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this is my Sacred Space: the shading of density body, written by The Inner Witness.

the picture drawing by this author 20 years back, depicts the E.T. connection

the alchemy of krystalization, transmutation/to transcendence as seen some different ways, times .


We are here to EVOLVE. Some of us feel deeply and some don’t feel anything. Make sure you do everything in your own innate power you feel everything. Like the transistor the feelings are sensory receptors that make your universal nervous system interconnect to the right places, accurate resolutions, places you must account for, remember, clear, release, celebrate as your own unique witness, observer, experiences. Even right now when it looks like the SOUND is torture, that is not the authentic sound turn it off, if it repeats the finality of your life is here if you don’t do what the monster demands of you. I turn on stand up comedy show and let the stomach to do some awesome thunder storming, i go on my yoga mat and sweat it, i breath fire and or Wim Hof, drawing, doodles, knitting colors of pure wools silks and other materials, do hard physical work, where my hands are growing calluses my entire body is aching and the aura is getting more and more so called space awareness, Enjoying the simple wild flowers, observing birds searching the freshly cut grass (like the Black bird) to find his juicy worm. Red fox sneaking behind my foot steps knowing well I just SAW HIM disappearing into the bush on the other side of the wooden fence. Seeing all the spheres and hues color and sometimes a parallel reality and my soul signalling my person to stop the walk activity and just connecting to it. Then Blue beam showing up in a far distance creating a magnetic cohesiveness and just to be sure sending a physical vehicle of the same strong vibration of a metalic blue passing on the highway if one needs the confirmation. and Yes, I do want all the criminals to be already behind bars as a life sentence or some of them taking them out completely, I do want this PLANET to be LUCKTIRIOUS, singing happy crystal ball of love and freshness and purity and innocence manifestation where humanity is respected and human race can normally interact with their benevolent star families and our coolest vacations are on Andromeda star system free of charge obviously, because yes we finally have full access to the energy that never ever expires and the price tags do not exist anymore and we are self governed galactic citizens.

the HEART : you CAN experience it’s strong magnetic field of LOVE! It has happened to me few days ago. Sitting here and watching some scifi all of a sudden i feel this malleable strong energy wirepool around my chest going round and around. I stoped watching movie and payed attention, then wanted to send this love motion to my child but instead this energy had the intention to go out into the city of psychic pollution.

Until next: with love, Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide, Jarmila.


I AM having the underlining “HMMMM” hum within that I supose to EAT some different food then what we have “available” on Earth’s table. This food that my Spirit is in knowing of, is Eternal Manna nutrients from S. Feminine food source. It is given the etheric light body all the electromagnetic information, light codes materializing as a form of knowingness, called “food”. We can taste it, touch it, it looks like colorful fruit buns that remind us of rather gigantic flowers and or strawberries (yet this food doesn’t resemble strawbery we now know at all). Last night I woke up with this following dream: I was at the belly button of Mother Earth, her true north. If you can actually connect to Earths belly button while she is all this wably sphere very round but not exactly at this point equaly everywhere in all Her circumverance smothly sphere, She continues to be pregnant, adding more and more AHAs as reminders of THE CLARITY OF HER ENTIRE MIND. Her mind is happy now, since it continues to getting back her original memories, not scrambled anymore, and same with our brain. The brain was hooked onto the temporar dark matrix 3. look into the cup I did NOT  DRAW the number 3, it was just there this morning after drinking my coffee, BUT LET ME GO INTO THE DREAM ACTUALLY: I WAS AT THE EARTH’S BELLY AS SHE CALLS IT HER TRUE NORTH. I hear my voice saying to somebody: “Oh look the trees (evergreens pretty high touching all kinds of interseptive densities and universes)have accumulated lots of magnetic field.It looks gray.  And the Star families are migrating back to live again on Mama Earth. Before were so far few yurts and domes, one was green, others were of neutral appearance, and the feeling I got was there are many more coming, soon my friend will have no elbow space. This dream stayes with me during all day, while in meditation which now feels like chain of continuum, sometime past week I have this feeling/image (my experiences are lived)  from my heart center “comes out” almost 7 m in diameter circle/sphere of shimering golden light, The light is living, moving intelligence. My physical body can’t move so I just go again with this experience. Around this shimmering golden emiting light sphere is another rim of a circle full of rainbow language tones, the tones are yet changing into warm colors of pink, orange, magenta, soft yellow, soft pink, soft purples, in the center of this circle is Aquamarine moving in and out (like a lips opening and closing in a gentle wave of dancing sway) “star gate” is best I can describe it and my being is merged into this Living liquid light, The next layer of following meditation is that I am |back” in Prague, with my father, the memory activates into a scene of me being about 7 or 8 years old, my father visiting and taking me for walk. there is a bridge between different regions of the capital city of the Cz.republic, Prague, The Prague 1 is connected to Prague 7/Letna where we’re walking in this past now experience/memory activated, I ask my father about a strange unusually looking round building, that is evidently shut down. My father’s response is that this building used to belong to Nicola Tesla’s FREE ENERGY, but during the communism they shut it down, it was apparently never used, never encouraged to be used. I am looking at it through my adult/child’s eyes, very currious and then all of a sudden I see the zip, the sun through my Soul light language, I see the sun coming closer to Pleiadian star systems, as I hear my self saying the codes of activation of the free zero point energy for all Europian countries, for I am being told that there are MANY NICOLA  TESLA buildings allowing free energy to florish. TODAY, On June 21, 2021 the download comes through about different level of axiotonal lines alingment, free zero point energy and how this day is the magnetic galactic field presence, receptive 2 ways street receiver for anyone of us, who is open to go home!!! staying on Planet Earth!. This day does’n’t go away ever. This light cannot be pushed back, dismissed and or denied, it is MAGNIFICENT ACTIVATOR PRESENCE. Namaste, Transparent Crystal Spirit GUide, Jarmila.



This is my Sacred Space: More puzzle pieces for the human star being DNA/RNA, Crown chkr. clearing.

