
This is My Sacred Space: My own Sovereignty

November 10, 2014

Movie on 2014-11-09 at 21.43

to clarify to those who find my blog useful, friendly, honest and Authentic also for someone who tryed to imply they have a
similar website” . I don’t think so, I am the original from my sacred neutral 100 % free will soul.

To clarify further about this powerful recording of  a Contract revocation: written by fantastic Andrew Bartzis (at It has been for some time a big part of my own inner home works. I have received many healings myself just by reading those revocations loud every day . And have created my own as well.


Transparent Spirit Guide

This is my Sacred space – Meeting with Authenticity:Have a real Thanks Giving Day

October 13, 2014

Well, meeting with authenticity, you have to be authentic, but what I would like to share in this now moment with you, is my meeting with Gaia. All this past week I kept thinking on how could it be the best and most sincere of gratitude expressing plus Thanks giving to my beloved Mother Earth.

The week was filled with ragged 3 dimensional fixings and dealing with people who’s consciousness is still at dormant stage and that is draining one’s energy. Yet my heart was set on meeting with Earth in my best outfit i could wear and that was open heart, and naked sincerity.

So today I rushed on my stallion generally recognized as the mountain bike to my sanctuary, a park full of beautiful tree consciousness filling my heart space with their presence, happy to see them. And as i am climbing a not so hard hill i see in my mind’s eye one of my best Indigo friends. He his the pure honesty and integrity, never held a “job” worth holding, choose to live at his heart, generously gifted drummer, traveling the world in the most uncommon ways. So i see him wishing we could meet and drum together and all of a sudden i see clairvoyantly all his life: his  DNA body suit has been recording all his human experiences, everything in a great rich details, all his impressions, meeting so called poor people of this world heart to heart, face to face, one empty stomach after another. I saw it so clearly, so obviously. And then it hit me:My consciousness presented me with the feeling of: “Oh my goddess, what kind of experiences have i been recording into the Earth’s Akashick records???!!!” My experiences were most of a pain, oh my goodness i have been given pain to Mother Earth!!!  A great sadness and an unsettling turmoil grabbed me and my eyes were full of stormy tears. This question kept circling me like a vulture looking forward to its prey and then Gaia came into my heart space putting Her Hand on my chest and said. “This is not possible, beloved friend, you’re  of love. YOu don’t understand, you cannot give me a pain, I ask you to correct your perception, for your experiences were the trials and my observations that the Crystal has recorded, stay with me in stillness and feel our hearts merging.” This meeting and a most beautiful experience taken place  as a visceral experience through silence yet also through the Soul Light languages. I felt Mother’s Soul being in Harmony at this meeting and i felt deeply honored i felt so much love for Earth Mother that is ancient that is always with me and so this is my greatest Thanks Giving gift that i feel like  sharring with my friends who speak the heart language.

Namaste, Transparent Spirit Guide and have a great Thanks Giving Day.




This is a Sacred Space – Cleanliness, heart space manifestations!

September 25, 2014

 NOW that the Cells of Gaia are permeating the human genome, consciousness it is less likely for the brain to continue stupid acts!  Simultaneously, as this knowing keeps expending my being the left over from my 3D body has pointed out, how i had to learn these words i just had used to communicate something It is very obvious to let my Soul say: if you like it or not the chakras of Earth Mother Are making new interactive connections to the human heart,brain cells, the cells are now interactive thanks to the effects made from the central sun, of our galaxy, no doubt, i was studying some funny papers full of “de-finit-ions of human mammalian brain, mainly the neo-cortex, which kept on suggesting how the Amygdala (so called emotional lower brain was dictating-indication of the car speed,condition drive on the road, limit) to you in predictability given by the notorious reptilian brain full of imported negative sadistic programs set against human within the limbic system (the lower mental characteristics, indicators of detecting measuring the outside environment, comparing it with the charts, menu of what has been available as a reaction seldom response if we were to be fully in amnesia and living unconsciously, the menu would be aggression, war, fight, hatred, fear galvanized by the outside circumstances perfectly matching the installations of such electromagnetic which would set up the level of fear, and no higher intelligence being able to make the difference for your self who could think for your self!, well all this is broken, gone, the Heart IS the Changer! and the main stimulus for the brain, the domination and control over you  is dissipating!!! I do have my own teachings, they do not come from sitting in smelly buildings without fresh air called schools, my link from where i accept information is directly from Original Creator. It has been the greatest but least recognized relief in my not favorite life to have this link, such a connection. Did i always recognize it, trusted it? No. Too much interference took lot of energy of mine away, but with perseverance one can bring her self to this knowing which Is Real and subtle. If kids are programed and believe in santa (which is also a black magic crap) they spend time to write him a letter, i on the other hand am writing all my posts to acknowledge the unity consciousness with the Highest Intelligence and PResence in I am zero point frequency which sustains my life and so i can sustain my flesh in harmony with Earth Mother, because that is what in trilogy this Unity is in front of my, your face now, do you get it? The other equality interesting – seen – was just two days ago: my so called physical body raised upward and left the human swimming pool, which is at the etheral part of Earth i connected my other bodies now consciously witnessing more of all apparent realities, to see your self doing something like that while walking on the ruined dusty city street is quite the experience, so i am deeply grateful. The very heart walks me out of the bondage, out of the mazement and amnesia. Dear “Archipalium”, we are finished.

So the actual point why am i writing this message here is the realization more clear this morning that the soul was separated from its divine light and that is the worst brutality and sadistic act ever over human, and we are healing it now. All forms of separation we are healing it. The man is finding him self again and so i bless the man who has caused jealousy of the most brutal criminal crippled energy not originated on this planet but as an escape from a different system infesting our home and universe with its horrible viral disease, before we leave from here we must all cure it so it doesn’t spread anywhere else we are going as free souls. Namaste.

