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My latest psychic dream and love.

the date 26.9. is a day of very profound psychic experience but also half way of  several weeks of weird experiences, concluded by deep meaningful re affirmation.

This day was half of me didn’t feel well for several days and nights. Water running through my left eye, stabbing pain in the ear during night time, many days of no sleeping. And seeing things that have passed, I have seen them before. Like  a short diagonal white and visible scar across my upper lip and then 2 days later tis scar gone. Another example:  Previously broken parts in the kitchen which I have fixed my self and didn’t brake them to start with, appeared to be broken again…)So mostly Sneezing and coughing, but my Spirit felt great, and my HEART!, Its remembering things from long ago and these memories  bringing to surface just like the sea would bring you shells on the sandy beech. As I was working on my self healing and resting, I was listening to the UNN report. Having hard time with the strong statements, trying to find some prove for them, I fell asleep. In about 75 min. or so my Higher self woke me up and here is what I experienced:

 I can’t quench my thirst….my body feels squeezed from left side to the ride leaving very limited space to live, I smell toxins and weird chemicals, I am seeing my own genes telling me things about all the violations humanity has been subject through many centuries…and I just am waking up from finally having a deep nap on the couch. I can’t quench my thirst, yes I had that thought a second ago! I just have experienced some psychic dream recognition and the number 8 was involved in this visceral prophetic dream scape. I draw a quick picture for my own reference, as to describe this experience.  So the number 8 in my picture is horizontal, The left part has some coils that differ from the right part and in the middle of the number 8 is circle. My feeling is that I am receiving information from my Higher self and my heart. The left side(or the front of my body) of the number 8 is seen by my Higher self as de facto NOW in this backwards matrix program night mare. The right side of this figure 8 is so called the past, and it is programmed to be always the same, the one same stupid loop and we “never” get out of it. Next scenario (everything that is being described here is happening telephonically, simultaneously, clairvoyantly O.K.?) The SUN is shrinking, the sky is  dark, the sun is chocking; the magnetic field of Earth is finding it’s way to clarity, purity, originality, finding its way out of here meaning out of the already non existing dark matrix, my heart is responding by means of wanting to follow Earth, to fully wake up. The “8” is different meaning, so again the back is the past that keeps repeating by coming forward and in doing so, in sense the figure 8 goes through the heart template. (right that is my damn new DNA/RNA), The next scene is big fat ugly letter “I” (no colours, cause it is black, red and deep grey) this “I” smothers and covers my entire CHROMOSOMES lines of multitude of many beautiful colours, which lets me know about my complete genome. so this “I” covers all life. It’s being recognized as the f….ing curse called “negative eye, the sea”, again covering all the chromosomes from being seen and known by us the original ones. When we are born this backwards life/death, day/night sentence is forced into us with the small percentage of being able to change few things due to the actual known fact we have free will but it is obstruct by all these curses. It is in every living being. As the dictatoral time line that you need to adhere to as your reality of choke. That black/red/grey “I” seems to be inside of the small circle in between the number 8 (or is it infinity?), It is there to be sure the front and back of your life is blocked, so the time line of life-=death’, light=dark repeats. But WAIT! there is now coming the ocean of  true pure consciousness!!! And it gives me this overwhelming feeling, reminder and knowingness that LOVE RESTORES, This Love I am feeling during this powerful experience is the love of innocence and purity, definitely, I would say, not the kind of husband wife love, or any kind of human’s relationship kind of love. This one is THE LOVE. And it is pouring into my heart, into my genes into my brain and I am crying, my heart is bursting open I feel I am noticeably with someone and his heart is seeing mine just like you see through and you understand no words needed.Accepting the prolonged sense of loneliness on this planet, but feeling this huge shift again. I am sharing this experience with others who might be my soul families. I feel love and I KNOW we are O.K. I know they are still wanting to do damages, they want to use the shift of Earth that our planet is going through, they want to use it against us with their weapons. But Earth sees them, SHE KNOWS and thus She makes her plans accordingly. So this is High Alchemy. I have been learning a lot from my ancient souls about ancient healing technologies, mainly through one on one healing sessions, in retrospective, I have found within my self and new sets of reflections that lead to illumination. The next layer in following days: my computer seems to get hacked. Weird clones are found over my downloads. Computer smells horrible. I don’t panic I deal with it. Did what I could then took it to a professional. Having a phone call with my friend and sharing with her all above, she couldn’t help but noted that the computer was just a shallow game runner to try to scare me and how I did’t let that happen and followed my intuition. There is more for next thyme. Namaste. Jarmila, Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide. (Picture bellow: visual description.)

the layers of awareness

aloha beloved few for whom i leave messages here cause I know you will get it: I am going to refer to few acts in recent weeks, but always layered with frequency of pure light and high alchemy in between rows, to help transmutation and in many cases out-creating shithings what doesn’t belong since it is not beneficial to dear life.

1.Agressive hostiles in 3D mater doing: things such as the cause of : (fires, use of radiation to cause enormous heat waves, using other technology to be sending diseases, bad mood swings, low mental thoughts, other fear porn) IS SELF DESTRUCTIVE.
IT HAS COME TO MY AWARENESS ONE OR TWO SUNDAYS AGO WHERE PEACE (peace has different layers!, And also structure and thus meaning ) this kind is of achieving no time crystalline nature of Mama Eartha (earthy) between the #number(s) 9 cross section to # 3. Explanation: take a round de facto clock, look at it, look where 9 is, then go to 12 then go to 3. O>K> that is the “west-north-east” line most importantly as it is still being clarified to me, number 9 represents the higher dimension actually9, number 12 is your silver higher self over soul and number 3 is this mess/computer game matrix the evolved souls exiting via their higher consciousness not necessary physically, but in your perspectives of accessing realities and true authentic memories. Right here at the #3 it is overlay!Where the Higher Self continues to be present and continues to fuel the body with purification of all system. The system thou have their own unique order of purification based on your own DNA protocol so yes, paying attention, FEELING always is best, THUS YOUR AWARENESS IS GROWNG. P.S.we need to take out all these “war” based words (again!)  please continue to create your own SOUL BASED UNIQUE DICTIONARY THAT IS home feeling.
The #3 is also: things are happening in 3 sets.
SO: your consent to certain events and without holding it is excellent intention practice within this chemical global computer matrix game!!
Having your own authority/control over your life is part of the above.
Connection (living daily active connection knowing where with whom/what you naturally belong that is:….be=long!!, Beloved Living Light, Original Loving Prime Creator, Pure Consciousness, say “aAAAh”. You rely on you, trusted friends, soul family, do not rely on the “game” let them fall let them self destruct, I know they want to take you with them they want to take Mother planet with them, AND EARTH HAS MADE HER OWN UNIQUE PLANS, SHE TOO HAS HER SECRETS. and I am so glad to know Earth has secrets, She is smart.

