely get it. I have been in life situations where any violation  seeks remedy. Not hiding I am seeking remedy, not hoping things would magically change but I am too scared to do something to help them change. I am so fed up with those who hide behind their titles. I feel the Passive aggressive is big manifestor of candida albicans.(cancer eats you to from inside out).

So then what has happened how did I come to the place where I don’t expect much from my life? Interesting upside down antibody. The answer to this is simple,  people are still vacant, not home for them selves. I can be more home for my self. It takes willingness, acknowledgement, interest. The ongoing tendencies from the illusion is to keep separate you from YOu, the soul from the body, don’t allow this. There is now the concentrated high alchemy of seemingly silent communion “BE-TWIN”=between my soul and my body!, till it is not silent any longer.  Hear life as it is instead how it appears.

But remember  it is true that without us here the physicality wouldn’t be also. It is not the fault of the physical space it is who and what it keeps manipulating taking it away from us. The physical space is ours it belongs to us.

The work here is to make it transparent, clear, breathing, vital and that is done through the inner workings, which then brings a good quality into art/ work of a healer. The picture painted with Spirit through “me” is of  joy. How easy it was to take the joy away ?  How this physical space continues to be slapped over its face.

Just yesterday I walked into a store where I used to buy only organic food. Over the years this place has changed its character it changed its physical appearance, but that doesn’t matter so much as what does matter is the aggravation of mine what I saw at the bread stand: bread costs 9.99. I felt these people who used to have integrity and be a family owned and operated true service to humanity lost it completely. Are they now on the other side and above humanity telling that food is a privilege? And Or Plus is this a sign indicating  humanity is in transformation going into the higher frequency and this number could reflect that?  How you feel what do you say to this, will you do something, beside never ever go there to shop for food?

And about the  the raw frequency such as precious metals, gold, silver, pearls, common diamonds are the creations of Mother Earth as is the fruit, water, vegetable and such. This you need to keep clearing to pure and bless and give thanks to,   the game of monopoly is deep bellow  falling, distrusted beast, game people aren’t playing, but neither they need to live and or need to be killing each other  for. Do I want to forsake the joy of living because I am underpaid, should this control how I feel about my self?

 Reach for your original. Feel this space , work with it, I do. I think if I keep to grow the gold Mother Earth has some time ago asked me to, I am growing truth, youthfulness. No interpretations. .  It can be all neutral, some good magnet that cannot be ever trapped because it can appear and disappear. A navigator of my colorful dimensions. Their purpose is to teach it to my physical woman. It Is the return of the human home.


Jarmila ( Note about the charted picture above: estimated drawing from y.2006:the gate of teleportation.)


In my Sacred Space – Who is my Valentine?

February 14, 2014

Aloha, This is a letter to my beloved Mother Earth for She is my Valentine. I would like to share this letter with you. Please feel free to write something as well, if you like. Thank you.

My beloved Mother Earth/Gaia.

With my deepest gratitude and an ageless vigilance of my heart for You. This is I wanted to say:

You have the power: mashi-tacha-kaa makiteya ochmanaa haa. Shi shi-nee imakanaa maamaa qua kemakaa, nihmi-hee, keekava. reherva revara. Thank you Mother for teaching me about you. Thank you for showing me Your many worlds, dimensions and realities. Thank you for allowing me to learn from your many libraries.  I feel very rich.

I could have many  other “teachers”, suggesters who would like to shape me to their images and agendas. Yet the heart felt best to be with You.

You have been sharing your unique ways of healing and guidance through which one could re-grow the wings, expand and relax the heart intelligence and existence. Because of this I was to find who is the life i have been living among man. And it was from you I have observed how to be a good mother to my children and teach them about your life’s bounty.

I have been worried for you.  You have send this  calling  for help long time ago.

No matter how strenuous it was for you to hold life against all the cruelties and inflictions, manipulations from self invited authorities braking into you, steeling from you and abusing you, you knew your immortal tones would carry You through and your divine purpose would be crowned with ever lasting splendor of your beauty, kindness, never failing love and service to humanity., against all the odds, you saw for your self your true identity and what you are made of.Even at times you couldn’t reveal all your true self. And when the consciousness was at the lowest you still kept your promise of nonviolence. Your message to me was to stay true to one self and to be able to discern through very dark situations. I only can thank you through my benevolent actions, using my fortes to help you grow your Nature when I feel your guidance.