Photo on 2014-09-25 at 12.28 #2.jpg

This is the Sacred Space! – a Rainbow Carpet sky

September 15, 2014

As this new energy is taking more of… me… into the silent communication: at the so called september 13 i was being asked during a meditation to observe a creation of a blossoms  at the etheric level of Mother’s Earth higher body. A  beautiful  rainbow carpet rolling across the chemically grey sky. The grey went broke and clarity from beneath begun to reveal it self in the most blatant ways. Today this has continued. Namaste, Sovereign

This is my Sacred Space – Siting with the Ocean of Consciousness

August 23, 2014

Well, that is where i found myself this last “night”, (August 22,so called). In all so called emptiness i found my self sitting in front of The Ocean of Consciousness. My friend the G.H. was sitting beside me telling me everything about this ocean. I could see its breath, i could see its texture. The ocean was fully open and receptive to me, i could enter it immediately upon any mental/heart command and or keep sitting before it like a mushroom. Seeing Its silver tones for the most part and all the colors that are unknown to our eyes  mixed together with sparkly colors interactive with many dimensions.. Then the information about the Consciousness woke me up because i couldn’t 

feel anything that i experienced.  Perhaps it was this way because I had this “prepared expectation” from my previous shift in  consciousness that the next time it will much bigger because i want it it to be. But you know what, my Guardians  said no , learn its language, this process needs to be done in a way that no-one can predict, get busy with blending your chakras and dream something else instead.” Hm So after i finally knocked my self sound to sleep – which took several hours – i was in some very organization capable house with lots of kids, boys mainly and their guardians. The boys were gathering their tools and one of the boys has presented to me his box with a sawing. He was particularly grateful for his golden needle which was universal to him and he wanted to be sure i saw it and what it can do.. In this dream there was a good presence of some important people who represent sovereignty and how human is waking her/him self up to re-enter this most important part of her/his life on Earth. I felt that is useful i feel i can continue to gather my information which brings me back my true soul name so i can easily drop the straw name which i never liked anyway, because you why? i couldn’t feel it ever belong with me. Namaste, your truly Quakemolien.

This is my Sacred Space:original individuality-change this language gua gua gua

August 17, 2014

The “August” month has been and continues to be utmost vitally interesting adventures, uplifting, changing and newing.

 For the last 2 , 3 nights i coudn’t sleep normally. I was tossing and turning like crazy, skin itch, feeling extremely uncomfortable, agitated, restless, heavy and very busy with information coming through me and the very busy bright third eye. My Guardians telephatically sharing what is happening, what needs to change and continue to be changing and how my brain is going to have to expand if i want to make any sense of this experience at my nights. Every bone has been hurting me, I am not a type who likes to sit for too long and do nothing. ANyway, the point here is that the 2nd night of no sleep was culminating point of “supper” upgrade energy operation and i saw, have witnessed and experienced viscerally what we were doing in the cosmis (cosmic) body: You see, it seems to me that this 3 D prolonged prison cell over several thousands of years of lies about karma and how bad we all are (shame) and how much wrong we have done and how we need to learn through the drama, tragic, trauma is all set up and nonsense and to me a big huge insult on the soul. I feel rightly traumatized at my soul level of setbacks, stupid, lack of support and so do everything i can to learn what real peace is through what comes to me naturally. IT is about undoing intrusion.

 What has happened in these very fresh few nights was a” revelation”, about affected the Infinite, from the 3D reality/physical experiences of human life. Separate from its Mother Earth/Gaia  by a foreign consciousness  the Infinite’s physicality interpreted its Spheres into in a “wheels”: like impressions, wheels has flattened the spheres and we (my soul and my Guardians) were upstairs to fix it, or should i say, the Infinite called and i was sucked up to see what  was taken place.

I felt like i had to start learning again fast how the “depressed physical” needs to function again, how we need to be more and more  the Infinite! I saw some 7 spheres and please know that i didn’t have the time to count how many there were, all i  can say accurately as i recall this that each sphere in my Infinite self represented trillions of information data. (the sphere number 3 was the physical connection via my central nervous system.  Writing  it, my aura is shiny turquoise and light blue and this seems to be lately prelevant for some time.) I also feel the turquoise has to do a lot with our mOther Planet Earth.

My soul was in each individual sphere of Infinite articulating changes and making these flattened wheels like of forgetfulness and distortion, into their original proper spheres. Something like  a new movement or expression of/for life. (not sure if movement is the proper use, and hard to use at all any of this gibberish/english babylon spellbound ).

I was also told/shown the difference between a wheel and a sphere: Something like the Sphere is the Mother  consciousness and the wheel would be the executor, the doer.I felt the wheels got so bad because of our time machine/overpolarity/game. P.s. one of the cosmic spheres were blind and so it too had to be changed. If i say blind i can also feel like augmented . There was a mirror and that had to go. The spheres had to be the original one without any “mistakes and leaks of energy”. My Guardians instructing about how many changes are there and how the physical deceiving because it was obviously being compromised, needs to shape up and “reflect” the true uniqueness of the Infinite. The Infinite is now more in the focus, has and will have more to “say” more Presence!.It was as if i was in my cosmic self doing it right there so i am capable turning on my physicality and all its usual = the original blue print without this stupid karma believe and or all believes that we have been carrying inside of us like a hunchbacks, functions simultaneously, just like my left hand (INFINITE) and my right hand (PHYSI-CALL) are better synchronized so it is less pain to let go of this physical and continue to create the 5D. This anchoring  helps to forget the straw body – to be gone soon, just the same as “my”name (but not really, only deceived was i) and yours straw name can die as wheel or as well, you can get rid of it, trust me.

So instead of getting rest while in the forest, literary visiting the sweet north, there was lots to learn in Now. No more life in a wheelchair in the mercy of something or somebody. Put my life into my own hands, my hands are the extensions of my beautiful heart. I am also sharing with people the importance to reconnect with Earth, we have not really yet done it well and She is waiting. It now comes to think that the spheres are differentiated dimensionals correcting on the inside for my 79 percent of light casting DNA suit to bring it fully on line. I don’t think it is so fast i never thought anything could be so fast if it is Good, i think this must be in this process the way it is. Sometimes it seems as nothing is happening and then boom. I thank to this High Wisdom for such a guidance which continues to show me loving that needs to meet my Mother Earth to ignite Her and the ready humanity through the human/star being me and you and also you. Namaste,{

please let me know what you think of this inside of your good heart.}

Jarmila i didn’t prove read anything

This Is a Sacred Space – What is disclosure?

June 19, 2014

i would like  to win-der (as oppose to past tense in “won-der) if i had a purple brain would i be better of? Something in this solo room just said “come on let’s go!” and am trying to figure out what to do with my work. What is my work? My work is to be myself, my work is to love, to exist in my heart space. From there  is  much and everything one can do, offer and or teach.  To me we are all undercover Her-storians. Love to me has the most profound meaning.Humanity has been abducted from it’s home, its nature, its heart.