and Here some fresh today and 2 snips from our group meditations (which all shall be posted in their respectful pages here to stay updated and compare notes with yours..)


so today is 21.09. 2023
and since the words are small I am re-writing them to readiable proportion. It says: the small picture represents my own depiction (not really here to be quessing if this is accurate or not, my Soul says it is so it is) of symbol as to how the old (centuries old) families such as the “da vinci” (it is a nick name for italian, japanese, russian families) who are still operational and are taking care of the rest of those we don’t want here on planet. I am guessing (now) they have their own structure and the law of elimination if you don’t do what we have agreed upon then you are out”….? referring to de facto nanny governments, and actors called presidents movie fallen stars, and other war business acts., the weather control and you may find more examples. Somebody send me a link. It is about deeply harmful energy emission through all electronics plan in october of the 4th and or the 11th (if the 4th will not go as planed, this is the bad behaviour idiots)the plan is to spread disease via computer, cell phone television, the instruction is to turn off these “devices” (this word also speaks volumes of its self). Again good people are working on preventing this from happening and the ……bad-ones repeating them selves by insisting on doing harm. Well That is what this channel is telling. My 1/2 second feeling was a reaction of anger. in PRINCIPAL: all such war operations against evolving healing, waking humanity are repeat repeat operations, distractions, even if this would take place, you already have in-build in you your own antenna for bullshit /harm causing operations and thus intuitively will know that on such and such day maybe you go fishing instead of being on your cell phone…The human who has learned, who is aware of this and tries to warn people is also usually not saying: ..”regardless human you are in control of your thoughts, how you feel, what you thing, what you choosing you are fully in your body connected to your Higher Self, grounded, So my 1/2 second anger was there simply because I really want to see people being in the krystaline earth enjoying them selves, as if on life long vacation, and this “END” is very very long, prolonged. We are learning (?) that those centuries long families that also have played dark but have apparently so “higher morals” are fighting the zealots idiots who never understand the word “NO” we don’t want you here !!!, giving them ultimatum and expire date. And when your Soul recalls these same times before, it becomes way too long. The next layer: i had an experience that was NOT pleasant due to the work i was doing to help somebody that really need it. Brief description: the military use of sonic waves, eco locators vibrational frequency that can lift you out of your own body and take you somewhere else for who know what. I did’t let this happen thou. I woke me up at 1:30 in the morning upon feeling this strange wave and shook my body to wake up and yelled “NO”. I didn’t sleep for the rest of the night, was meditating. It is shared because it is happening, it can be for good reasons and or nefarious. I wasn’t waiting for an explanation, but the next day/night apology arrived. The reason why I am sharing this is because similar types may be used to cause earthquakes, and or weather control, is what this makes me think of. So how it is being used such technology is discerning element is how the innate feeling response to stimuli. Self healing, energy awareness thank you thank you.

Next layer: Yesterday it has done on me that we have lived and died so many F.times (thousand upon thousands lives), that we are practically soon facing our own eternity. (picture: i saw the lives and deaths speeding up so fast it became yo-yo, then faster like a swirl, so funny as if all lives came into one centre or into the zero point finally to calm down) The other side effect of all these past lives could be feeling that the incarnations were principally a game, mis use of technology against you this also may be correct. So sumarize it now we may have inner-standing a little more about how your innate High Alchemy may work to lead you upward and forward to living authentic life of Original Prime Creations, learning a greatest and amplified deal about the psychology and psychiatry of the very sick race of  aliens who tragically reduced them selves to reduce humanity and because there is nothing can be done, they will go home as DUST which takes many billions of years. I want to end on this note: Brain has very unique process of self-inquiry and seeking self efficiency and cultivation to achieve the best quality life possible, through the ability to learn. There is never enough learning.

Peace to you.


this is my sacred space: messaged

 Preamble: For several weeks now i found my self working in the green house of a very busy woman growing hundreds of different tomatoes, very intense hard hard work, biking back and forth, accumulation of exhaustion, no time to write or communicate.  And this is the end of another “weekend”. It is SUN-day and we had One Gaia Honeytation (am being reminded by my self to copy all the many updates Earth Mother has given us). In spite of the fact that my body gets tired from working 9 hours in the green house every day and then long bike ride back where i am staying presently, I get really lovely conversations with the multidimensional self. Just on thursday brief snap of update into my still not bettered family situation arrived. (the heart part of my human woman who loves to have family who loves her two children  but not loved back, mostly ignored for so many years now, I am still troubled by it. There are nights and or parts of my day when I cry such a heavy burden doesn’t go away) What I saw  from within one space is that  there are previous, present and future simultaneous events on one inhale of my bike moving forward on this curvy road to the green house. On my exhale,  I am looking at the birth of my first child from very different perspective: this appearance/image is of  two dark “local” circular rooms made of rubber interconnected into expanding “true and falls North” 2 other tubes leading into the “future events” that are happening also right now. think of this as a gigantic letter “X” except that the cross is pararel!.  The transfer from one near reality into another near – literally next to it and right there simultaneously arriving into my cognition info: …”oh yes, this is the birth of your first child, (repeated again), she came from here (pointing to the left side of one reality/dissected into another reality, my time line, from her past life, so she didn’t go far at all….), she came through you into this reality. Yes she was born to you, and you love her and love your son, but they both came with problems. These problems have nothing to do with you! They both have to resolve their problems. By being born to you, through you, YOur Soul gave them the gift, the opportunity to dissolve re incarnation A.I. negative time lines, hostile computer simulation of reality programming. These kids (now facing soon to be 30 years of age!) have to recognise a lot of things, find DISCERNMENT, so stop putting your self in between trying all this time to unprezzel why they don’t talk to you.  Why you are not actively part of their lives. You took it too personally now you are still sufering from this, but healthy separating from their OWN things nothing to do with you (repeat repeat) will help you to get on with your life even better!”It is so very extremely cruel, difficult, harsh and undeserved. They were born to me I raised them, they were taken, now they don’t talk, I love them, think of them, miss them, yet I have nothing to do with their lives. I say to me this is a wrong time line.  Spirit response” :yes and no both. This is also the more separating of the reptalian skin: the artificial synthetics. Yes it is being propaganda-lized heavily everywhere, but it is the biggest blind spot(s) of the arrogance. ..All the people (that are not awake yet) I see walking the streets are the representatives of their own chaotic time lines they are due to resolve and get rid of, since these time lines are born to chaos not nature, are born of fear and darkness and I am here have also nothing to do with it except for witnessing it.