You have shown me how to grow my own gold as it is alive intelligence that  You earn the knowing of creating. It has been stollen and at times we were barren and dying .I feel your sacred sentience. And began to have an in-clink how butterflies are being created.

Thank you Mother for choosing me.I feel so different realizing who you are and what is your purpose. It is this unpredictability that is so helpful so I can keep learning from you and grow my understanding just like the tree of life has been living within sacred neutral sovereignty of breathing Isness.

Many times I wanted to give up for was growing tired and exhausted of the physicality not being able to break through the imposed walls and parasitical cynicalities of arrogance. I wanted to leave many times yet you asked me to question such ‘want ‘and from where it was coming? With that revelation  my heart’s eyes and ears opened even more. The love for you knows no end. Thank you, Sacred Sentient Mother Earth/Gaia for choosing me as your steward, helper and a student. Thank you, Mother for adopting me as your child so I can grow the way that is intended by your Nature and our Original Source. As these “words” are written  I give them a living breath, a shape of the Universal Heart. There are no corners. There is only a fluidity and alignment . Some years ago you showed me your siblings you showed me what you could make  happen and how we depend on each other. We are the living DNA codes  interacting with your surface biosphere. We are nurtured by your heart’s intelligence.

I am grateful for being able to hear you. And as the imposed blindness fades, so the infection injected into you must be reversed, humanity will calm down.

I see you being in peace, in full health and you as the magical architect fully restoring through  the new ways as the jules of this Universe are revealed to those who can live as a child like. 

Happy sovereign free,loved back Valentine’s Day Mother Earth.



This is a Sacred Space – “What’s your accent?!”

February 10, 2014

Have been on this continent for over 20 years and still am getting this question.Where do you come from, what’s your accent? It always makes me smile. The people’s sense of wonder, thinking to them selves, can I guess where she is from? Or do I know the place, did I travel that direction?
So I say to them “I am child of Earth and I am Quacemollian! This brings a burn in the pineal. What’s a Quacemollian!? You can think of a food which starts with avocado to make this famous recipe. That brings a laughter and a surprise. It gets to show how people are run by the already given sets of words,(i.e. “I am from Germany, Vietnam..”) sentences and rules under which they operate in the hamster fashion of their thinking. Catching up with my own hamster. It is an old observation of such a behaviour that I keep recorgitating in my blogs to take the lovely human/star being out of this circus of  maze of what is acceptable to say because it is expected from you. By whom? I keep asking. There is still Lemuria and there is still Atlantis. These two who used to be separate in some minds and or ideas may have been as one. The brain is one as well just because it may appear to have a different fun-ctions , difference doesn’t separate you only your belief that something does.

The Quacemollian existence that I live is far away from the lid of belief, far from a hunter. The Quacemollian  fasts from words, foods, believes, peoples projections. If you fast you cause a major retrieval of your original energy core. That’s my point. Empty the colon fully and see your self flying lightened.  What is green,  is also gold. As I was asked by Mother Earth to keep growing my own gold I keep having very unique experiences and I find different revelations. These are found within myself, no books. To me that is very important. Yesterday there was very clear feeling/communication with the neuro-pathways: I truly felt I could see and feel the actual fabric of these Light linguistics and how they react to each input. Be it stress, peace, sense of accomplishment, struggle , etc., If struggle prevails these neurons absolutely will not continue to grow, the light will not merge and create a bridge, Hence we absolutely Must be sensitive to ourselves, the inner worlds environment is waiting for our nurture to help it to blossom, heal, thrive. And once you see your own prove of your own sovereignty it will lead you further into it. There are still major distractions: the weather, the dirty criminal politics, the legal tender,  the people who say they will do something but they don’t, the family  for whom you still hope you will bring back. What is hope? I have learned that hope is no use to me what so ever, since it is like a kind of promise, like some ‘may be’ which might be legally leading one into the inner torture. And that is very major distraction, that doesn’t help my neurons to grow and do what they originally need to do. What I am looking at here is the neurons are precisely part of Tree of Life. I mean the Cosmic Tree/Intelligens. I am going to stop here and wish you happy clean colon and your own unique path to sovereignty, your inner world/planet, heart of love.

Namaste. Jarmila.