Some people really despise, or dislike the term “to teach”. i would take my self included but then how about to be the example? i  let this mind of higher consciousness with gigantic heavenly blue sky open and full of sun gleam into my self to continue the walk into the depths of my inner Agartha.*

 The ability to present something unique. . And with this purple brain indeed you can do brain-new- thinking, How about this: how about i shut up and tune into the conversation that this etheric tree wants to have with me.*

There are energies  life expressions of formlessness and of  forms. And you are passing by, full of  overcoming the present moment, foolishly eh? I have been here on this planet for more then 160,000,000 years. No kidding. If you want to know more let me know. And first I need to surprise the doubt and  the fear and bring it out to shred it. Some of the old obstacles, residues, blocks they still would like to  prevent me, prevent billions of people from making them selves authentic, making them selves here and seen and i am one of them. I don’t agree or believe in anything, but specially guild, shame and the like and or anger. I have been holding my breath for thousands of years holding something i wanted to say for this long time. My jaw is hurting. That might have had a different reason. We’ll come to it. If you talk and or write about something that you feel is holding you back, holding you down, making you doubt your self, say it write about it, keep doing it till you have emptied yourself.

It could be much easier and done in seconds if i would just use an ax, to chop down all the blame, the shame, the guild’ imagining the wood  represented my  stolen childhood. Instead of enjoy my spontaneity, my courage to discover who and what is with me in life my childhood was being chopped as if it was just piece of  wood ready to be burned.

My disclosure is big deal to me: a)the childhood takes me to b)the programs=schooling c) takes me to work, takes me to d) borders which didn’t grow naturally on the surface of Mother Earth just like I wasn’t born with poisonous tattoo on my skin. My disclosure takes me to UFO, which i have identified because i as a 100% free will soul have been conversing, traveling, simultaneously co-existing with everybody and anybody on many galaxies and am fed up with arrogant robotic monsters who endlessly interfere with life and i made a typo and wrote “love” instead of “life”. I want to disclose the “a)” part to achieve final remedy and resolve and on the end i make my own soul contract revocation with this “a)” point. It is important also for the reasons to let the big anger have its voice, find the resolution so it can leave. The etheric tree is here to ground me and to listen. 

 i am at the place momentarily where my emotions are letting me know “we are out of patience” “with my self.”Hold on: great messenger. Here is the place inside of my stuck place/fear/child where the caregiver “didn’t know there needs to be applied   p a t i e n c e  if the child is to grow in healthy individual and allow the lessons to settle down, take its course.” Here it is, if you feel something like that nagging at you, please take the moment and find the place in your “past” to where it belongs instead of messing up your present beauty moment in life as an adult who wants to love and evolve. If you take the time, you will free the attachment, release the emotional swell, you give your self a hug, say thank you to universal intelligence and carry on.

As i am overcoming{as we speak it takes a second but 3 hours to write about it} this very old bad obstacle CALLED EXPECTATION ( which somebody within family i was mistakenly born into), polluted  me with.  The “expectation of immediate understanding of a  lesson”. Without any warning, explanation the “mother” was obligated to render me, her fearful ego would extorted it self, imposing all over and i the child was found guilty of not understanding what was being shout at me as an order, command, example: if you shout while doing a home work of math and you need your child to understand  it you have to be equipped with intelligence and knowledge and explain to best of your ability what is required of you as a student of a math problem, to be helpful to your child. {That is what i did as a mother to my children without knowing i was capable of it, since the “mother” i was born to, was the tyrant who only was strong enough to  call me an idiot, block;-head, cow, stupid, fucking sucker and ugly pussy. The underlined experience while deleting these programs which are layered in each of us, i am also experiencing a thick woods of words in my head…: They spin the mind around  trying to loos it so they can have their way with my mind. i am constantly redirecting my focus to find the best possible and easiest way to create a path which takes me to the closure.

Scrolling a little more back we find “constant putt downs. Most children are natural henceforth very sensitive, i was born indigo and so i took it to the task to tame this beast by  pleasing her,  working for her. The work contained many chores: cleaning, heavy lifting of things, shopping, working at her studio (the studio was actually the hall of the apartment and the small kitchen from which always something smelled smoked and or vinegary and  i was “employed”  and i could never ever do anything right to her satisfaction.  So i don’t like her and it used to hard on me. She was always very mean, self-centered, screaming at my very good grandfather, screaming at my very good hard working father, scarring me off all the time, i was stuttering, i couldn’t communicate because i became resonant with her idea of me being stupid and incompetent, so that was at home where no world could see this abuse but on the outside when the foot touched the pavement and we start seeing her friends people from my school, oh boy, it was the face of the pretender of love and care and everybody thought how good everything was. It really got me mixed up and confused. Everything has its consequences, hers are coming but the child’s were that the soul existed outside of my body, either beside it and or far away connected by the silver court and many times i wished it would snap.

Her  words cause you pain, the wooden spoons broken over you body cause you bleeding and pain, the grabbing onto you whenever she choose caused you to wanna leave. What a mean ugly angry bitch.  i wish to stand naked in the middle of a field in nature and SCREEM my lungs out. I honestly cannot say i like her. i loved her but she knew nothing about love. She was so bitter, eccentric, sexually overstimulated, which was  scary to me as well, pretended that she always new everything. There was nothing in the world she could learn from anybody, from her two children who lived for her, because we could n’t live for our own childhoods we didn’t have any.

i felt so embarrassed so many times and didn’t even had to actually understand the meaning of her words spoken it was just how it stabbed me how it felt i felt so alone, i couldn’t say this to anybody i was  afraid, because i knew if i would say what was happening to me at my own home this mean woman would turn it around make it look as if i am making it up and i am the one who is crazy.  My brother was one year and a half younger which meant he was also my responsibility. Anything he did and or didn’t do was always and only my fault, and was punished for absolutely everything.  No room for explanation there was no time for me to sort  things out so i could find a solution and follow how everything happened in sequence so it could make sense to me. And then i would be able to deliver a reasonable explanations to her. Not a chance.  One time my dear brother walks on a slippery edge of a swimming pool in a different country,he slips and as i walked behind him and happened to catch his slipping arm and yelled for help. (i did love him sincerely and i couldn’t understand for the world what was so much better about him and nothing good and or like able about girls)

  One time we as a family, made a trip to  Austria. I think it was the year 1967 and or 68. Very bad and uncertain time for the country where i was born. People were saying Russian may come and occupy our little country (and they did) some were speculating to be much better of  and emigrate to the West block.   Europe was being  divided. The next stage of domination and control begun to take on a new shape. So the parents and us went to Austria where my father’s father had been building a hotel, bed and breakfast and two swimming pools. The idea was for  my parents to stay  and work there. Nobody had a problem with this genius idea except the mother had a problem. She constructed that she couldn’t left her father behind in communism and she misled her husband and in-laws to say her priority was to take care of her father. It sounded very noble but in actuality she let us and her father into a  complete destruction, humiliation and the loss  of freedom. My grandfather was also exposed as it turned out to my mother’s verbal abuse. Not a care. He barely spoke and when he said something he was immediately being reprimanded like a child.. I was  learning nothing about respecting elderly people. I felt embarrassed.