So today this message came from the SPIRIT OF WATER HER SELF: (the core of this beautiful consciousness is turquoise-to pale blue aquamarine with clear like crystal all around it self, it is a circle but not flat, it is moving self aware intelligence), …”Water now is growing its pure consciousness. It has been collecting much information from all over this planet, such as all changes to magnetic fields, humanity’s different levels of consciousness, how human consciounsness is still for millions fear, in prison. Water brings observation, new resolutions or rather SOULutions (solution = sun + water particles from around the earth different layers!!!, inner water of Earth, deepest waters of Earth, The Universe is of water as well!!!, human/water is new knowledge new ALCHEMY. And this is a great positive part of our over all progress. They (“they” means: arrogance, fear based damaging idiots still acting and pretending they can control at least something and cause the whole provinces fires to damage life to damage fields where food normally grows,) they are hiping the chemicals in the water. For example here where I am right now, they are “repairing” the water pipes changing them for new ones and the chlorine smells 25 times stronger then before. Yes because humanity is leaving idiots behind, we are leaving the nature is claiming us back into her self. this IS winning in progress. TH city water might be expected to get worse in its quality, because THE SPIRIT OF WATER HAS SOLUTIONS FOR US can speak with us with our consciousness.Humanity would so benefit from being able again communicating with other living sentience.

So the message for all good mom and good dad. We will find our children they will find their way back to us. THe re incarnation stupid wheel of repeat karma bullshit with falsified low energy emotional body: emotions not belonging with us as original first golden human from First Prime Original Creator’s Creations. this emotional body assigned to me to you of sadness, hardships, instead of happiness, joy, well being (this is you this is you as the high level sentience), o.k. the falls emotional when repeating on and on and on, then it becomes the reality, it is pathologically trapped. No thank. you. I have also on the other hand witnessed when Prime Creator was crying, was sad. YES, because of what has been happening and nobody could stop it till it could be stopped. So the other point for us parents is that most we are also the chance when these children come through us, chance to exit the re incarnation karma artificial programs that could be considered as karma permanent cancel, resolve, whee it is one on one: your soul (the child) and Earth Healing planet patiently helping you to fully come back into your full circle of pure consciousness.

Namaste, continue to give your self your sacred space where your inner self guide dancing your path into freedom.

This is my sacred Space: today I am listening to my ego. Call it the Ego Day, Ed in short.

I am listening to my ego today April de facto 2nd.

I am going to call today the Ego Day. Ed in short. The ego is shy and in hiding, maybe I am mistaking it for my inner child? I am feeling a lot of “deprivation”. Yes indeed confirmed. So I am now feeling and seeing the energy of deprivation, slowing down my breath, relaxing fully aware of my body, and where exactly the deprivation may be latched within my energy bodies. I am now in a kind of visualisation meditation, realising while I am creating my own sanctuary inner space; where no bugs on my beach are harassing me, and I don’t have to be sharing, bargaining,  or paying for anything… In this visualisation of creating my own sacred sanctuary I noticed massive rocks. I know the rocks Are my friends, I run towards the Siamese rock formation to give them a sincere hug, finally I am free and open to express my love towards these rock families, realising how it depleted me to hide in the other hostile environment of conditioned socialising, policing how I was afraid to speak to my rocky friends! They belong here in my self created sacred sanctuary, in the space of my beach with the sun  that doesn’t burn my skin, i feel the presence of the ocean humming…  feeling the rocks it is helpful to know I am out-creating the other realities dictated by your status  if you don’t have house and million dollars you are nobody. Such a “reality” is not right now here and I don’t worry about it. My ego is showing me the unpleasant times of feeling not welcome to be fully genuine, acknowledging what I knew since a little child that everything around me is alive. I felt not allowed to be fully my self to be honouring my sister and brother rocks. Strong feeling… integrating that  and then simply feeling free of that charge in negative polarity and happy in the presence of creating what ever I choose within my own sacred sanctuary. 

What comes next is a series of reminders of wanting to be a different character. The character shows up as a white peacock. Simply wants to be here so I let it. I can feel it’s fine feathers, its movements dancing walking and then it turns into a princes a her dress is made of kindness, love, generosity, friendly nature. It is O.K. to feel and experience anything that needs to be expressed, felt to become integral part of one whole self. This is a part of Mother Earth and Her Soul that is showing me I do belong here. I can tell Her what I want and what I need. We all belong here on Mother Earth. To know this is part of healing one self, it is the link to Universal Laws. It is the transformation of how you become more coherent with your self in times when it is hard to hear your self clearly. These are times when we need much more knowledge of own discernment, intuitiveness and Inner connectivity to our Original Prime Creator, it is priority always has been in my live. At the astral perspective it is also exiting to notice that what we watch and truly enjoy for example Star track, or other friendly inspiring story, book, movie, we attract it into our astral plain. So truth, real human-ness which is love, kindness, speaking the truth, living in honour of one self and also respecting others, openness to help each other not from the place of obligation but from the place of inner knowing we are able to help to change and heal our lives. The collective heals through individual, that individual helps to heal part of Earth and also part of the collective consciousness. Just because we are seemingly separated doesn’t mean we are. We feel at subconscious levels (those are also changing into full awareness, awake-ness and realisation what certain connections are “doing” transmuting realities). If we communicate loving and kind enjoyable energy it is definitely in the outer fields in your aura. There is inner aura and outer aura.

At the end of my meditation to help my ego integrate better and to let it know that i am aware of it and it’s needs, I ask Mother Earth to show me where I fit the best.