This is the Sacred Space – I endorse my Home Planet Earth!

January 28, 2014

y. 2010Aloha to my reader.

With whole heart and clear seeing of what IS I am daily singing to my Mother Earth Soul Languages of Gratitude. She is not only my real mom for my ph-Y-see-call body finite self. She is tiredlessly teaching me as a way shower, taking me to her true places, chakras, mind, magical realms, other dimensions. Mother Earth is also the finite version of the ORiginal Infinite Mother of All Creation. When I go sleep I am with Infinite Original Mother. The Earth Mother showing what the Sun is helping Her with and how the Sun has turned white (maybe like in July or August of a New Earth year one,   year 2013). Earth pointed out to me that the spirit of a bee went into the chakra worlds of the sun (and I don’t know yet exactly how the sun’s chakras work and or how they look like, I only am having an in-clink there must be chakras it only makes me sense).Earth showed me the solar system is the 3rd chakra of this cosmic body while this galaxy and it’s milky way looks like one of trillions of star ships from a distance lost in traffic of other galaxies. Earth is presenting me with growing and glowing turquoise  frequency. It has been building up. The first time I actually have seen this was during a dream maybe in 2010. The dream was about some office where I was working (if that is the case?) and was taking care of this interesting tree that people in this office seemed to be oblivious. The tree was of  metallic silvery turquoise tones with squares like  leaves (lives), these squares reshaping them selves — upon my arrival to be taking care of this plant- into more like circle and or oval body shape like leaf-lets. Very interesting. One could also notice in this lucid dream that the tree moved when you were there and acknowledged your presence. I drew a picture of it and might put it here in case the text is too dry to you. Mother Earth is most frequent Presence in my dreams. I often see her in the appearance of a woman resembling my biological mother but truly these two beings are very far in their conscious awareness as far as my observation has been so far. (I am making a stop here to make a little branch of my observations about “mother”. The biological one was abducted. This is a statement I can make after a long time doing and working with energy, healing, meditation, searching inside of my self, revelations, dream work, ;and many years of torture disappointments, hopes, getting away from the role of being a daughter/slave. So the biological mom was abducted by Grays, the life then became dark and I  found my self each night to leave the body and run upstairs (meaning the original Home where I come from as soul and my Spirit) for some air and support and problem solving skills I think). It is important to see clearly and acknowledge old truth that yes people have been abducted . Since long time it has been very strange to be around this mother and I felt sorry for her not really knowing in the child’s perspective why she felt strange. I thought if I keep working very hard and for my savings will keep bringing her flowers her life might lighten up. It took long time to come to terms with it and have a broader understanding that no matter what I did or didn’t do (free will also) it just wasn’t good enough. (Effect: low self-esteem or non) It is very difficult on the biological system to be existing without any soul essence, one retrieves to be taking energy from others. The political situation was never very pink looking. Why? In my view because the sacred feminine has left long time ago.   There was just another invasion happening (the 1968) , divorce caused by my mother’s insecurities and lack of discernment  brought the entire family to absolute trash. I have developed a lot of loneliness to my own detriment at times. There was NO communication what so ever, lots of guessing and feeling the air what it is like, should one come in or should one stay outside as long as possible, growing on your own. My father leaving early for good. And all these hidden gifts used much later on.