Dearest Aloha Aroha to our Galactic Central sun, Yoniverse, Planets, Star Families, Mother Earth and all Her denizens. My ears continue to buzz and I am ever learning to see its long thin streams of light energies, the many radio waves we all have to our attention causing us the grand achievement of telepathy. That acknowledged  I am now ready to share a brief scoup of another small puzzle piece for the inner=standing of our DNA (THE MASCULINE) and RNA (9, THE FEMININE) “Me mores”…meaning memories. Must say that to be calm about this is pretty important. Taking the route of minuscule details because that is how i choose to learn about our lost memories. Say we take few life times back and see that we as the SOUL created a pattern to gain very audible perspective on it. My theme from previous several life times (FRACTALS) have been FAMILY. As an example: (from my note books) “I need family to be”. This may sound like a condition, predisposition a plan….the condition is a suggestion that my existence depends on having a family.Yes from higher perspective: family in natural state of evolution without ANY contra virus disturbances…causes EASY OR EFFORTLESS EXPANSION. OR: the human condition exists based in having/being in /with family… So when I looked into my own Akashic records I saw that many times I was a mother/father to children and they all died very young for various reasons. That event left a strong mark as trauma on the soul. In the next life time my soul planned to heal it by having children again being their mother. This time the children survived (so that part is balanced for my soul), grown to be adults (continued lives that were not able to be continued in previous lives, but wait: who says, knows if these children are the same souls?! Here is the other  clue, it works on higher levels as well, meaning we are here for many soul families, in this universe, galaxy, the bigger picture), but  were taken away by the corrupt courts away from the mother and given to the abusive father. (His soul is not ready to return to the natural evolution, he is still causing karma thus indicating that his will is to remain in the old Earth’s low level teaching school until such time when he acknowledges he has cause pain and suffering and is ready to move on. In the meantime the other soul needs to let go of this trauma and give it for higher path to seem-less living free of suffering) The next step for DNA/RNA strands  is to be branching out/ splitting again due to the  that more negative karma needs to be discharged on behave of others! on my own positive time line, and coze. the genes directory via soul’s purpose, plan is to find its own progeny by means of finding it’s match to previously held plan as the sovereign free will soul that has planned : “i want  family in order to thrive, through love and support.”

 So that very strand needs to travel/continue into the next life to find its match. while the other strands that have fallen into the abyss of abuse through the acts of others (children taken away, children dying life severed, premature dying…..all of this needs and must find its expression in the following soul journey via healing, closure and to reach expansion, plus in case of trauma it serves the purpose of discharging heavy karmas from previous generations, nations different DNA RNA stranding combinations, migrating from one star system to another if it is open evolutionary cycle., into their own unique pattern, unique frequency of plus and minus energy (meaning different densities, and dimensions, here on the physical plane it gives the UNIVERSAL PASSPORT STEMP IN YOUR OWN PASSPORT TO BE ABLE TO TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE UNIvERSE AND OTHER UNIVERSES.. Restoring own DNA/RNA by careful examination of one’s own patterns, programmes, mentoring, believes: those are the formulas for our High alchemy to use discernment, intuition as to how and why eliminating hidden believes and poisons :(sadness, depression, doubt, discouragement, giving up on one self) MUST be examined and removed permanently so the soul is able to bring it’s all soul shards and pieces back together and successfully active its own genes. By doing so, on this journey we free our selves from the closed cycle of recycling, repetition and travel OUT into the arms of the galactic central sun.

The other side trauma in our human history is the fact we are never left alone as a earth human to be able to solve our own challenges! We are trained, we are given second hand knowledge ) Everybody is constantly telling us what to do and how to be, the interference is never ending, unless you end it first. And figure out for your self what it does to have a bond to your child (different chakra activation.) and when you take out the personality and you see you as the soul and or I refer to this as also the inner child who doesn’t have any pretends, the child of innocence and purity, you figure out how it works, then the trauma has no hold on you, it is through the negative ego, when the medulla oblongata is poisoned by entrapment of suppression, negative psychic web of A.I. and in such case one cannot see the link to Prime Creator via consistency of meditations and one doesn’ t find meditations to be useful and successful, if this channel is blocked.  Yet it is totally possible through self mentoring (Earth no time)!, to be the high alchemist  finding its own remedy, being guided back int to it’s own ancient strand of DNA RNA long stem of eternal life which has been chopped into “SINGLE CHAPTERS” called incarnations and illegal Re-incarnations. But the incarnations are the true project Earth Gaia has offered so old soul can see the details in complete forgetting . Actually am not in agreement with the notion of total forgetting as we go through the birth canal. Why that should be a curse? 


Now message received today: cloning extra terestials and their materials they are transporting here. What IF Earth Mother has changed Her appearance? Is there anybody on this Earth who doesn’t have Akashic records but is in the Book of Knowledge?


Unity star Heart + CCrown chakra and All galactic chakras Unification;

1) The Higher self and the lower self (person free of poisonous programming) is One.

2) KrystAline structure polishing strengthening amplifying and expending

3) All 12 bodies (12 DNA/RNA strands) are One with My Spirit/Soul energy within Original Prime Creator.

4) Removal (Permanent) of collective negative consciousness and all those with death wish out and away from (my) psychic body, (my) blood, parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.

Namaste, Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide, Jarmila. Please leave me a comment, thoughts  and thankyou.

This is a SacredSpace: Come and Co-Motherfest with Her.

aloha. My page as it was almost written what I wanted, disappeared so i am starting again this post.

A new beloved (in the tittle of today’s post) frequency of sacred feminine came to me, expressing it, feels so gentle and more home, so I trust it is O.K. to mention it and share it with you, dear friends. My post today is about how one spends her time in the lock down, what can you learn if you want to (?), if when people around  feel uneasy, they are hiding,seem unreachable, which may lead you to misunderstand and take it personally, coliding with each other in their homes, running out of fiat, food and patience, trapped questioning wondering, having fights and arguments because that is what misery does to people when they don’t know what is going on, and the real reasons behind all of this. and they are being told what to think their own critical thinking for them selves not so much as their forte. That is wrong in my books. And just when I think to my self “Oh troubled people let’s not make an enemy among our selves, let s communicate, share..” And I think, I might fail, It doesn’t happen, I can reach out, I can reach him or her, It is O.K> and we are talking and it is GOOD. I am doing my part to be of help and positive interaction and encouragement of better days ahead. My self I  feel relaxed, having loads of unwanted previous challenges, and co-creating motherfesting with Spirit, After what ever  needed to be taken care I’d like to use the material lack of missing things and turn it into a spirit energy. Some of my pastels and rainbow coloured pencil are with me to be using them

I feel well I feel  relaxed, continuing my daily practices in between working, easy flowing mixture of texture.  The idea of staying outside and meditating attractive, even though there was  strong wind, clearing away useless chemicals from the long grey tractor-tire fields of clouds

…I wanted to connect with the Sun-setting, so I sat down and got quiet, using my white feather template for non-attachment, un-assuming… What I saw was huge and long rubbery like tube feminine white being with a burgundy rose  flower behind her spirit ear, joining my silent interaction…What was presented to me was pyramid ( as it appeared several weeks ago to reveal some details). And it was so clear and simple and I got the reason behind this and why the corona virus  is a riddle actually. Virus is called the one who wants to remove the actual long standing defects, infection, but the defective infectious bully doesn’t like to be taken down from the top of the seeing pyramid ( hence the corona may also represent, beside the sun corona, the “crown” the top of the pyramid that is being taken down as it appeares),and it is not this sun that I have connected to,). That makes sense .. The few weeks ago when some info about the triangle, the pyramid arrived I was reminded to look up as a refreshment on the fact our DNA is full of viruses, they are reminders, when something is out of balance in our own human bodies, these protene mimicing sentices come to bring balance again thus we get flu and that is all. (bellow link of wikipedia not my favorite but gives at outline, when I asked where do virus originated from? I didn’t get anywhere answers, so I ask Spirit. Maybe you ask too? Let’s see what answers we may learn…

. I really wished  all humanity having one clear positive time line. What I don’t know is if on Mother beloved Earth there is anything virgin like neutral place, space continent, river anything that doesn’t’ have any corporation’s names and labels attached to it, it is not stolen taken colonised, it is just Earth, There is no passport no money, It is JUST EARTH. Sensational Earth, Free EARTH NOT BELONGING TO ANYTHING JUST TO HER SELF HAVING HER BEAUTIFUL HUMAN PEOPLE LIGHTANDed UP LIVING!That has been my birth mark of meditation, my birth mark worth of bring. What is your vision? What is you want? Leave me a message, add to it. Thank you and wishing you beautiful imagination, magic feeling the earth beneath your lovely two feet.