 P.S. Some of the comments are dirty, selling things i didn’t ask for so they end up in my trash can, to be erased permanently.   You may have questions, and or relevant comments to do with the themes published on my dear website.

This is my Sacred Space but also is yours: Mutating 5th dimension and the upgrades.

Hi. This whole december and end of november were 100.000 more difficult on the emotionally. Accumulation and avalanche of intense spinning fan of sh…t. I was feeling every little nuance of every previous and near future events, thought forms, psychic/telepathic messaging at different levels. personal, humanity’s direction for the next de facto Year 2023., and who is now continuously loosing, how, where when….

This early morning (still “dark outside”) after much crying and being severely feeling  mixed angry/sad/disappointed again in multiplications at part of family members who too have turned into two assholes and i finally had to admitted to myself, digging my self deeper into being upset, I was awaken by gentle but powerful and bright knowingness. Lengthly heart/soul knowing opened up panorama of show and visceral awareness .

1.Somewhere in 2023 July (?) merging of realities ( was informed that this merging will need two more important people in my life, two soul sisters who has activated their soul light languages and have that inner heart knowingness from ancient times, knowing what they doing!, I will need them to make it happen) One of my sisters, C., works with the energy of mountains and caves. Knows the Inner layers of Earth. The other sister knows (from her soul awareness) how to seamlessly land a huge space ship,in this case we shall need her help and her tonal capacity to seamlessly land/merge these other realities.

What are these realities? I was shown these are the light lands crystal masses of Earth missing for millions of years from Earth’s body. Earth is now shrunk due to all harm/damages done to Her plus her angelic humanity. These air realities are not unicorns stories for children! The heart soul knowingness presence such unthinkable revelation I want to present it as it came. The merging of realities (in bright colors filled with the two suns)is full light spectrum of living land mass of Higher Mother Earth like Gaia and our Earth together!!!! (at this point i was offered for the less imaginative beings to offer analogy of air plain needing the air-stairs). We need to get on board with this. This is possible after the 5th Dimension we are presently in, is MUTATING, many variables, lots to be still done which includes still clearing, cleaning, transmuting, repeating what you want not what you don’t want!!!!, what you want (i.e. you want a specific house, it must be in your vision, it must be in your field feeling it seeing it brain registering it. Surprisingly some of this merging will be taking place where my present house/home is found, exact point on this land was clearly identified with exclamation mark. This merging is dimensional merging, is all gigantic facets of earth, places removed, separated, Mother’s own living consciousness crystalline based!!!

Simultaneously the activated awareness brought the realisation I found my part of consciousness under the surface of Earth, somewhere with mountains and caves maybe Colorado, maybe some European  mountains, don’t really know that part because was told that is not the point, the point was to very quickly get me in witnessing of double crystal mirror cave, appeared somewhat on the white pale in appearance like double pyramid where the other triangle’s tip is facing downward and opposite to it is facing upward?, that mirror cave’s frequency had to get quiet and be retuned, to stop broadcasting falls vibration causing more damages to living nature, people’s energy bodies, how they orient them selves in falls 3D, being still blind to the fact they are multidimensional. p.s. the multidimensional will be coming more apparent step by step. This cave double pyramid also caused premature deaths of the cells in cerebrospinal fluidity and partially the so called nervous network of Earth’s inner layers dimensionality, the balancing how she transmutes previously used density, think of it as processed, lived, experiences that Earth needs to get rid of from her perceptive mind being fully equally at all her parts in the NOW!!!!,, also same within the heart beat of Earth, humanity, trees everything basically. The heart beat complex of Madam Gaia and Earth physical : Here we were guided {we i am referring to my two soul sisters friends being actually there with me participating upon higher guidance, in this massive repair work and learning from it.,} to identify upon finding…strange metal plates insertions. These blocked energy causing disharmonious, annoying frequency so many times awakened beings and mother Earth thought she was going crazy. Another way we could describe this: think of this as severely broken human bones. Normally to put broken bone into the white cast and or with natural clay to mend the bone. now days the mad doctors forcing some metal plates with pretty mid-ages nasty screws and it is fixed, but actually it is not fixed at all and most people end up waiting years for taking those plates out of their bodies. Well in case of Earth and fallen E.T. technology with human military involved those metal plates with reversal sound vibration technology to make sure Earth can’t fully connect to her self in her physical and nonphysical bodies to be fully integrated and interactive will all human beings, farther causing dissonance and some spaces in between spaces. We removed these things and put instead “living soulders”. this term sounds strange, but the explanation arrived immediately upon my consciousness request, :living soulders” are cell able to repair what has been in long separation it works the same as neuroplastisity, the same as in Afrika tribes using ants into open wounds to take out poisoning and help to speedily mend injury. So it is pretty cool to be part of this think and to learn and be reminded of the positive effect how neurolink can be re interconnecting within one self. Thus “living soulders” are working on that same principal.

3. Zimbabwe we found some strange underground dark bunkers and tunnels. I didn’t expect that and or anything above and or bellow. Simply this was part of the information and brief detour to clear some previously volatile place. Speaking of which volatile energy. In my previous years of healing work it became “normal” to me to experience E.T. attachments within earthen humans, sometimes/oftentimes the e.t. would totally take over the personality. NOt o.k. not in accordance with sovereign free will. so remove clear etc., repeat till no more. In this instance i was giving additional info about those E.T. control attachments originated from Orion star system. now Orion is huge no time and or energy extra to go into details. these Orion E.T. were extricated from more humans and arrested!,

4. SUN. Our local sun is of sacred feminine origin, it has within it self another sun, like a twin sun, i was wondering if sun has also ocean but i din’t get that info rather it was explained to me that the sun’s radius (?) dial, angle, distance orbit must be changed to help Earth out of this tilted position. Technically we used to have two suns i remember that.  Wondering now who could verify this and bring more info about our sun. Altho  such major undertaking may have happend already, will happen in short future till we get fully into the NOW position no more the stupid juggling of different time lines, versions and mess the dark magician bad comedians held us in. The other point within this change back to natural at all levels, is that it is happening to all awakened humans, and star people.