Turns out one  to be guided to develop many abilities, continuous discernment in mass of confusion and stupidity (not that I knew about anything until I became around 32).When I was mom my self I completely have abandoned the ugly from my previous home and swung the pendulum to the opposite side. That side was mine side of love, protection, safety, warmth, learning and teachings, respect and enormous affinity towards children, babies, and life. That was really neat and gave lots of opportunities for personal growth through mistakes, errors, lack of help, healing and rejuvenation on many levels, altho on the physical lots of exhaustion as every parent has known and beyond. Beloved life stretches you and lengthen you. Life is truly beautiful and fantastic. What is not fantastic is the believe system, violation thing made {NOT CREATED}believe synthetically: schooling, government, politics, equals lies, deception, wrong husband, wife, taxes, war, GMO, commercials, mistrust in one another and the knowledge from where all of this is coming? As  one human being is being violated so is the planet and life it self. In that there is a connection of oneness. So from the same is coming this one collective dreaming that some people speak of. The bright people are being tested and vulcanized, galvanized, chilled, turned inside out, they have to learn to cross the oceans of millions of emotions learning along side swimming in them, or sink till the bottom is reached, repeated, move the mountains, overcome ones own death and learn to become the re-birth in one life time. Why? because the “IN-CAR -NATION the way it has been must change. We earn to go much farther and stop incarnating like the yo-yo.  Our Most beautiful mighty Mother Earth/Gaia has been  abducted out of her Natural habitat, so have been the humanity. We have become very aware of the cannibalistic criminals of very hostile race(s) to make live impossibible. Gaia under enormous pressure, and death trials.  For  thousands of many life times. As a result there was a depression, but seeing the center and seeing through all of this (and obviously we are not talking into a great details about everything, such as the soul trials, their abductions, separation from TRUE SOUL GROUPS for natural evolution, the synthetically created lack contrary to Gaia and Her original purpose), I knew any kind of sickness, lack, depression, bad mood, fight, it was all part of very well constructed machine, programs, installed in our reptilian brains starting at the young age of schooling, instead of education. For as Gaia has said to me when I was actually very young, one day I hear this “Blue Gene/Jean” ANd I didn’t have a Clue who said that and or what it was or meant. It took about 35 years for me to learn from Earth via my own  experiences, that Her original purpose is a seedling of DNA life on biological planets the most natural ways, which is why we procreate the way we do.THen sharing these DNA Seeds of life to other planets, maybe. It is a blessing this way and so it is to have emotional body. If we learn to work it for us:  The best part is the emotional intelligence of the heart, since everything starts here from the heart as  have said before. There has been the practice of a group  meditations with Mother Gaia that has been for few years now going on.It benevolently affects our planet and the collective consciousness.  The last one was just yesterday. The Highlight was that there are available many more levels of this turquoise energy, now I know it is an intelligent energy for stipulating rampant changes for to heal Gaia Herself completely and help Her to re-grow Her Original Golden Light.  Mother Earth took me through Her  “over all picture” of the “physical” which was pretty nasty looking for all the  grayness due to the ongoing chemical  poisonous cocktails that people are being treated with against their consent from the chemtrails.Then Mother Earth took me behind the scenes where I could experiences sparks of Her Happy New body. This Surface as it is transmuting is being growing alive pure gold and I was told to keep growing my own gold/en light which is very real, to keep grow it within my self. (and that is the fresh experience I got so I can share it with you). It also works as a deflector and transmuter of  any unwilling (to change their tone towards humanity and Earth), chemtrails. Because of many years of meditation , working with healing energies and learning constantly new things,and being physically active in yoga and sports,  we can much easily expand at the soul level. This is good for many things for example to change the weather programs, to communicate better with Mother Earth and humanity as a collective.

I truly felt very grateful again and happier for the experience and a new emotion that I have from this meditation. I have also de terminated for my self very firmly that no matter what, I will be using my free will power to stand strong especially at time when I miss my children which has been extremely hard on  my heart and has affected for many years my awareness and my work, the quality of life.Or being targeted by psychic parasites,and egoic thought forms, all engineered to steer you towards staying depressed and negative, in-active, out of touch.  I feel that humanity is originally family oriented, human has special gift. But because they have been downgraded by the machine and its tools such as TV (TURN IT OFF IT DOESN’ T LOVE YOU), then the nanny-government, very poisoned water and food it has completely  almost forgotten its true purpose. (who needs it, I keep saying and showing it to my self, if the care giver, the husband, boss, who ever is not co-creative and is abusive, violating you, go away, leave and DO YOUR OWN THING, Be sovereign, self-governed, listen to your heart. Be aware of what is happening but don’t let it to pull you down to its own pore level. For down there at that level is very cold, it is blind and love-less. I am not having that. Mother Earth keeps doing Her own thing as well. Also do realize the Nature doesn’t charge you for any of Her gifts and nourishment. And so these words that My heart is  not in favor of approving of but rather be speaking the heart and soul languages, in any account these small plain texts that I am putting here on occasion, are designed to charge you  with courage and love.