My grandfather was very fine and noble gentleman. He losed his own mother when he was 4 years old and his sister was raising him. His sister was also kind being and i do remember her well. There is a woman now, my dear friend Eva who reminds me very much of my grandfather’s sister. My grandfather was a engeneer and a doctor of nutrition and a professor at age of 28 at Charles University, had over 27 world’s patents, was world wide recognized for his academic work and for his humanitarian work as well. He worked hard, he smoked a lot, he loved country music, he called me A little ducking, he fell a sleep when he was assigned to look after me, don’t know where my younger bro was if not with us. My grandfather is a man i highly respect ,love deeply and protect his name and sanity. He was friends (as  i had somewhere picture of him in Europe) with the first republic president and they both liked to ride horses. It brings tears into my eyes to see such a genuine man to be so benied with his offspring. It is difficult for me to comprehend sometimes these anomalies. The explanation is that as i go of years of my own discovery healing meditation and spiritual practical study sitting for long time sit many important questions, i know in my heart and clear mind that these mixed families, are difficult to digest for the planet. The good part is to be aware that Mother’s Earth incarnations dominion is coming back with Her. It is being also confirmed by some other beautiful living soulful guardians like Andrew Batrzis and his grand works.In my own receptive perception i do not consent to these anomalies and sincerely work hard all my life to eradicate them for ever.

 With mother’s very rude tong, her language and manipulations  dear grandfather fell even more sick . 

He lived with us as i recall, then he was forced  to move out. Old man moving out of his own  4 bedroom apartment (which my father had fixed to be more comfortable for my grandfather, us the two kids.) My father converted from an old kitchen, beautiful room, fitted with wooden beam posted ceiling, walls covered in pine wood, new paint. One more person (him when he came late from work could go sleep). From an old closet he made it into a kitchen. Everything he did was bright,nice, clean, concise. My strong impression has been that my father did appreciated the genius in my  grandfather who could continue living with us because George the great warrior of peace,my father would protect my grandfather. The exposure of an abuse was present when the man was not home Then my grandfather  after some time   was kicked out, and  was forced to re-marry, to some very drinking and smocking hungarian suspicious woman thinking he could find a shelter and mainly Love with her. But he was so wrong. This woman beat the living soul out of him, so he called one time the mother, his daughter, and asked her if he possibly could move back into his own apartment! He was desperate.

My father worked days and nights in a club, some 400 km away from us in Germany so he could provide for us. For her it was nothing, he was nobody and what was worse in her mind he was sleeping around. More exposure to guild and shame and blame. Please, don’t do this to your children!

Anytime the parents  were together, enormous fights erupted, physical  as well. I was the one to be covering her body with my tiny body so she woudn’t be choked. My brother and i had nowhere to go. We were completely sponging this psychic puke from a  beast which/who infected my family,  and our tiny mostly hungry bodies. People from Europe are familiar with such stories. People from Western are now also familiar with such stories. No wonder  in such environment can’t think fast and clean, straight everything is scrambled. Because you are  shocked, violated, attacked, you live with a beast who is calling her self your mother and you as a child have nobody to talk to! My take on what happened with her is that she was taken by greys the kind which has no heart no feelings unemotional is hired to take a human out and conduct number of procedures  This is absolutely real and it has been happening all over the world since the 2nd world war. Everything in her house and her was dark. Her personalities split. Tyrant in privacy and nice in the public.

I remember one instance when they were divorcing, my grandfather mostly in hospital in and out, and my father was crying begging her to take him back. Because this beast loved to be in control and manipulation, and it made her always feel superior and happy when she saw you suffering and sad, she rejected his plea. I didn’t understand how this man could ever beg such a disgusting bitch for forgiveness. i my self was afraid of both of them in truth witnessing them what they can do to each other. It took me a great mountains of courage to be investigating ways for resolve, some clues.  Many millions of families, children live in such and worse places. I was doing everything she asked me and even figured out what else i could do, i was bringing her flowers to make her smile. The money i saved up, instead of a bubble gum, there were flowers every other day fresh for her so she could calm down. I didn’t see my father for long time. He has moved out without telling me where he was going. He was under the impression from her lawyer that i as his daughter was Not interested in maintaining contact. Did they ask me? With divorce my brother spend lots of time with my father and i was left with her. When i reached 17 i run away and was brought back by police. The running didn’t stop i couldn’t bare to be there any longer especially after another tragedy, finding my brother dead in a bathtub.  i was blamed for his death harshly was almost killed.  i found the way to my father and we became friends. When i was a single mother after 4 years of abusive marriage and left with two most beautiful babies ever in this world my father died. If I skip the additional traumas and challenges I will say that my father after his passing became my greatest Angel. I had many “usual” meetings with his soul and it is overdue I finally give away how he saved me the very first time. It was dark and wet November evening i was dropping my babies at their “father’s place for a visit, very upset. i didn’t agree with the arrangement forced on me. And because i was so upset i didn’t pay attention to the road ahead i got lost. Some time later while sobbing and passing by a small park i see this dark siluette signaling to me in the direction of north/west. i didn’t know HOW but it cough my attention i made that left turn and it took me out of my otherwise never ending loop. When on the road familiar to me i was thinking what just happened and most probably was in shock and a haze i got my self home and the minute i shut the door behind me to my apartment i instantly knew that shadow in the park was my Father! I lit a candle and when i did that this huge shadow approached me and gave me a hug. i felt so home i felt his words saying to me “so sorry what has happened to me and he is there now seeing and understanding everything and he volunteers to be my guide and protect me and love me because during his life on Earth he didn’t do it the way he wished for” As time went by my other friend with whom we did mutual energy works every week on each other, learning lots of new things, reading books, we also worked on my father’s soul because he felt to me as if earthbound spirit. This spiritual work with and for him and me went so well that within few years he came to me, while i was in New Zealand and presented him self as huge black crystaline obsidian. Gorgeous. My father is still around and even now as i am writing this overdue Ceremony, recognition, appreciation and love and gratitude for him, i feel his Loving energy.