How do you get to innerstand this, anything that you may not understand because you may be able to read but using the linear mind is no help to you. You must instead be using your intuitive guidance/knowingness tuned inside not outside feeling. The math for this is : intuitive seeing + feeling + knowing = all 3 are simultaneous the same place equal at the still point of zero and or NOW. The NOW is where we all shall meet. Then you can teleport part of your consciousness that can be as big as a pin travel so to speak through the sun which is how were usually travel to get here. When you stretch exercise your CONSCIOUSNESS you prevent atrophy, you remove lazyness. Exercising consciousness keeps your luminousity at good shape. 5 the Fire. Making daily fires to keep warm, but this “fire” i was aware of is of different nature, it is the transmuting, mutating power of the higher wisdom assisting humanity and Earth as well as many star beings with our changes to walk succesfully into the true natural livingness, sovereign and free. Namaste, from Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide.

This is my Sacred SpAce:

Aloha Dear friends. Today is de facto December 4th, 2022. Lot is unraveling: in the psychically physical receiving awareness: the true North, the Galactic Centre Beloved Original Prime Creator making changes as to HerHis creations. Vulnerabilities have been seen, felt and acknowledged. Mistakes correcting them selves in THE now and in the layers of all events. Sometimes my finite self writes so called backwards to walk with awareness and unawareness simultaneously. The finite self is the entry point for the Beloved Infinite, that is what we have been looking for, connecting “back” to, home. 

Home. Sarcastically this reminds me a recent visit number 2 to certainly uncertain office where they are issuing some Ids. It has your picture, date of so called birth on it, yet it belongs to the issuing “state/country” How it can be? On the walls in this uncertain office they have pictures this time not of the falls jesus but previous good man president that died several years ago due to being captive for many decades in jail for things that people now-days go to jail, like speaking the truth, being sovereign and or lawful. So I was really puzzled to see the good man president from faraway country to be hanging on all of the walls of this uncertain off-ice. I left their office feeling violated, lied into my face, previous good questions still being ignored, and issuing document that is de facto taking several long months to issue. Hmmm….”stay away from this, for it is not sincere, it is not real, soon people will discard all such documents which were created for the purposes of violating people. But let’s keep the upbeat perspective.

I have moved. And it is the nature that brought me into Nature. Place which lets you BE. Place or palace of Earth Mother with healthy flora many birds and other four legged beings, place where Fairies do live and also the Light Beings. I have seen them, We have spoken. They are teaching me their earth language of different varieties of sound. It is challenging sometimes when the small brain gets in the way. Now people can come, stay, have a healing mystical experiences if they so choose. It has taken about 4 years to find the right people, positive energetic match frequency, where co existence is possible practice and not just mental fart. 

And so the AIR is  clearing . The GUT is clearing. Lots of daily physical labor. For last several months I have been reminding me and learning more about natural plastering and how to work with it. I  learned the use the cow’s dunk (we have plenty of cows roaming the grassland all around, leaving powerful mulched grasses leaving their bodies as they walk. I have taken an ancient recipe from India that is using cow dung for natural and sacred building structures, with lime and straw and water and or pee. You make this wonderful paste like and then you apply it onto the external walls of your hobbit dwelling First I had gloves, “protective eyewear” and was very stiff and care-full not to be touched by shit (as I have realised during the process of 6 hours a day application my apprehensive-only out of ignorance-stiffness) then finally when the portions of my plaster begun to dry, revealing  very pleasant and clean feeling fragrance, I relaxed with the changed attitude of trusting in ancient nature and very much enjoyed this process of doing very useful peace of joy. Refreshed from my newly found passion for plastering, passion for finally to be able to put to use my old work ethic and forte, the place inside of my being begun to blossom as result. Not to mention the real joy when you accomplish something that you have been thinking, dreaming wanting for long time, that is to have your own place called home where you can co create. As I let nature to take care of me and my old traumas*, I was able to tap also easier into the other realities, other worlds and densities

Very recently on de facto december 2nd and 3rd during my. morning meditation I heard that “new biological anatomy of human who has been awake for long time, is replacing the old anatomy, old biology. During this journey I detected many black holes (throughout the spinal cord, on the both sides of most vertebrae, CNS, black holes in forms of dark upsetting emotions, memories from the past that i have cleared away 20, 30 years ago, yesterday and now I see them here again!?, they have been constantly being recreated by the dark negative computer systems of NAA, by the shadow falls “selves” (those that have separated, shadow self from the Dream Time. This kind of “dream time” is the simulated illusion as shown in the series of StarTrek when captain Pickard goes to the training facility, punching a specific scenario within his computer programming and then this program is played out in his 3Dimensional square box room, appearing totally real.) Then repeat, repeat, repeat…So that is what everybody has been experiencing, till these computers were shut down! 

In the meantime my “mind” says “i need money so I can buy the organic good food, bees was candles, sacred oils and incense, nano soma…, converting “money| as previously being used as form of B.M. system back into Potent Life foRce of Prime Creator where Joy of Creativity is expanding. well i have said this line years ago, decades ago knew it as a child what could be done, because it is part of our human potential that has to be actualised.  And then block: the sense of quick sand, something we don’t move forward and upward showed up again, struggle low emotions deliberately being through in the field of the collective humanity to continue siphon our energy. Questions about ownership of these low emotions, not moving forward, such a cheap shot of the poor dark arts.

OR: Why would I choose to write (like i just did now) Memories of past events to bring them into here/or future reader? That is what most probably has been decided not to do unless it is relevant and can prevent something catastrophic from happening.  I was brought here by High Spirit Council of the Original Prime creator to help to destroy the beast machine not to fee it by recreating the painful past based in lack, fear, and B.M. their technology of repeating such things and the other mean things was taken down. It all must be dissolved so it doesn’t appear in universe next to ours. We make cleared space for new potential of other soul species who previously had not such opportunity for birthing them selves and manifesting the uncreated creations long waiting for their turn, replacing all this ugliness and shame. We are talking about UNLIMITED POTENTIAL. Rip open this synthetic plastic suffocating everybody hologram (gram? with holes in it???) divided by the flat disc of dark and light sky, the gray matter that is not real (the part of the lie where the human brain was apparently divided in the middle called gray matter because it was light and dark together in your own head???!!!Yeah, the “LEFT brain what was left from the complex brain only in the minds of the poor arrogant magic convoluders that had nothing left to participate with but stealing, number manipulators, augmentation of the space vector at the bottom of this universe to cause we already know that, and loosing Millions and Trillions of precious species. So again all of this is cleared out of my own Cathara body so it may realign and activate accordingly to its first nature.