Namaste, Jarmila




This is a Sacred Space – My own quantum mechanics,yeah

November 1, 2013

And it is to say that now I know that the popular ADD label is easily knocked out. It is because a CLUSTERED MIND doesn’t equal Linear thinking. The later is a damage being done to us all. Just like the ego implants, just like the dis-eases linked closely to the ego/oops programming of the mind. These are parts of the intrusions and interferences the organic intelligence has been “entertaned” with for several thousands earth cycles.
O.K. so my own self discovery is the fact my mind is not linear, only by a shear force has been which has caused me so much pain, turmoil, ridicule, and all this fun stuff and even depression. My mind is clustered meaning you can see the whole “thing” at once which means if all words that you could gather at one specific part of the brain to expel them they would fly out at spheres, this is to me, also part of the beginning of telepathy. Telepathy is something very natural and is definitely part of our “near-death, pardon me, near-now/future seeing each other as oneness.Yeah.
So the linear is gone but now I write this in the lines here. I had to force something in my self to s l o w i t d o w n . Ouch. Traffic happens, which explains why I am not participating in writing lately anything for various other reasons. My friends were-however-supporting the fact – in the viewing – that people could really learn something from this “writing/sharing of mine” in spite of the fact that my write is not exactly the way they have been tough at school “how to think”. Well, you see, this is so arrogant of the school to believe they have to teach you how to think. Obviously they, the school don’t see you as a Master who walked into this flesh to realize she/he is a part of Beautiful Creator! I am celebrating the Creator inside of my Being and crying tears of Joy just feeling this expansive Brightness to be ‘sitting’ this body while the fingers are making funny clapping sounds against some small rigid boxes on the computer. The computer doesn’t compute at all the Creator, but your Heart DOES!.
One more thing about the ADD and then I tell you what I want to tell you. Cluster doesn’t equal linear, am not “add” nonsensical label. O.K. I used to stator briefly around the age of 6. For a) there was abuse, and b) upon entering the school I was told to hold the pencil in my right hand as oppose to my favorite left hand, hence loosing the connecting I have had with my spirit guides, God It was terrifying thing, complete chaos.
My Quantum Mechanics:
I don’t understand something if it is served to me in a form of a piece of paper as an interpretation of how somebody else is “understanding” quantum. I have my own ways how to “arrive” at a conclusion which is never final only a link to something much more better.
I have know of my body that the left eye differs from the right eye and even have a paper about it from an eye specialist. (one is minus 0,75 the other is plus 0,75). Meaning one eye can write the other can “drive the car” (p.s. eh, but I bike so now what?) I also see this information as left eye uses horizontal readings of the terrain and the right is using it vertical or vice/versa.The left side of this body seems shorter in the footage, the sitting position in this experience seems to be that the left foot is not fully touching the floor while the right is almost firmly there!.Great.
One has been practicing meditation and fire breath for few years now because one simply cannot live here in such a most horrendous illusionary projection without knowing where her home is! Recently I have read somewhere that the optimum frequency of the healthy cell is 10.000 units/per second (?Not sure if this “units per second” is accurate statement).The point is the high frequency I am interested in to keep my cells in the state of supreme wellness. My awareness of left being the silver and right being the gold is part of this exercise, the fire breathing while meditating (spending time with my true family, the Ascended Masters, Infinite Mother)I put the silver and gold together by spinning them together, because I want my left side of the body, the foot to be feeling and touching fully the floor hence the scale must be equal, Then I feel more exchange of energy takes place, then the body feels the unity and can get to be touched by Isness. The speed is the highest when there is no movement anymore.The Zero point “holds” it all without holding onto anything. That is why some people recognize the “Ah” sound as Divine because to some of us it can be seen as spinning ladder upwards if you wish it that way thou.
The fire breath helping to clear, makes my space to be easily oriented in, the silver and gold, the giving (in healing) and the recieving for giving is purely sharing in the Divine Service.
In this awareness exercise breathing one also witnessed briefly that in some so called past lives one was paralized on the left side of the body due to the sever radiation testing inflicted. The testing was apparently done to see if I would survive it. It seems yes I did survive it and the linked memory intelligence of this body/cells guided it self to self restoration!
If you wish to conseder to witness and learn from some other example then please make your own coconut kefir/water. It takes 48 hours and the particles speaking among them selves called fermentation is fantastic cosmos in a microglass of your liquid in front of you. What is the difference between witnessing and believing? And what is “believing” anyway? Be-live-in, or Be-in-the-lie? That is an old subject I don’t want to get borred with.