Without  his interventions It would be  much  worse.

There has been and continue to be  many accouters in my life with different kind of people. Beings from different dimensions, different energetics i keep drawing in my books at least their “faces”, billions of different worlds,  i am used to them. These different fabulous, gorgeous loving beings are not any longer to be deemed and labeled as  non existent ufos. It is more than embarrassing . Woudn’t you feel more then dump to think that French people are not real because you can’t see them from Canada?Nobody needs to ever doubt her / his own experiences or be politely submissive to some idiots who are just jealous and afraid of loosing their domination and control. It Is about time it happens. We were “born” in  happenance with Nature with Universe and  with me for me. And there is more to disclose. How about the Rule of the Law? 

  Think on why do you get so easily irritated? We are all psychics. We get messages from each other non-stop! The life is your friend and you can never begin to be your mother if you saw it was a bad idea. That is what i did. In my ow healing i saw the Earth to be my true Mother. Mother Earth has adopted me.

I wrote this and now is public.  Now i want this to  hit the major water fall and  the free falling water powerfully cancels what’s not belonging.The pest parasite our Earth has been experiencing on the large scale in progress is like a numbing glue.

My heart is to me a home. I am privately able to leave my home open because it scars the beast to see you are un-armed, you are aware and your choosing is the most obvious.

i truly and honestly do not consider the woman out of who’s star gate i have exited, and or was expelled, or you say was born, as my mother. i really tried hardest for years to love her, i forgive her.  No longer any of her spell, guilty trips ,control, have power over me, she has no control over my thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas, paths, ways how and or where i live with whom i am. In the same way nobody can have control over you, only if you let it. Stop nodding and start studying, research the law, find the “spelling” over you and your life and get rid of it.

The true government is your own Higher self, governing your actions with simple steps:1) being who you are in your original, not what the birth certificate writes about your person.2) Know and examine furthere you are NOT your believes, get rid of them . Life does make sure that one gets this one clearly. Knowing something,  doesn’t need believe, it needs your trust IN you. You trust even if you don’t know something you do the best, sincerely, honestly, selflessly, presently.3) you get to decide who are you every miniscule of a second time.The archetypes are long gone.  Earth does Not play any Karma! I don’t believe in karma, i don’t believe in destiny, i don’t believe in religion and circumsission.

I know how to trust me. I don’t do to anyone what was done to me obviously naturally i know better. So many people try to live concepts while many more wants to live with life. So many masonic temples still around.One needs to be aware.One doesn’t need to fill her self with fear. Unless you are lazy. These temples are bad old news. Many of us will have to leave the toxic cities. So the spasm can spam on itself. i am going to take a brake. For those without lazy bones and inquisitive minds check out Karl Lentz:your children is your property (on You tube). Large volume of trustworthy information/Education

 O.K. what is your disclosure? What does it mean to you? I now accept more people interested in changing their tune and venturing fearlessly inside of them selves. You can find my contact at my web


100% free will soul


This is a Sacred Space- download straight from DNA/Original Creator

May 29, 2014

Aloha and thank you for reading my blogs.

I received a phone call from one of my clients. It was about her brother. She is concerned with his health, since it was reported he has been loosing blood, internal bleeding and nobody the doctors, apparently don’t know the cause of this problem. I was called if by any chance could see and or detect anything, or maybe even “find” the source. Well, this was two nights ago. It must be noted we who work around the clock are pretty exhausted several years ago, for the huge undertaking of all involved in terms of this universe, mainly our home planet and how deeply some of us are concerned about Earth’s reconnecting to her true Soul Family of her Other Planets, and our own development. For that we know positively it has been hijacked long time ago.

I promised to take a look at being very far away, “doing” something else.  Also wishing I could just go sleep and hope to get some rest, ha ha ha.

My client has given me some information in regard to her brother’s medical history in case it was helpful and I could use it as directives. I couldn’t get anything right away, mind you there is always somebody and or something that has my attention in terms of energy work, and or study. So I couldn’t get or find why her brother has been experiencing blood loss. (The Plateless were last November 140 and now are down to 98), he has history of asthma, is hard working, loves sports, doesn’t take a brake, is exhausted, has sleep apnea. 4 doctors can’t find nothing.

If I can’t ear,see, feel immediately what is the problem I go deep down, sinking into the well and wait I try not to move my mind.  Last night I was still fidgeting why there was no information coming to me, so by the process of exclusions I begun the  investigation. This is not usual procedure since one is able to easily just tune into the bio field and sees the map. After a while I begun to find my self (the non-physical that is) around this man’s digestive system mainly so went closer to see if I could feel any internal bleeding coming from their, but NO it said”maybe in spleen, but keep going”. I asked if there is arterial damage? I got “no” I went to see the history recorded of his injuries, since from what I understood this man loves to play hockey (?) and is always on building sites as a contractor, so for sure there is a plenty opportunities to be injured. And what’s “funny” about this is the Fact we are already as a planet and humanity compressed like a sandwich, for many good reasons: 1) the DNA called for an upgrade meaning the old heat forming carbon burning wasteful system of bio-field needs to transfigure into the crystalline, the crystalis into Angelic Human, I LOVE THAT! Do you? 2) It is a liquid universe, our milking mother’s breasts the Milky Way is also ready for a change and move up so here we are. This IS a fact.

 Spirit – seemed to me — was playing games with my willing but juggled mind, You see, I am willing to learn more and more there is, I am willing and of service, and I struggle if I feel I am failing, so that is on top of everything like a teaser, tester and a constant eliminator, cultivator of the remaining ego protection act.(Note: “ego protection act”- just arrived to me as i have been studying diligently the Natural Law and absolute HATE anything of submission to the negative ego, such as the world’s past/semi-present pseudo, controlling, oppressive, dominating government, that WE DO NOT NEED IN TRUTH!), but am I capable of it in this case?

It is  a great learning experience and adventure, { “adventure = advancement}.

I kept asking  Spirit. Last night when I asked about “hemophilia possibility” it said “no”, but this morning it said “yes”. I was simultaneously observing this man’s internal organs by reading their breath, pulse, temperature, level of stress and or calmness, the frequency of integrated works amongst the nervous, digestive, cardiac, respiratory systems, the brain overseeing how the biological field is functioning.  It clearly felt to me as if some invisible “guardian’ was watching me what I was doing but it didn’t let me to see what I was looking for, the source of this internal bleeding.