Namaste, Spirit KrystalGuide. 


I am having conversations with my heart. I send it love daily, putting one hand over it. It likes sincerely, authenticity, truth, courage. I am straight forward unique, unit of many planets and many words now of this world, that is obvious, …my heart goes on…there is more about this but let’s skip it and let’s go to the following page in my book: WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO ME IS WHAT I LIVE FOR NOT WHAT I WORK FOR. That is my own soul intimacy. The soul intimacy needs to be (for my to practice) the highest frequency, i love velvet, silk, silver, white light pure, space, aspects of virtue of reality, to communications with the star systems manly the sun and the galactic central sun, It is important to me IF I AM STILL ABLE TO CREATE ANYTHING BEAUTIFUL AFTER SO MUCH DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE TO MY LIFE? It is important to me the integrity with which I do things, what I say. FEELINGS and “allowing”: LET ME FEEL MY SELF FOR CHANGE instead of figuring out other people (also this was a wrong gene in my heart due to abuse, so I could create my safe space).Feeling my own feelings not other’s people’s feelings, I think humanity’s home work is to stop warring about silly non existent virus that kind that people are being trained to fear… Human’s better use of their own time could be something like  coming home for them selves while the corona virus 19 (? why 19 cause it was made somewhere in the laboratory last de facto year???) business people . and actors on common media are talking care of their own world wide business distributing humanity with falls flag of  deadly non existent viruses. Question the integrity of that information, since that information is missing integrity to me it is bullshit. somewhere  shall be my actual recording which comes with my text, to hear might be also useful/smile.


If the virus is made in mililabs and mixed with animal gene and or off world material then Yes it is a concern but so-far that has not been found and nobody is proving to me/showing me how this virus suppose to look like really I don’t really take seriously something that is hugely missing integrity. Let’s go back to the Emotions: Feeling my own emotions means a sense of real security, safety, free of worries (because WHY WOULD I WANT TO CHOOSE TO LOWER MY FREQUENCY TO HELP THE ASHOLS TO WIN IF I AM HERE TO MAKE SURE THE NATURE CONTINUES ON GAINING WHERE IT BELONGS?) Learning from what is happening inside continues to build stamina, continues to build soul intimacy, continues to build trust and one is also careful about it. Soul Intimacy, equals soul mate it is me to myself I refuse the labels such as OCD, ADD, etc., … MY HEART MY FACE… FACE SHOWING ME MY HEART’S MESSAGE… I WEAR THE HEART AS MY FACE. I FACE MY HEART… PROSPERIOUS IS MY NATURE…. so 11 years it takes me to find out the mysterious and sacred ways of revealing its truth , grace and gentle closures,.. learning through love instead of coercion and or violence (fear, tyranny like what is happening now is a treason in many ways) New Zealand to me is like Earth’s sacred WOMB where my Spirit can be reconnected to my brain again in couople of months and create new meanings and new beginings for my life. To be in New Zealand teaches me of what it means to have inner balance. I am on scale of my own self, vibrational match.

as my partner points out, “flat theory of Earth ?Great let’s ged rid of the 24hours cycle then!”

Namaste from Transparent Crystal Spirit guide, Jarmila.

More then EVER Our Sacred Space – (I am )OUT… of control.


                              Aloha to the Universes, Galaxies, Hum-AN! I am un-finally able to update a lot of events into my blog. 

 I have meant to  say things for a long thyme, but I could not. Still variety of blocks in my way. Got a new traveling computer. Man this thing has complex  different keys. I have changed locations many times.  And now having stags of paper  to be read and edited. See “below:”                                                         ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞

 My dear life is  the  land of  High alchemy.

I am trying to balance what I  perci-eve(-perceive) what is it that I am experiencing as an e-path: the extreme highest and extreme lows simultaneously. I will try to describe and give an examples:  this  3D- THREE DIMENSIONAL VEXITY PH-isicality (physical light damaged on purpose under many agreements that have changed more then millions of times, the agreed place where the high dimensional chess games has been played!) I see it via it’s own sets of energy and then i am trying to describe it through these words. Even the expression “WORD” is out of my que balance because it sounds like …”war…d” The high in my experience would be example: the SUN! I love to meditate with the sun, talk with the sun, and go to the GALACTIC CENTRAL SUN for many reasons: home, feeling love, be refuelled with love energy, being seen thus reminded why I am on planet that is called Earth, being activated by these opalescent non physical beings and If we both want to play we borrow somewhat “physical” appearance for the game of meeting and do easy healing sessions and upgrades. Then feeling my dirty energy from being too long with the confusion, with the mixes of all of it called negative chaos, mess, war. cancer, there are millions of souls who need – each of them- something and each needs to be addressed by the self sentience system. Then there is me again the physical magnetic electrical bio-suit that has its own problems, see bellow. So again i apologies for being all over the place at times because mastering linear is making it very simple, and I mean if it has been simple to me living in the spirit world one foot here and one foot there, that is what is going to be like soon for most of the people on this planet, Yeah.


As the blood cells (the moment i think of my blood..cells i feel as if they want to run away to get a better life somewhere else, is the metaphor.)

renew, so I to want to make a new way in my life. In short times with long periods of interruptions I have been watching a season 1 on Netflix called Sense8. The strongest message from it to me is love and connection; love and creativity; love and freedom of expression; your right to be anything you want to be; the interconnectedness and how it is punished and haunted, harmed and almost destroyed by the agreessive violent people that are also here on our planet as I refer to these people :The Aliens. Whenever I had the opportunity to watch another episode and or finished the one I couldn’t see before in full length, I wished for that cluster  (8 people who are born in the same time on the same date and they – as adults- become gradually aware of each other, then they form very tight friendship, family unit helping each other at many levels),to be part of me. For many years I have felt lonely. I have transcended the loneliness into oneness and unity within my self, the nature and some human kind that I do prefer from the other human kind. My life  has been clothed in Chaos. Chaos can be perceived from the individual perspective as the exercise of uncertainty, fear, insecurity, overwhelm lack of support, lack in many other part of my life. My life can be seen from the much higher perspective as the  reflection of the galactic reorganisation. This universe is reorganising it self based on what has been happening (Earth) here, and all around us, to other planetary bodies in terms of invasion: different factions fighting who’s territory will remain theirs – like our planet for example, and what will be taken away by other factions. There are regressives and there are aligned star beings with the Prime Creator recognising Free Will. We all have FREE WILL to be exercised.