last night not sleeping (again). The idea that the skype, zoom, and others are nothing but jump rooms has hit my mind. The gigantic brain alias the moon and the corrupted part of last Atlantis and its memories of such as the cell phones, the iPads, the small and gigantic computers are nothing more then junk of the last sunken Atlantis (Atlantis divided, forcefully hijacked, living crystals destroyed) the present computers and its all alike technology are nothing but vampires, look at it, if you don’t feed it dirty electricity then it doesn’t work. THis is the part of the shadow, panopticum, hazardous mind convolution, this is the corrupted left over from old Atlantis. Stupid computer sucking energy because they don’t have the right part of the Atlantan brain the actual krystal that would keep them going. So what brought this to my attention? Some “vision” from the previous day: I see bright gigantic brain hanging in the sky pretending it’s the moon!, The Brain is morhphing into twin rectangular Siamese pyramid partially smiling as if so impressed with its self for still being able to make silly tricks for the public. But the Public is now alive! No more public zombies. The brain/moon/twin rectum pyramid doesn’t take the alive public seriously though. The twin pyramid appearing as the “brain” appearing as the moon used to make believe tricks the “truth”. The way how Atlantis has been assassinated has been replayed in many centuries in many varieties of the same repeat. The Napoleon then the Nazy turns into red communist, turns into genetically modified food, turn into dangerous jabs. Then something shaped the last straw did it? Something to be said about the Earth patiently orbiting, spinning walking round and on this round the lost consciousness of everybody murdered destroyed including all high level civilizations existing on Earth are somehow Here. The Atlantians, the Indigos, the Original Guardians, The Emerald Order, all the other Orders of High Council are here, the highly evolved star beings have been here. Well of us “turned around” and saw the Galactic Central Sun even those who were sleeping. The internet is this one big bright “moon/brain” hanging in the sky and we are taking out of it’s system the naa technology transmuting its fiat into telepath via our own nervous system. Now hold on I don’t mean to imply we are becoming borg NO WAY! I am saying this: the human village is going the heart way, is going the love way that is the way how everything – and this is happening -everything is transmuted even the internet, so the reasons for shutting it down would be only again out of fear what’s happening to us the heart person and those with nothing. The very thing the foundation for everything was almost surely destroyed but not really. Love is what adventually unites, power mother nature and the galactic all seeing finds way back to one self no more waste the will of nature is here and everywhere.

:last: intro: as one of our dear friends is visiting Egypt, unexpected i saw the 96 pyramids, then Mars the planet “told me” while I wasn’t sleeping, told me that certain place in Egypt has it’s soul shards and part of its consciousness. As “exchange” the Egyptian part is profoundly depressed, poor (program of with copies) and programmed into lack, war. Needs to be retrieved, the negative imprinting dissolved, Mars soul shards brought back, and the sovereignty of both the planet and this continent to where it belongs.

this is My Sacred Space : can you feel into the sky?

My notes for de facto august 27th 2022 we had healing reading information session with one of my beloved soul sister . I was partially experiencing(partially so I would be able to speak and function simultaneously in this paradime experiencing  paradise upstairs), to tell her what I see that is happening. I have been feeling/witnessing the enormity of healing huge fragmented time lines in our universe and frequencies coming also not only to earth and us but also to many star races of Pleiadiens! Those that had to migrate, escape galactic wars, I saw them crying. Billions of Pleiadien people REMEMBERING ALL that  has happened to them and how now their soul shards are also being retrieved, and connecting back where they belong, This is  huge!, This part of universe and star systems are all recovering:* and remembering the huge enormous scars inflicted upon them and us are being addressed. 

*Recovering: it is the memory of whole life, meaning humans from Tera 3 being always part of them the Pleiadians positive star cultures and star races of deep community, family life, happiness and freedom. Recovering once own emotions of the bigger brain into the true and proper time line. The time line that is the living life force, the communicator via our souls, link to star people.

Some little about the moon:

Also the moon, mostly lately recognized as a spy tech satellite has something like a recording black box : everything has been recorded on this black moon machine, the imprints from all the darkness, black sun etc., all the intentions, harm, all reflected recorded into this black box, from this satellite’s inception till now. So it is being  being fished out, recovered, analysed and many many millions into billions of trapped souls (soul images, soul imprints, sounds, pain, trauma etc etc etc.) are being recovered and rehabilitated! 


Up there,there is a Huge High Way,…It is as IF the milky way is standing up and walking home is how this feels to me…, this high Way leading from here to the rest of our universe and beyond that has been affected and blocked by dark negative technology like the harm intending and doing baddy Ellon hask’s his technology is being dematerialized to stop blocking this Universal High Way lineage of traveling, of communication among all us as star beings.

We will have to undergo the deep healing of being estranged from our star and soul families, it is like me And my children taken away from me and years has passed and I have not heard a word from them, this kinds of strangeness and how we have to learn to relate to each other again is coming. It’s numbness reversing and the true picture how it really looks like here and there retrieved so we can connect and be family again. And that is in nut shell what I have witnessed and is happening today, tomorrow, aftertomorrow.., this huge big opening recovering of our memory of our ability to perceive and conceive of other star beings in existence and us with them together, the healing of this planet the healing of this part of our previously stollen and poisoned universe, healing time huge activate. We are psychics, we are seers, were breathing Mother Infinite back into our bodies. Go well with self love, kindness, openness to receive your own is possible and it is happening. Thank you Universe and thank you beloved benevolent Star SIsters and Brothers.

Transparent Crystal Guide.

This is my Sacred Space, Sanctuary of all souls: Permanent removal of negative 7th gate effects!