Do you feel how frustrating this is? I saw some space called peritoneum as I learned it on materna medica, and it is the space in the abdominal cavity that contains abdominal organs such as the intestine, liver and spleen. Yes, that is what I intuitively felt I should be paying attention to, since this man’s consciousness was pointing it out to me in yes and no motion, eh! In the meantime I was questioning how come for goodness sakes he doesn’t report any sing of pain, since it is logical to suspect if there is such event of internal bleeding the body’s / brains response is to bring pain into the affected area. In the same time I went to his spiritual aspects/mental, emotional, childhood history to find out if any draining of joy out of life….this would be linked to people with mortgages, stupid bills, it would do it,  the history of childhood development of any suppressions, unseen child (not allowed to me heard and or seen, put downs, mentally suppressed if child is inquisitive, unique, if boy has a stronger feminine side to him but is not hormonally expressed as a gay, which would also signal high thymus overstimulation activity, all interesting stuff, yes? Next to it I looked if there was any undirected anger at universe seemingly full of nasty people, as this might have been a shadowed  perception.

What came to me was that this man is “basically pretty well balanced”, considering everything: (such as now days man’s mind’s believe); he doesn’t have the time to loose to be seeking if his body works well, that is the doctor’s job; he is more the type to work until he falls to the ground, he loves his work to be done well, his feminine soft side is hugely covered up with the survival, tough guy life reality, and he keeps going. Well, now his own body, mainly THE PLACENTA showing him a stop sign. (I have heard also to look at his Trachea).

It says to him “get down” listen for your roots, slow down, take the time to reflect”. Now as I am writing it his liver is …”looking at me” (consciousness interconnection experience here) indicating a loss… So what is hidden, why nobody can find anything, the same question comes again and again. Then suddenly this shadow of memory from this man’s subconscious mind walks by …”he was a gentle boy, quiet his parents lived in hardships  there was indirect intense anger and passive aggressive behavior  for which there was no recourse”. Then the word “HEMOPHILIAC” hits me again strong. And so I go into the google to teach me exactly the medical in so far information some site had on, a brief intro. It said: …”Ay of several hereditary blood coagulation disorders in which the blood fails to clot normally because of the deficiency or abnormality of one of the clotting factors.” O.K. The second I feel… “hereditary”. To look at again.

I stopped the google read and listened for higher instructions. Obvious to me this very word is suggesting already to investigate the feminine aspects of the DNA codes in the family tree offsprings, but I had to go backwards to see if I could learn where any “mistake” took place.

As I am tuning into the DNA information which is the most fascinating material to me, I got this huge download coming straight from its source. I am being told this DNA study might be helpful to my client and her question, I am being shown what is coagulation factor, that is when something separates from something else, depressed state of suspended particles resulting from their growth; too long heating, maybe one more of electrolyte (more DNA masculine vertical data coming in for some support of what is going on in terms of any distortion), gel like setting [condensation reaction between solute and solvent] At this point I went “what?” and got back on google to teach me a little more about this clotting, since my client has advised me prior to my investigation that her brother has been given some medication in order to stop his internal bleeding. The google said …”coagulation factor = process of forming blood clot [my code words) to prevent blood loss from raptured vessel (I got vein in his case. Yeah, which one?!). “A damaged blood vessel stimulates activation of clotting factors, eventually leading to the formation of long, sticky, thread of fibrin. these make a mesh that traps platelets, blood cells, and plasma (yes I was getting to his plasma as well, since in plasma we can energetically find good information, like a recording if anything deviates from the original blue print of human DNA!)…the text continued:…”This meshwork soon contracts into a resilient clot than can withstand the friction of blood flow. Under abnormal circumstances, clots can form in an intact vessel and may block it.” …. Hemophilia…. A recessive (to me AHA moment) trait associated with the X-chromosomes, is manifested almost exclusively in males.” ..Lack of factor VIII cause classic hemophilia, other are caused by deficiency of factor IX or XI – the first two are transmitted by sex-linked heredity, the third has dominant inheritance and occurs in females as well as males. Spontaneous bleeding may occur. Even trivial injury may cause life threatening blood loss…. Drugs can be given…”I quit reading here.

DNA FAMILY! O.K. Hemophilia is a coagulation disorder. Hm. I sensed some DNA intrusion, genetic defect into the feminine principle once I saw the letter “X” it hit me that I must follow Spirit to see what happened with the sex hormones which are associated with the female characteristics like in his mother’s case, and what happened to her when she was a child!, I sensed some kind of “violence” genetically speaking, since the X-chromosome  is perceived as “exceptional in mammals”. (In this family there is a gay, I still think it is a mistake in the DNA but not because the original DNA was imperfect, but because what happened in the voyage of it via 3/4 generations back plus the environment, prior to manifestation in the physical body,( in the word “environment” one can sense the green energy, vitality , etc.) Then I was “knock out” into an astral travel and the download started to take me in.

Voyage on the sea many live times ago, is a different in-formation of the genetic encodement, in comparison to “enclosed spaces, or a land”, then observing/ seeing the spinal column, the brain, cerebellum, brain stem, …attracted with the sea people (sailors) who are exposed  to a Cosmic information, the sea (Figure 8 above/bellow has to match, reflect) of knowledge, then brought to the land mass (also can be seen as the brain of  earth, the heart of earth, the receiver). Here came the most important piece of information:

The prolonged voyage on the sea/water has had a profound affect on the DNA activation incodments since water is a vessel of information, the ability to imprint observations from mammals, human environment.: I go as far as to say, the generously loving intelligence we do know anything about, but called it “water”, is mother within mother. It is the maximum gestation periodicum and nurture to the DNA, cooperation, inter-communicator. DNA told me the significant time spend in such a terrain, environment has a major affect to further and future development on human DNA: the understanding and acknowledgement, reading intuitively read: NATIVELY (intuitive is native to nature, one with nature), the human surrendering s  (I surrender).

 Water + land is one but different Feminine Blue print alignment to the human mammal DNA knowledge is the print of acknowledgment that it says there is a capacity to be able to live in complete harmony, trust with nature if properly intermittent with Her. If INSULATED or ISOLATED from nature, then the DNA intelligence must reflect this information/aspect and creates a “wall” for future decoding — to learn, seeking finding why the Insolation = separation from nature took place, DNA Will seek its correction process first hand from the process of understanding of the first mistake which what separation from nature is. Separation is done by intrussion, a different backward spelled agent.