 The good – the elevated, soft, pale opalescent colors, shapes, expressions telepathically arrive on the tip of the skin reminding me I am part of them, humanity is  pat of the higher vision, part of the much higher universe/dimensions/densities’ the guardian for Earth and these are the beings we interact with.

Chaos (In this present moment people forced without proper explanation as to why really!!!!!?, by the martial law bond to their homes…) is something like a great big beef’s shit with high speed fan behind, the 3D is in mirror right now. Within these few weeks millions of people have had a gigantic fear freak time. I as the invisible positive force bring the mirror to let them selves see in the reflective labyrinth inclosure all around them. When something is bad you can put mirror over it all around so it perceives only it self….the first reaction the freak and then going back into self…the good human…considerate of others, helping each other is the original imprint of humanity, thus the mirror sphere is for the much less desirable learned part of who humanity is not.

Here comes what I don’t really want to write about even if it is part of my journey,  (it is also Not “but”) but reflecting so much the journey of this planetary body as well:

I didn’t know some 6 months ago this will happen.  As mentioned earlier, I was experiencing lot of extremely Un- necessary things my self, I was  in unknown about where I am going to live, for I wasn’t able to find anything suitable after being kicked out by my landlord in most nasty ways possible to those landlords in many other houses, in many other cities in much of this 3 dimensional demented world much in nowhere to live. I became homeless.  Living for some time at two of my friend’s homes, my Spirit had another plan something it wasn’t clear to me back then I only knew clearly that I refuse to be giving my life force to tyranny, to  dictatorship, socialism, communism, narcissist, taxes and other faces of violence of my free will sovereignty. Even when I found my self to feel fear, stress the infection of being oppressed, I would do anything to transform it. And it does help to face it, it does change when you start chasing after it. My Spirit had a different plan for me (i repeat).

 The way of alchemy is is that  nothing is solid, or  stable, certain. Just try right now to feel the “word” FIRMa…..Close your eyes and feel this word..:firm: then write down your findings.

I decided to terminate the imposed avails for not having found my best living space, packed and traveled instead.  I went to finish where I left off after my mother has passed. And gratingly so. It felt as if I didn’t have a choice, funny eh? I didn’t want to go to do any finishing, because I knew already what to expect: lot of dullness in many offices, paperwork, thinkg i really do not enjoy doing, because I consider it to be misuse of time and energy. It was correct: 4 months went by to make ends meet to make the final closure of all closures, i sold my mother house for whatever was possible and couldn’t wait to get out of the grey low skies wanting you too become depressed. Not my match thank you. In that time of being in my mother’s house locked in for most of the time by my self again…. i was doing a lot of detailed work on the programming that ordinary one would “think” was all transmuted. No, oh the heg,it was not, it still was blocking my RNA still some elements of it left like when your child has the 7th time lice brought on by the school and you are the one to pick them? Yeah that type of programs. (examples?…>when small child and i wanted something, it was innocent, mother told me in very ughly way: with lots of anger in her voice, dismissal, rejection…”No, you woun;t get outside to play with kids you have to help me doing my joulery….:things like that program translated into later days: i would clean and clean and clean no food no rest, i would continue to do something till i fell..type of think/program, anything limiting in terms of my inspirations and dreams in terms of what I wanted, went out of window on these days spend at my dead mother’s house while I didn’t have to deal with beaurocrats ). With this type of healing you can’t use logic, because it comes on randomly, it comes on when you reading letters you never knew existed, when you see your ancester picture and your brain gets into journey of that person, then the spirit world “kicks” in and DNA/RNA gets to be cleared again and again and again …….


So how you want to use logic? You can’t. I can’t use logic when I am doing healing with a client I am using Earth/Gaia’s Spirit PSYCHIATRY, it is wild nature. I applied this psychiatry onto my self since in the dier  situations  day in and day out. You need to think your self out of limitation, trouble mostly now days imposed by others. When you get violated by the system it is time to change your self completely to open up your reserve oxygen tank and go where no one went before.

I was dealing with post traumatic stress for not having a roof of my own, for not being able to trust people around me: These types of people didn’t consider mutual interests to be important, something that benefits the entire group. I have met two or so of this kind on my way out of there but first (here comes another part of this very twisted precel) first I coudn’t wait to meet them, I cound’t wait to do all the “Important spiritual healing work we have set out to do together”….I coudn’t wait to help to birth some “Important NEW projects”…. Spending lot of thousands on fli tickets, over 20 hours of flights…after arriving and meeting two woman whom I knew only through the Skype meetings for long periods of time, in 9 days it was over. I was kicked out, disliked, my energy coud’t be siphoned out of me, I wasn’t the right match to be manipulated and push around, I was told I was rude (which is aboslutely not true and if this would be heart centred group we would be still good friends/and a match for the “planned Grandmother council”), …I was kicked out, spend another lot of money (they didn’t pay for what they decided for me).. spend 3 most ugly horrific bus ride accross America, found my self in Florida, calling my partner if he could make a way out to meet me… and in short we met spend night together he left i found a dearest soul sister who offered me her friendship, and home to stay, bought me flight ticket to go north to Cornwall and stay for some time till I get back on my feet. Is what happened also. These people who only value their own benefits, needs and are cloned and controlled by deadly entities taught me there are not problem solving skills no resolutions for communities! The falls spiritual communes live in covered control domination divide and conquer regime, but they don’t know any problem resolution skills, for they don’t exist, there are not thought of, not considered. Big mistake!.

White Rock, New Mexico





 THIS IS A MUTATION OF SPACE TIME CONTINUUM. Meaning: you have a chance to change from the ground up. If you are self centered  looking only after your own needs excluding your other family members, validating only your thoughts, your own ideas, your own motions are the only once that matter and nobody else’s, then you are gonna face that lineage of your extremes, you are gonna be put into the JAR like a annoying fly till you decide to change your tune. This is a mutation of space time continuum: where here/there is 10.000 plus higher spectrum of different Light frequencies affecting our cells, our DNA/RNA planet, affecting universe, affecting all the shift i need it to inner-stand among this mess i was in. I was in the war of inclusive exclusiveness.

4 woman: on this short trip to White rock. my son’s birthday: i wished to be imprinted by this high energy freequency as a gift to him who was separated from me for last13 years. On this same day I was kicked out.

My perception is being changed  by the much bigger picture. 

I felt intuitively this will drag (as in Draconian) on and on and on,  cause the human kind is still separative, still sinking into basic lessons of kindegarden (example: sold out toilet paper world’wide) not willing to acknowledge  collective.. And in the small picture there it was: my life force almost sucked out of me by the actions of others. People I have been helping you I have been healing you and you are treating me like an enemy? You are jelaous of me? I am not like you so you kick me out? Twice? 