Today is de facto July 5th 2022 And I was setting an apt for a client choosing the day which she prefers . I got this insight that the English names for each day had some hidden (negative polarity charge like a spell) meaning within it’s word/letters It felt as if the 7 days were the negative gate on repeat, leading humanity in the hell, where people are dragged into the black sun at the end! 7 days of process death repeat. Now that I have realised this after so many clever beings on this planet have known this before me, but we “never” talked to each other, it is over and the negative 7th gate is taken into cleaners. Hurray. So detox from that is important I say. Just think of it! The work routine, the pay check, then how the pay check (which is always known as stollen Universal Life force in essence, and yes essence IS IMPORTANT, and then you had to pay them back in form of unlawful taxes, right?) Create your own detox protocol, remove your self from this spell, and that way it no more has any hold on you. Think of the almost never going away SYNTHETIC FEAR manufacturing into your own nervous system, your heart, it NEEDS TO GO, free your self from it, it is shit! Let it all clear, dissolve it is no match to you, no attachment into your sovereign free willed soul.

Open to your self, open to your beloved benevolent live-continuum, pure innocent standing wave of existence in the orchestra of creation.   the pictures of beloved nature speak to us. She always invites you and treats you With love-ing kindness.

as I see you, we are one. I love you. Thank you.

so amazing this came to me when I was repairing someones old wooden fence.

This is my Sacred Space. about the MYSTERY SCHOOLS

the deep green the salt in the air, the birds singing, i feel so relaxed and we have toilet paper roles here.


 My most important reason for studying mystery schools : I had two most adorable little children under my duty care as a single mother. I wanted to be the best supper mom out of love for them.  Single mothers/immigrants don’t get any support from anybody.   The family I was shortly contracted to via marriage , knew all kinds and every kind of telling me things HOW I suppose to be to fit in. Their absurd conditions, manipulations, control over my life would clearly never end. I divorced because of tyranny and abuse.  I wanted something that would help me to clear fully everything that was involved in my worry-some heart and busy and inquisitive mind. And weekly psychiatrist hovering in circles didn’t match it.

I felt  more  betrayed, mistaking a church goers (the family I have separated from) for decent and trustworthy people adding to the heaviness to my childhood traumas, I felt alone, sad, abused, misunderstood.  Most obviously I wanted for my children  healed mother, FREE OF HER LIFE TIMES BURDENS, TRAUMA. clear person, who knows her own peace in her own heart, the best I can be.   

The other “tail” reason,  was that people in my European childhood very often came to ask me if I could help them, give them “healing”, feel them… Obviously I thought they were surely mistaken and just made fun of me. 

It was the “year” of 1997. Entering the M.S.

One good friend back then had called me and said: “Jarmila,  go and see this woman, she is interesting and I feel can help you”. It was Sunday and thankfully I was able to attend the last day and in the afternoon. It felt good AND VERY DIFFERENT.  I spend several years studying practicing, learning, and improving. I found out I was natural born healer, Indigo and highly intuitive with  gifts to see into people’s energies. In 2000 I activated my Krystal Consciousness. My Soul Light Languages came back. If you don’t know where that is, it is thee openness of your living heart/soul activation,  broader awareness, inner connection, presence to our Original Creator, dimensions 5 and 6 and 7 has been available at that time to me. It happened due to my diligent hard inner work, dedication to my children, and to the higher and inner truth. 

I had weekly meetings with my friend E., who has made this reference of mystery schools, for an exchange personal inner healing work sessions.  The mystery school in some aspects, was very helpful but it didn’t last.  I have met with very gifted many people there. With some I am still friends as we speak…


So to me, it is a place of 100% integrity, transparency, clarity, sovereignty, original full Earth and humanity’s herstory. So that is how I see it in this clarity of purpose. The place is consecrated with the purest intentions in mind and heart, no competition, no harm to anybody, it is a revelation a reminder who we are, it offers powerful tools such as meditation created to bring deep understanding of how your physical body works, what it is for, what knowledge it contains. It teaches you of the interconnectedness to all life everywhere. When students have reached spiritual, ethical, mental, emotional clarity, mastery and maturity, more tools are introduced and higher beings and our star families are introduced. It is being clearly explained what has happend here, how we have been doped manipulated, eaten alive, how our DNA has been stolen and so much has been taken away from us as humanity. There is a mutual respect, dignity, privacy and also sharing. We have collectively nothing to worry about, only achieving our highest grate-ness and be excellent stewards for Earth, humanity and interplanetary diplomacy. We say what we mean, using direct heart based communication, there is self-lessness as well.


Recently,  one of these good friends inquired with some key questions pertaining to this subject of M.S. and the teacher particularly. My friend explained that some people has come to her with their own not so lucky experiences that is now causing a huge dilema for her in terms of making a decision. I was asked if I wouldn’t mind to share. Must say this is not an easy subject. I have closed this chapter in 2011 by leaving behind my participation with someone that I have found to be not true and in addition causing harm to people and their lives.


And it does sound and looks very attractive to fall for exotic information for high price. When “MYSTERY” becomes a MYSERY: First I should share that short class would be the weekend and the long one would be the whole week. The teaching would take place mostly outside of the city but also in the city here and or somewhere in America. There were few happening in Elora, On. Once the class is psychically opened without any spiritual boundaries and spiritual hi=gene, it becomes a hunting place for you becoming the victim of a entity. The entity can be extra terrestrial, inter terrestrial, ghost, psychic curse, bad negative emotional/mental thought: program, manipulation, control, to confuse you, to set you on a tanginess, to get you sick and vomiting, but it can disguised as “you are clearing your karma” (which could easily be the case, but other such things were covertly happening as well) type thing. The teacher doesn’t clearly define who can and or cannot interrupt her to diverge the say teaching to them selves causing major interruption to the main reason, there is no conclusion, no clarity, It is a guessing and it becomes obvious that you your self must discern, find out, and inner-stand what this lesson was “Originally!!” about if you don’t want to become the victim of a: psychic vampire, thief of your intellectual/intuitive property. Me and some other sister had to be clearing and chasing entities and negative terrestrials away from our classes. At times we would offer to our “teacher” a solution, warning, help and mostly we were refused, dismissed, discouraged. The place of this teacher’s home base was mostly found not so “noble” clean and clear as many many times being mentioned by this teacher to us during our sitting long ours in the classes. As some of the material was truly fantastic intrique, it was also chaotic and confusing. People were not taught basic psychic defence, psychic hi-gene. They were rather being used for the teacher’s personal gain, and resolving her own personal issues either with her family members and or the man. 