I was downloaded this DNA info it could go on. It says “DNA doesn’t like influences such as insertions and experiments. Because: it has been SET by natural forces and has its own ways of hearing the call back into the original source (the feminine all integrated source) from where it came (yeah, like a boomerang effect) This is very positive since it is “time log capsuled safety thing” . DNA as a messenger and instrument/coordinator of life and always pro life (it keeps going, self correcting if needed). It recognizes full harmonic cognicense !!!!!, everything of natural source automatically and knows when and how to act in terms of steps taking of activation. High vibratory information. Information is equal to ordained set of steps unlimited to anything of outside of it self and it is beyond the present anti-human movement “concept” of understanding what DNA does, Human DNA is a specified vast array of maps and abilities, the inheritance of the Original Source!, DNA has its OWN protocol hence it has the ability to record everything on it’s one of many lines: [this one I am being shown, and feel, it refers to all recorded information: like if this  info of your life- second after second- all inclusive events matches to your original blue print from Divine Source, if it doesn’t it records here and then it has its own bio-computer inbuilt in it self to analyze the data of differences, it could in small way mimic an illness, disease, but it doesn’t because in the original it doesn’t know such a thing as disease!, so it only informs the surface, your body/ly systems what they are dealing with as “no fit to blue body/print” to get rid of, simple as that. This line is shown to me as a rain-bow reflector from its original Mother DNA strands. DNA has now activated Her Cardinal Points of Activity aligned with the Cosmic body Intelligence.

Say you have an ordained DNA encodement with specifics of your SOUL EVOLUTION! {P.s. Do you think the Original Intelligent, Omnipresence will ever allow Her majestic creations to be destroyed??! Just look at the “weed grass” growing from beneath of the stupid toxic asphalt, give me a call what you have learned from that!}

The DNA is a Matrix which gives you all the tools you need for your maximum achievement (eve) in reading, understanding and going along with the creational cycles. This does include the Free Will but it says the Free Will is additional Help assistant in case you as a Soul Frequency with (or and your) specific DNA Language-sentence will run into a “problem” (see the word “choices”) Free Will is a back up to get you into your core! (this is how I hear it) I also saw that DNA is a master in Terms of Discernment if you mess with this code, know you are screwing up with the Creator of DNA = biological worlds, platforms, planetary systems, filled with silent + tonal (in synchronicity: the silence has tonal codings simultaneously) languages, tonal expressions! It clearly makes to me all this time statement: “I am conscious intelligence Knowing Full Well What I am Doing!”  

 It is seeing, feeling, thinking, exchanging of energetic information on all its levels: these levels are all from the Original Creator of All, all the way down here where I sit or you sit), therein reader of environment where you want to begin to recognize what’s your and or the environment, the omnipresence!”

This should be a warning to those who execute their arrogance by believing and acting as they are above the ordained life principles. Because, unfortunately for them, tHey do not know what they are messing with. I must say I am grateful for this download today. As I was writing which took several hours, because of constant interruptions, I was also made aware, that this particular street I seem to be “living” on, has some major developments in terms of very fast underground activities. What I mean: recently was given an image of some kind of fight/ like war of energies. O.K. Then the surface arrogance who believes that Earth is just some iron rock, keeps digin the surface and keeps puring more cement/ashphalt to cover the holes, prolapses, movement that Mother Earth needs to keep moving, also consider the angry water underneath, the gas. This is all in my books “dangerous stuff”. I felt the Earth, this particular valley needs some kind of stretching to be doing, but instead the stupid city is oblivious to the Nature again, I wonder what’s next?

Namaste, Jarmila

This is a Sacred Space – my/our mother, the Earths of Gaia

May 23, 2014

Why is it important to be in connection coherence with your planet Earth: 1) you can naturally you are capable of carrying for someone. 2) as carrying being of mother Earth you show her she matters to you, you strengthen your Mother. I little child is able to protect her own biological mother if she is being attacked by a perpetrator. 3)you sing, vibrate, 4)heal your self, 5) exercise and make a connection to your own emotions, 6)do not allow low mental to control you! 7)Know you are your own leader, You are your own government, because 8) you are loving at heart being, a SOUL! You are a living soul do not give your selves any names.

The Sun Is Helping  to feed the  Light  codones that are dormant in your bodies via: pineal gland, skin, breath, conscious interaction, gratitude, acknowledgement. We must bring our Sun also into a spiritual/grounding focus and doing so it helps the Earth. If you have a grey sky and cannot access the sun directly above you this is what you can do: take a conscious deep breath, realize that this is the picture you might be recognizing as bio-ingeneered weather control over imposed against your free will. At the exact moment of your realization that your free will might have been violated, you are in charge for you were naturally born here on Earth : child of Earth, you are at home, hence it is your innate right to change the grey to your natural blue. I refuse to believe that I am made of  light and dark and nothing else, for I know this is not true.* (For with dedication for discernment one finds to connect and speak to own’s own original DNA which is Not black/white, polarity like a matrix machine!

I refuse to have only two realities: day and night (at the optical dimension there are cones and rods, cones are used for the day light and brightness, the rods are used for night vision. Well what is omitted is the fact there is human skin, endocrine system, central nervous system and 10 more biological brilliant intelligences functioning at their peak levels unconditionally and if they are being purified, focused on with, strengthened by meditations, daily healing energy cleanness as I call it personal spiritual energetic hygiene, these plus your aura can help you to experience several (96) other realities, feel now your DNA that casts Light!* As can be  summarized into human magical reality, you can see there are faculties available if you exercise them. Hence it should be easier to be able to clear the grey sky and Or Revoke privileges to be governed by somebody outside of you!: so take a deep breaths, imagine a huge astral broom that can sweep this grayness, and or think of a vinegar allowing the vinegar taken on this grayness and transmuting it and or by opening your crown chakra and with this open pure filed full of white/golden light you can smile internally no directionality, no geometric shapes!, at your sky, recognizing her for who she is as it is part of your skin (S-KIN) at expansion level. Practice your feeling body principal (what is the original gift/purpose for us humans to have a feeling body?): take notice of your chakras, your aura and make sure it is clean and vibrating strong so no harm of archons, psychic parasites which are artificially generated via WIFI can enter steeling Your Energy! You treat parasite as you would treat a cockroaches! As you would treat a thief. Thief, robbers, liars, deceivers wearing many costumes: black robe for a pope for a judge, blue uniform for a police man who has sold his soul into servitude for the de-facto government, white coat for a doctor telling you if you don’t take a radiation for your cancer you are doing to die, do not confuse this with sovereign transparent governance which only exist inside of you as a matter of fact! The INSIDE OUT: For you see, the inside can manifest it already has you were born. The best learning you can do is from your self, from observation from acting when theaf, lies, harm distortion of information done on purpose is being done, do not hide, do not be afraid to point it out to those who are of such soul-less practice and dis-sociate from them.