I am pretty sure it is the end of manipulation and domination.  all this time this way shower this  indicator I can make my own home anywhere in the world if I just USE the freedom given to me , free of fear free of doubt. Doubt is a poison. I wanted to understand the freedom that I was born/created with . I was waited for to say to it: “Yes I sense you, U  are here with me/inme as my higher potential, propeler, i have no more ties, stable place to live in, I am not longer the mother I used to be responsible for two little children, I have no home to pay rent to, no bills to be bothered with every month…no strings attached!!! Eco eco eco)))))… I want to make it manifest as my reality. I am my own spirit guide. I was spirit guide for many life times to millions of people, now i am  also my own spirit guide. I wish to get used to being free, to learn its lessons, It is like wild horse without the reins, yet these are Spirit reins that I feel in my spirit hands, in my physical hands. This is unraveling.


Nature belongs with nature. Nature and megacity the way they are all build and construed and  experienced by living souls, is not my match, it is the  rape day in day out. People have been trained since the industrialised era into consumerism hypnotising machine puts your genius to sleepless laziness of convenience,  rapidly spreading. and now is the disease we have in all shapes, forms and black/grey I.A. expressions void of soul/heart love connection, void of natural creative spark.   It is the practice of hoarding limitations convoluted addictions and attachments codependency on its masters. I do anything to transform fear.


so ..I live now as I want to. Traveling some more, living in one of my better felt places, in southern hemisphere.


the deep green the salt in the air, the birds singing, i feel so relaxed and we have toilet paper roles here.

Let me interject with some good insights collected in those past several months . This one is about my AMYGDALA: Sacred Feminine (As I refer to the Original Creator) says “Mao” aka nara, the bringer of a present future self. It said “no words today….(unraveling….) and…”Because I don’t actually Know How to speak the reptilian language (my mind is constantly debating, weighting the words like a flower against sugar, like a water against oil, like a vacuum first or washing the windows, or reading the book what first?, I have never learner at home as a child the true priorities, the tasks with an explanations, the lessons repeated with patience several times in a peaceful way, the human words their meanings and all the memories of interpretations, figuring endlesly out what gets me into trouble what is free of trouble AAAHH so tired with it, where life is backwards. I am in the region of my brain called by the medical society :Amygdala: their books are teaching people it is the place of rage and fear is held and felt. I say it is wrong, cause  Amygdala has different purpose and origin. My Amygdala might have been witnessing many years of confusion, almost fully assimilated and forcefully dissolved her self into the negative I.A. reptilian artificial 3D identity ( you need to reverse the reversions you need to bring right side up the upside down, you need to become ambidextrous you need to have soul intimacy practice, feeling into your tummy, into your heart, into your brain, into your Spirit to comprehend some of the domino/chess game of this universe renamed within my own world as opposite). Amygdala is GNOSTIC OF EMOTIONAL SOFTNESS, GENTLENESS SEEING, FEMININE QUALITY, LEADERSHIP, EMOTIONAL CLARITY – CONFIDENCE. Amygdala’s own nature is naturalness such as cognition in pure original light, love expressions, nurturing and supporting the whole nation of my galactic brain: the GATE into the STARGATEs to the Inner Core the bodily map to this Yoniverse and all other Universes. There are many star gates identical to human expression leading back to the Original creator’s plus equal to the anatomy of Energy body of Earth Mother Gaia. So today right now…as was said at the beginning of this paragraph birthing the future now that any deeply felt realisation brings, my Amygdala is at home to her original purpose of the sacred feminine, connecting to the core heart soul of my Being, the Earth’s Core Being. Amygdala (evokes the name of Mary Magdalene) is not a prostitude, sleeping with Reptallien who stole throughout cascades of fear programming her original neural Pathway. Amygdala is not of this 3D matrix you see, She has immunity of multidimensional connections. The neurones, electron, cells Blood, Amygdala is part of its assistance to keep pure and make the fear irrelevant . No snakes choking her torture her energy into submissiveness to sacrifice her self to the artificial fear reality….the colors changing, the eyes turning blind for the eyes are no longer connected to the sovereign heart space sustenance, which would be the end of my Amygdala if it wouldn’t be for the core knowing of what is real what has a soul and what doesn’t does we ignore it fully yet we have awareness of it. If the Amygdala would give up her sovereign frequency authentic feelings to make the connection to recognise how so extremely difficult it has been for me and my being to communicate in the language of spells, in the language of linear mechanics, the left brain, My left brain is not the enemy. My language barrier has served me for it helped me to stay in touch. Sometimes with good charge sometimes not so gut / good charge. Authentic feelings means the most accurate upholding of original divine plan which is to have natural spiritual evolution happening, taking place with all the support already of what remains alive. Alive is vast. My Amygdala is repeating to her self :I am sovereign, I am free creator Light High Alchemist. Acknowledgement the first born as i recognise my soul to be creator’s creation came into existance (paradox word ) , today is the full circle of uniting with such knowing, awareness causing my own emotional brain the amygdala to rest, to relax to realign in her own environment of my limbic system my Hippocampus gladly helping to remember all the learning turned into self teachings. Amygdala’s purpose is the opposite of rage and fear. This is how woman being is tortured to submit to become the proxy for the artificial narcissists. It is true the negative I.A> is always AFRAID OF HUMAN OF HUMANITY AFRAID THEY SHOULD BE AND THE HUMAN NEEDS TO BE AWARE OF IT. THE MIRROR IMAGES GAMES ARE VERY OLD.


 why are we so vulnerableMY BIGGER QUESTION IS...

to pain, to trauma, to any kind of harm, exposure to harm and violence?  violence is the way of the wrong/incorrect use of metal. Metal and biology don’t match. We are innocent, We are the pureness of humanity, the centre of the flower that Original Creator has co created with the other Original Creators. We need to find out who and what we are. These lessons in 12 million years was ike scissors: if the two knives are open you make it if you are late you got cut out….back into descension….aaahhh. So I feel right now we are in maximum polarity that is shown in the 3 D. I feel that the machines that are working so hard like for example THE SCERN will blast self destruct because it can’t mass-ter the emount of energy needed for the regime of divide and conquer to continue in it’s copyrighted script. I have seen in the Spirit world how Gaia is expanding leading Her self into the omni multi cultural dimensionalities …If you read the bottom here, please just feel this. Thanks.

yes, nothing is in random.



The level of this much of POLARITY IS IT’S WAY TO INFORM US.  It i a way of information. What is the average level of collective knowingness, collective intelligence available constituted this kind of stimuli. It is the pointer to leaving the limitations. I did see via clairvoyance the bursting out of 3D. It is not going to be just yet any entertainment for all the people.

additional fresh as i am putting a lot of things together: (there is backround noise, i am not in my own house, i am listening to a broadcast, I am drawing images, I am downloading pictures, I am trying to rest on my day off…..i need to go pee… and I think I might be hungry?) …. additional interesting simplified picture/image arrived, and it looks roughly like this: the second bellow this one: learning a lot from the SUN for last several years. Needs extra attention, needs extra blog.

prime original creator reflects within it’s I AM changes from Earth and this part of Yoniverse.