… some of these  repeat students loved to interrupt constantly the “teacher” thus drawing unnecessary,  attention to them selves. Those are seen as  dark night of the soul walking refusing to shut up. These are suffering from long standing harm during their many incarnations, and because the teacher her class is fully open to all kinds of energy dirt, it brings into motion enormously distorted projections, over other’s peoples impressions, now they are getting upset but nobody says anything so it is all “just in the air” only the clairvoyant few has to deal with it and or leave the class all together. Such class is polarised, compromised with competition for power over: some genius sitting in this class contributing with what she has received by Infinite is first being used without recognizing her gift, then she is dismissed, ignored, or her material taken for granted, the other version her material removed because it doesn’t match the teacher’s own work. No space for advancing of those students that have clearly brought more information useful, helpfull uplifting, that has caused additional expansion for the entire class! Honesty is dismissed. 


As I always say: better to be your own hand, your own energy and inner pure guidance, because these sigils open portals, open different realities, if you don’t know anything about it you may be  subject to miss use. Because I have been sitting with the subject of deviance of mystery schools for many years and based on my own first hand experiences, good and very bad I have decided wisely to be on my own, to define my spiritual boundaries, spiritual immunity, clarity and guidance system. If High sentience presence me with a “sigil” a must feel it with my heart. This is because I do not trust somebody who has repeatedly showed they are not worthy of my trust, I do not want danger in my life and or for anybody else. Some sigils are done with agenda, some sigils are created as a messenger, way shower a guidance system if you clearly feel it is done through sacred neutrality. Without wanting to be the “only one” “the chosen one”. That is exactly what has been causing problems, loss of life hood and other loses.




the conversation with my friend left me expanded and also I felt relieved, this has been a burden to my Soul. Carrying around things I wasn’t responsible for but was tricked through programming to believe i was responsible since the childhood. I am thank full to my friend for asking her questions and letting me to open her mind towards other explanations and possibilities. To carry secrets, mysteries, burdens is really not our path and or purpose.

These things happen due to the genetic manipulations: from the  eternal  and gorgeously carved golden angelic humans who suppose to shine like the sun we are limited stupid incarnations (imagine scissors and never ending blue sky fabric being cut in million short pieces, that is us now.) No wonder we were/are VULNERABLE to the predator who has constructed this CAGE OF 3 DIMENSIONAL HOLOGRAPHIC PRISON COMPLETED WITH MINUSCULE VERY INTRICATE DETAILED MENTAL BLOCKS, MAZES, BLIND SPOTS, BEHAVIOURS, PROGRAMS, BELIEVES, WHO HAS FORCED ON US LIVING SOULS DISEASES, AND DEATH AS ANOTHER ILLNESS. 





This is a Sacred Space – Wave of Time no longer active. The ongoing cleaning process.

This continues to happening, I can’t sleep. There is lots going on such as the details in energy changes, the fact I am still finding my person in a living space not up to what I know I must have in order to better ground in my own sacred space with Earth. The true energy, much stronger and more obvious supporting the individual healing process, during strong sun activity. In order for us to repair the magnetic field, there is ongoing procedure to be done. So when I am not sleeping it is meditation and trying to find out some more answers to my pressing questions. We now know WHAT is happening: 4more % of Europe and West blogs (prison camps that appear as normal so called free regions in the cities and the country, are organised units of prison).., finally people are getting the strong message to get the heck into the sovereign boots walking their own truth. So this is the momentum very important more people shouting out for freedom, more it is opening their hearts, causing farther realisations, openings into their tightly blocked energy bodies, thus the SUN in the precision as a perfect gate for awakening, we must not let go of this important momentum, serving humanity as major stress relief!

My last night was very long awake night, with brief sleeping period.  visceral message/dream: there is a voice in this dream. It is telling me to get “off” the wave, get off, or else.”When I look I find my image in the centre of a blue curled up wave which looks just like WHEEL the ocean waves that we can see while visiting the sea. Only this wave looks like the famous Ouroboros (books have been written about, where the snake eats it’s own tale end) and my little person’s image is curled in the centre of this wheel. I recognize by the feel of it it is the wave the wheel of time, lots of emotions within this wheel, lots of overt and covert motives, operations, plans about our prison planet. I don’t want to let go, I feel it suppose to be this way, till a precious momentum of a strong intuitive feeling of complete dissolve of such wave time line. (here a copy of my notes from yesterday’s January 31st 2022 so called dreaming:)

the wheel of time was a spiral of a blue colour just like Atlantic wave ocean coiled into it self and I was in the centre of it holding it steady till it goes away.

the WAVE OF TIME I DREAMED ABOUT is the karma and repeat of synthetic life that we have known as ‘POLI-TICS’ de facto governments, politicians, theE.Ts. hostile manipulators of universal life force (banks) and their ego based dead energy programming technology has been SIMUNTANIOUSLY negatively AFFECTING OUR MAGNETIC FIELD (the person’s magnetic field through dirty electricity, hooking you up to your “dear” cell phone plus now tricking the weak of the mind and inner guidance into very dangerous JABS, THUS MANIPULATING OUR GENES, THAT IS VERY DANGEROUS BECAUSE IT CAUSES US TO MISLEAD OUR ORIENTATION IN LIFE, IT IS THE SAME FEELING AND EXPERIENCE AS BEING DRUNK ALL THE TIME, this is strictly my own observation and perspective, they have

consistently manipulating the 4D the time borrowed space into existence thus the wave of time, Mother Earth took it as I have dreamed about it by holding it within my entire being (by means of being in the centre of this wave of time ) till it dissolves, Mother Earth dissolved it!!!! Hurray. Because Nobody wants it anymore.

This ties also very much into Earth being 23.5 on tilt you see? So my internal soul travel messaging system is telling me  that this is a message about the ongoing process to remove this tilt of our Earth, to bring her where and HOW Earth orbits and huge heavy physicality body needs to stand straight and on Her OWN, In her OWN energy. The next thing simultaneously, is to realize the COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. That is something that has been out of one’s self own tune with my own sovereign divine free will, the good example when we continuously taking somebody else’s information making it out as our own inner truth, then the “you” messages, the school etc., programming all based in ego, in survival all wrong, all part of this tilt, corruption, prison. So the prison IS breaking. With love, you need to want something with clarity, peace in the heart and the remembering we are connected to the big and bigger picture send here as messengers, send here with certain frequency light of change so be it. Namaste.

(note about this picture bellow: taken from copyright free album on the internet, thank you for that.)