When you dissociate from control and domination over somebody you become the solution instead of the problem.

I have read a recent article, interviews on a web site I go on occasion to feel its informational qualities and or not. The interview was about The liberation of planet Earth, The author of this “2012 Portal-Cobra” have expressed that according to her/his information..” it cost 2 to 3 billion dollars the archons/cabal, to control this planet with domination, bribing people in government and other off-ices, pollutions, genetically eng. food, tv , deception, etc., in ear they need about 1 trillion dollars to keep this planet in prison!” So what do you do with such an information? Intelligently and decision wise: Be true to you. Question what is true in its quality, of transparency, full disclosure to your self! do not hide any skeletons in your closet .And  if you can look straight into your own eyes with no restrain but neutrally and it feels warm, good inside then you are in your core of a spiritual and psychic immunity.Knowing for well when to take an action, assimilating evenly all the psychic and other information, sorting it out, digesting it, understanding it at all levels… That sort of work. The blue is big part of your origin. The true royalty, nobility, and divinity IS within you, it is your own responsibility to find out for your self, If you have a life time on this most extraordinary, rather ordained living sentient planet, spend your life time wisely, love your life. It is your true teacher who gives a daily evidence of who you are in each moment of ecounter with others and in different situations. That is a good and honest feedback for areas that need your hard work, good intentions for making loving higher changes. Learn to live with your self without any access to noise, words, passivity any thing too much under or too much over, life is generous, stay with Nature. Stay with HER, IF YOU DO: no matter what may be coming Mother Earth will protect you, show you where to go if you ever need to change a location, learn to be practical, decide and learn to simplify, get rid of staff and anything that might be chocking you. (Examples: political issues, such as you extensively feel overburden, over powered by nonsense: by-law, statutes, rules, regulations is garbage and applies ONLY to those who are part of that corporate company. You must discern this and study the natural law, study the difference, read! about it, things that you believed were your obligations turn out not to be, find out which are these. I have done this and am free of them. I am silver, sober, sovereign. I am not a burden to anything and or anybody, I am 100% accountable. How: I do not collect any pension plan, unemployment insurance, I do not ever want to work for de-facto government, and or pay taxes to kill people!. It is a lie and only those who are lazy to investigate say taxes are paying for the road, school, hospitals, payments, no it does not).

Practice facing death and if you are afraid of this Energy of transformation, face it. (if you are still afraid, it is like spelled backwards “giraffe”  and say what terms and conditions are preferred by you Example: personally I am aware of few people that I cared about while they existed also in this physical time machine matrix. I have a good sense of them so they are chosen by me to help when I am ready to leave in perfect peace in my heart for I have nothing to be sorry in terms of my conduct, service and or personal life ethics and nature. Get rid of fears of death! Death is read as “no eat-h”. When you fell and broke your knee, the knee has bled, and it hurt, everything in your smart body rushes to remedy the situation. We die all the time, no big deal. Also fast. That will teach you how to deal with panic, or if you practice fire breath, at the beginning people panic because of fear at first for not being able to hold the fast paste of the breath, until they consciously connect to their diaphragm and decide it is o.k. to practice clearing breath, the fire breath. Remember your heart and it innate ability to expand, to soften, to choose for you the higher choice, but do not be a coward, hiding, and promoting fear and non-action. You must think of living trillions of energies, existences that you might not have had the opportunity to meet just yet with. If there is untruth spoken, if there is malice and harm done whether it be by a police man forcing him self with some pseudo-authority over you, do not let that put you down, or make you fearful. I tell this to my self  often.

 The blue is very calming especially in heated situations. Earth is blue with green and then everything else. The priority here is to focus on inner cleanse, the priority is to invite the magical energies, for they have been with us before any bills, and draconian legal tender came into place. Tune into the paper that you think and I think pays anything. If you see it energetically, it has no foundation, it is all black hanging in the air, literary. That is the energy of abuse. Then follow down where the long gap is and then tune into the consciousness of gold, the true creation of Earth. Gold holds information and it is of consciousness. Connect to that! Grow the gold inside of you as I was told and am reminding you and me again today, That is much more practical. That consciousness is part of our home it belongs here and to everybody, that consciousness can’t be stollen, it can be damaged by the draconic abuse, but we are of love, So who here is more grounded, stands up for truth, is relaxed and real?

I want to talk more about the Rainbow beings that has been coming to fully integrate.*  I can re-do my own DNA. Through this inner hygiene work, taping into all spherical energetics, memories, recordings, believes. I am mostly getting very much rid of believes and most of them are gone, now it takes to go really deep to reach for those in the archetypes, things coming up “unexpectedly” what my mother told me when I was very vulnerable child and how it hurt me or limit me , etc., so I release after I felt it. Fear now has very BAD SMELL different from smokers, alcoholics, it smell of pollution, of grayness, whites and if you are an empath the fear attaches onto you hugging! So watch out. The dog’s teaching is is to shake it out if you like the fun of it. ANd I do. Smudge is good, yoga, meditation, immediate for advanced people realization removes this fear from you at once. The Rainbow Presence if so vital for our emotional center, health, longevity.  The Rainbow is highly inspirational: When I saw these beings appearing with me many years ago (actually according to my old notes since childhood) I didn’t see them having eyes and or mouth even! That tells me the show and tell is always from inside: TRUE SILENCE invocation. If the brain/mind has high vibration you can access this spectrum of life much easier, or if you are interested-INTER-is, you might feel these pure love beings around you right now. This is uplifting but also stay ground it and Then you are doing the work and know what it means to be human, or to be Guackemolian, Gaian, someone with living life force, heart, soul, conscious lovingness. {P.S. I have some drawings depicting meetings with Rainbow Beings, but the FIWI is full of itself, not cooperation, will upload the picture when energy work done on this 2 D computer, there was also a voice coming out of some commercial that I didn’t seek to listen to while writing my blog, May you go well in this Universe as your backyard,

Namaste, Jarmila