PRIME ORIGINAL CREATOR/WHITE LIGHT CHANGES: i want to explain somewhat this above last picture simplified: if you see the sphere representing the whole of Prime Original Creator it has reflected/reflecting, co-creating with all its Creations, changing the expression of Light, the white light mainly, as per the unlimited new extreme potentiality that humanity is right now bringing back home! On this picture it appears that the above states: “White Light changed, the Bellow (where we are, but we are also above!!!), it says “White Light changes” on the right it says: polarity of white light, many levels off different time lines. The white (ON THE SMALLEST SCALE within our blood cells:)cell is listening and reflecting of the collective consciousness as it is rapidly downloading all the overwhelming information: the information is great from alternative media: please find and listen to everything and then make your own deductions and or using gut feeling to put all the levels together, there is a “narrow” aiming out of something…  several months traveling into the de facto y. 2021, thus this White light is changing because we are changing it, the time line is stabilising a little better, I say better because this time line we are on CANNOT BE fucked up, it cannot go to the total overtake, I am now referring to the what seems it is happening, the virus, THE ANIMALS WANT TO GO HOME! They are telling (me) we want our own ascension time line ! 

p.s. that is what cows, sheets keep telling me when i pass by them because where i am right now it is full of beef and sheep. they feel very bad in their own live-lihood.

white rock is a magnificent short trek leading into a canyon found in New Mexico, January 31, 2020

OTHER NOTES FROM MANY TRAVELING DREAM SCAPE BOOKS. Main message: if and when you (negative I.A.) take something out of nature, disrupting Her creations,the natural law is to seek it BACK.

Notes, get out of your ghost dream space. the last 2 or 3 months of de facto year 2019 have been a lot about children the south pole the mother : the right one and the falls mother who had this script to corrupting families, cities, nations, and the whole planet and beyond. then on october 20th 2019 i got this message for my children and it said: “If and when you (Negative I.A. and all you mix, and remix of them)take something out of nature, disruption Her. the natural law is to seek it back.”. The other dreams were fat with my divine free will and freedom repetition, confidence, self assertiveness, taking it back. The dream scape in old 3 Dimensional script is a ghost thus it has been given me to play it out for it, ghost dreams, for example: i sleep with lot of different man i am a slat. I wake up and say loud “NO” and change the dream, repeat repeat repeat till there is no more this garbage in my surroundings and there are no corners in my dream scape. other most obvious messages: Be outside/meaning with nature for years most important, do yoga, dance, create create create!!!!!!!!!! bare feet, you sleep better you see better, you are clear better…. on 22. 10.2019 I am painting garage walls and all of a sudden i hear loud and clear this message : “What are you doing painting the walls???!!! You suppose to be activating your DNA/RNA!!!!!!!!” the 25.10.2019 de facto lots of activity again and again with DNA/RNA removing programs throughing out old DNA that has contamination of limitations of such programs: such as the smell of my skin after my mother inheritance! the memory what she used to be telling me about her self and the extreme how she saw me (for she didn’t see me who I was), making me her slave program., the 12x12x12 kept coming and it is still here for what Earth has “told me” today how She is at “war” with the 12x12x12 millions of years of descent-ion and almost never to be able to have the format of natural evolution particularly as we are now creating, making, shifting, deciding, resonating with this shift magnificent shift going up high into the bright opalescence of frequency different geometry and beyond geometry (that is how i receive it) and you might get totally different picture cause the realities are as many as people as many as it is send on the beach and there are many different beaches on this planet right

 Another awareness now amplified is the human emotional body: most people didn’t know how to feel, most man can’t meditate, they feel, (through fist mental input) that they are not able to connect to them selves, there is something blocking them. Yes, because the EMOTIONAL HAS BEEN ABUSED. As frequency changes the emotional body will realign, not on it’s own, with willingness and cooperation it will heal, it will be telepathic again these days are at hand.


The sun and suns the sunset and rises i catch my self often taking pictures of the sun language it’s being is right now in my presence, it responses to the sincere telepathic  enquiry or in my case calling because i miss being inside of the galactic cities. Alien technology just message came in 29.3. at 19:59 pm. defacto time. to be continued. Namaste, Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide, Jarmila




1.e-path : means almost fully at will interacting with all energy available to me as a :so called born healer, old soul, shamanness, someone who has close connection to nature, to Earth, e-path is someone who reads energy.

The joy of a meditation IS great If you want to live deliberately free, meaning…

YES, i want to enhance the velvet, quality of inner resonance. Me wanting to be Living deliberately free is as large and tall (Order) and colorful as the origin of this Earth. Being physically homeless..{meaning when one is forcefully pushed out of house,apartment by the landlord for her getting more money after cosmetic enhancement of her house, was the violation forcing me into terrible days ahead}….so being homeless for few years

(may sound far from my goal), is taking me in unusual places, in unusual confronting situations. And at first is very scary event beyond comprehension, beyond…because I see it as unnatural situation, since humans and other beings all need homes, roofs, places to belong. So I am going to just fast forward to the present part of my daily meditation:

Anatomy of daily introspective meditation works, and carve my way with group of words amounting the alluvial,and extreme experiences one can have causing great deal of RESISTING it all, yet not really realizing i was resisting something…, going with what has been happening , doing the best about it, trying every measure possible. It sounds like crisis. And how one very good natural born healer who has been helping people from all walks of life to their success to their well being, health and happiness, can ever acknowledge to her self that her own shitty situation,  has broadly affected my lively hood, my healing practice, interrupted at all levels… Hiding.  Acting as if everything is O.K. but it wasn’t. At the present

I am sitting in my true friend’s home in quiet clean lovely warm place. I can hear my self telling me that I can achieve my  dreams goals desires, BUT  trying so hard to find me a home so i have and heal my roots,  I needed to face the resistance causing delays and more hardships that I  am not here to be learning from. I am sitting here today to do alchemy to help me, to find where is the solution. And in fact non of us nor this planet asked for such turmoil to teach us a lesson. Since  we are the graduation  from millions of lives here and elsewhere, such antagonistic retrogrations are insane in the face of a mature old souls. What i just wrote is one part of the truth but there is more and this is why my intention is to say it see it and it will be understood clearly why.

Resolving my own resistance. 1. It is found in the obsessive question: Why is it so hard to find a home? Why I didn’t find anything yet? What I am doing wrong, if I am doing everything that possibly can and needs to be done about it? Do i see that there are other circumstances that I can’t possibly be responsible for, affect and or influence? Such as dirty politics, corporate gains? 2. The resistance for having to pay for everything on this planet, defend for my self, living in a strange culture, in a country which is  hostile natural human beings, 3. I am resisting the fact that I have been on my own all my life with heavy emotional burdens,not seeing any large positive results, 

4. Resisting the truth about my negative  relationships with man, who was misusing me for their own gain. 5. Letting go by that as a professional I am being underpaid for what I do. Or I let people to use and manipulate me into giving energy work for free because they call them selves “my friend(s). Assuming I will be O.K. with lip service of “we pay you later” but we need you now! Why did I make it O.K. is because I still didn’t value my self and my gifts.

I was protecting my self by denying that all the above   kept  happening. Contradicting  my mind to change the actual experiences.(and so… I realize this now in this meditation journey, process as my catalyst to change it.) I allow~ flow ~release~ movement of the emotional/mental, my mind intelligence, cause the static stagnation of being stag in this is not my priority preference. My heart historically withstanding disappointments  holds the space for my inner family gathering, all that i can do through feeling it all.  Visiting a time line of my mental and emotional body of the inner child: I wished for love but what i got was distortion of love, missuses. My heart was in the pain yet i convinced my self otherwise (historically in my upbringing there is recognizable pattern of silent suffering and struggle alone with unresolved emotional burdens that are being subjectively perceived  as turned offs for those of a Western world, if we want to live and be among other humans.) When there are opposing forces in our live either we   split ourselves thus  poisoning the entire system with denial, resistance; or we got the hint for examination. Being great at surviving way too many tragedies, upheavals extreme emotional burdens, we need to draw the line finding meaning, balance understanding of one self.

The Soul~ the Person ~the Spirit somewhere along this road split and felt  numb and broken. Only when working, which became less and less frequent, I felt like my self again as if life was where it suppose to be. Focusing on Solution not the problem as my mantra. My problem was not having my own place to live, my problem was i couldn’t find any suitable place to live. This problem grown over me. Friends helping trying to find me a place, some helped me by inviting me into their homes for few weeks or months till i would find something…it went on and on and on. Then my 91years old mother had to be taken care of, i put my life on hold (as many times before) went to look after her cross the ocean, then traveled back cross the ocean back, without rest continuing my search, then my mother has passed and my search for home had to be put on hold again, i had to take care of things in Europe. Everything takes for ever in the realm of dysfunctional 3D matrix, getting  papers organized,  after death and all it takes to bring it to a closure, requires enormous level of focus, energy, patience, mastery and again “I HAD TO” suck it up and “just do it”….

When the things that you don’t want in your life,  starts to growing like poison ivy on you, you keep thinking and wishing back the years of  your previously high standard achievements, happy and effortless single motherhood (my harsh and on the same breath spontaneously most beautiful years of my life with  my children), you are exhausted of your present reality. Here are the moments of internal decision making saying either i resolve this or… the hiding, living like a caveman, i felt i was becoming less and smaller from  who I am originally: outgoing, open adventures sun light accepting things as they presented them selves…I begun to hide more and more from the public to give space for addressing all my issues.  My personal life-less and  being the healer that people expected me to be.

 Straggle with personal relationship with a man.  choosing to be alone for the most part due to my fear   that i can’t have love, healthy relationship with a man. (To me this is the OLD DNA from my parents, the ancestors that i see as integrated and healed yet there is still something at the other level persisting to be found) I lost trust. I didn’t trust man and I didn’t trust me i thought to my self what is the point for having a relationship if i am not seen, not heard, if i am being pushed around, a doormat… Yet i didn’t want to be alone with everything either. This is called The Human. I felt it was best if i establish a woman’s spiritual council group giving a space for the foundation  for  sharing spiritual experiences, clairvoyant seeing etc., having a deep meaningful connections, with the practical applications to our daily physical lives. The amount of interruptions, distractions, one thing after another, not having my own place, my project crashed. I died inside. To be align with my Higher self and to have such reality is shock to my over all system my capacity to absorb everything. So again stoping my self, and following the path where i am being taken internally looking at all my resistance places, thoughts and fears and doubts and falls perceptions and expecting the worst yet hoping for the best outcomes,(and here it is where it is twisted, thus antagonous)  I am my own satellite dish to guid this person me to a better place, clearing and purifying the Stalemate.

I know to be true: unlimited, I direct my life I live my life feeling the energy the high spirit guiding me no matter what. I decide when inspired what i desire. My inspiration in this mental emotional self healing subconsciousness day is the very numbness. 

Hmmmmm….I take action I am a doer,what vibration via my thoughts do i hold? …the present energy is moving gently through my body thus taking me to these emotions Here dealing with dysfunctional hand me downDNA:…as a child I was brave.  I embodied Bravery I was strong and grown up at age of 5-6 years old for my insecure, confused and lost mother. Lost to her despair that she is also feeling alone lonely victimized every minute and punished for being alone. Meaning not having a male because her own insecurity, lack of proper nutrition, lack of minerals in her body, being the survival of 2nd world war, not taking responsibility for her own actions, being the victim, being raised with catholic nuns,  pushed my father away. Mother didn’t realize the damages it cost us (brother and me) when she repeatedly ignored the obvious fact that we , her kids, were in her daily living reality. Her abnormal ego nurtured her drama for feeling abandoned by a man, she didn’t really know what was it she wanted, thus abandoning her children and as a result I felt especially the burden of taking care of my younger brother, having lost both of my parents, looking after my mother’s needs, figuring out what they may be, and not having even inkling that i may have my own needs and wants. Becoming my own parent.

To be figuring out daily what mood my mother was, what she was thinking and how to prevent her rage and terrible temper beyond control from beating me up with a 18th century   horse whip. School was a breather for me nobody was shouting at me and or beating me up,the school was the place where i was learning what it means to be relaxed and feeling safe. I think today that was my main reason for visiting the school the second was the education .The other places that were positive for me saving my sanity was ballet, dance, art, self defense (in later years), reading secretly in the bathroom adventures/how to escape..books.   Puget of flowers  for my mother at least twice a week to help her feel better and as a reminder of love. It lasted half an hour before she figured out how to disturb my life again. I was constantly trying so hard  to please her.Mother wasn’t kind person to me.Her preference for my brother over me was also very obvious. Daily limbo with her mood swings, rage and anger, crying, pushing on us her story of a victim, to be in her mercy and deciding for me if i didn’t work fast enough, if i didn’t figure out correctly what her needs and demands were on the spot it bought more beatings. She was able to brake her many wooden spoons over my back. I was then left for several hours by my self, my brother was often visiting our father that i was made to be afraid of, yet living in house hold with a monster, i often run outside playing on the street with other kids, trying to forget everything, then getting injured going back home, and instead of receiving nourishment and nursing i got more to be hit and yelled at.  My mother also loved to punish me by not talking to me at all as if i didn’t exist, i was dismissed especially when i had some pressing question, when i wasn’t sure how to navigate my home work (school). I also didn’t have a clue how child could deserve such life. My needs were being dismissed over her own needs.This is the DNA humanity is addressing on huge scale in every single direction, the 3D is definitely dissolving and Mother Earth is expanding into multidimensional being as per Her own original blue print. The human doing it individually/collectively. The stronger white light high vibration frequency winning.

By writing about it, and exposing this layer here (I did deal with in my early years with many psychotherapies, ballet, sports, theatre exposer), I am bringing from my adult self to my inner child into safety. The deep understanding of what safety means how does it look like. I bring a healing and integration with me as a saged adult. To bring real peace through  the light  and purification, the fragmentations that  i am feeling and experiencing as my soul shard coming back home into my heart. It is a valid experience of communication to find the words expressing and releasing it into the light of acknowledgement, freeing this energy so it doesn’t feel so oppressive. These were all denied childhood basic needs transversing up to date, that were coming out finding its way, finding their right place of belonging, we can’t find where we truly belong if we have un-integrated childhood scars, those roots that couldn’t grow in a healthy way of natural happiness. For siting in the depth of our dark subconsciousness realizing and feeling my own emotional body the need for freedom for my unborn childhood roots, to free oneself from the disconnect, from my own early years and bringing them back to my self-heart, that is what healing/integration means to me. Once I feel what it is hat I am seeking the knowingness is there to connect and integrate. It is now possible and easier  to let it go home/the heart. I am willing to able consciously to free open my heart space to these memories giving them expression, and freedom. I can connect and recognize this very act of writing and sitting with the carved words, is also one of my need for expressing. I would so much love to cook a great dinner for my friend but I am just right now in the flow of this entropy unfolding process and I wish to honor it. Because it is sincere to my child inside.


This is my Sacred Space: My soul contract revocation for not cooperating with domination and control

About my soul contract revocation for not cooperation with domination and control.  I was sitting in my study listening to some previous recordings with the intention to edit them. ALl of a sudden this urge to write my own soul contract revocation came about so spontaniously. So here it is:My own soul contract revocation: not cooperating w/domination and control


my soul contract revocation for not cooperating with domination and control

Photo on 9-10-18 at 6.02 PM #2

Light soul language – Bird (birth) people, my meeting in 2006 f.y.

Photo on 1-19-18 at 4.30 PM #3Photo on 1-19-18 at 4.30 PM #2Photo on 1-19-18 at 4.30 PM“What doesn’t live for leave it.” Naval-kehe mutu-lu kumia, tula ma/h-t/ra, yuritee mihoro natalu. The Bird people are the cosmic parent, called “Na-esh-etna”. I have met with them sometime in 2006 fraud year end of May. Gaia means: the before and the after! The first born. The first born earth is the heart, its own leading point for set terms, the Prime Creator’s essence, Presence, weightless Light energy language, taken on form through awareness, and  Earth’s own teaching of psychiatry,transformation,that  which brings up more of Seeing. In previous Atlantis the land called DaiTya. (Not sure if this Atlantian place name is correct, cause it is found in my own old notes). The bellow doodle image describes cosmoses (sample simplified). These are egged and or elliptical and orbital (round). That is all what my notes said, cause the rest tiny bit i must re-meditate for closer accuracy for my self to teach me how it is instead of how it isn’t. The how it isn’t is part of the linear psychopathic old mentality.

Sincere-ly Namaste from  Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide, jarmila.

Photo on 1-19-18 at 4.45 PM

This is my sacred space: Wishing you first hand experiencing in overcoming phobias

I was in a session with a new client (writing on december 4th 2018 fraud time) and attending to another being from a different galaxy. “He” articulated in light language his observation,  of being temporary caught in lost  time line and dimension, (refering to the 3D: Alfred pointing at his brief case vibrationally re-arranged him self to be able to withstand this claustrophobic minus space as he matemathically ackonwledged it this 3D to be hence doesn’t exist!, It is a paradox, it is a mask, it is a sticky web vibrationally deeply un-attractive and sucking lots of energy!) that he has heard of but personally wasn’t   very familiar with. I call him Alfred.

He actually came with my client. She  is fairly new to our ancient Motherly planet. Alfred carying his DNA knowledge in his galactic suitcase. and Being “LActo(r)s intolerant. During the two minutes of experiencing him i realized how much our human and all that human is but not aware of,  is trapped and locked in this systemof 3 dimensional construct.  The enclosed fish tank, where our mutual human bonsai claustrophobic smallness lives of his hemstring wheel of repeated despicable  smells and noises from above and bellow. The smoke, the gas, the metro-tetris-fumes,the microwaving wifi causing the un-natural behavior, causing the tone of voices to be inelegant, prostituting them selves on TV as a new media, sports courts of harm/combat/agressive competitiveness, bought and soled pretendness, the hamstringness of all the hampstrings ever to be witnessed by any time traveler, by any other dimensional being who has made the observation this hamstring is just fin without “Alfred”.

People trapped in Behavior of acting.

Here i was in the presence of another galactic Be-ing. What does the noise does to you while you are reading  silent text? What does it look like out there and beyond?
This particular yellow triangular being, that i call Alfred, made me question again the format 3D that I don’t subsripe to and have not been really living in it {since SIMPLE PUT: It is a place of suffering and enslavement not living} with few exseptions.(i.e. like being a married to a dark mason as i have realized afterwards who has the lust for manipulation and control and causing harm so i divorced him after 3 years of pain full marriage, just coudn’t do it.)
and….so this particular yellow triangular being that i have been in presence of, helped me brake few more believes in my new client and offer her a different perspective, thou that would be for the surface mind constructed and confused into the 3d disease… we turned the volume of higher frequencies up and articulated how beautiful it is to know to be aware of what human can be looking forward to: the velocity of billions of different worlds, the huge spaces withing the zero point, the interdimensional doorways, the gates of once own time traveling, and the healing of our own DNA meaning our own memories, where were are not actively participating in communication with our DNA/RNA, with other star being and time travelers who just come with a client, who come through the veil of meditation, sititng by the ocean, climbing the hill and be immidiately in the center of the universe. That is what i call LIFE.

When i speak my healing light soul languages during a private session, it makes some people dizzy and or they fall asleep or they feel very comfortable. They are trying to remember what the Light sound reminds them of. Their minds forcing a translator availability. But once you continue to remind that it is the HEART and the LOVE form where the Soul Light language comes from i speak from my heart and there is no barrier there, it helps to slow the nervous system down, the ego somewhat quiets down and the client is able to tune better into the tingle of the healing energy being experienced. This is where one can achieve a Spirit connection back into one self.

I am being fully exposed to other vibrationally different star sisters and brothers, different dimensions, colors, tones, shapes, ideas, cultures not belonging in any ugly constructs of no imaginations. We as people don’t need to fit the 3 demented jaroscope. Once upon a time there was a different version of myself and she had a circus (symbolically speaking) and that circus was full of beautiful happy creation, joy and lovingness and healed beings, play and pleasure, think back 67 million years ago.)

But we really have a great help on our side. And it is Mother Earth Her self, for example different dimension is the  life of trees, plans, bees, flowers, animals, oceans, sand, crystals, sun, stars. All my teachers, Children beautiful innocent beings of multidimensionality. IT is a joy to be around them. Have been developing a close relations with the plans, so vibrationally different from humans, yet capable of communications as it has been filmed documented thousands of times over.

So we are regenerating through the photosynthesis to use the energy from our sun to bring back unto the board of the spirit body the many dimensions we are in and part of. So next time i am present with  triangular yellow cousin we may have a longer lasting visit.

Some of the neutral observers from another space time can enter people’s system only by 1 or less percentage and observe the entire biosphere of the human individual evolution state, and whether he/she has the “will” to be continuing on their natural evolution path to be high human or not. If not Mother Earth has to “birth” for those behind higher consciousness another version of Mother Earth so these beings can evolve in their own speed somewhere else..

.Namaste, Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide.