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This is My Sacred Space:The Seaker and the Seeking.

The word “darkness” can be considered and understood as magnificent UNEXPLORED LIGHT; A POTENTIAL. within MY SPIRIT EGGS POTENTIALS THAT I TAKE BY MY OWN FAST GROWING AWARENESS into my I AM PRESENCE. That is what makes it safe and protected. I am here in this transformational transmutation transcendence plasma void/world land of Earth Mother face surface, to support and encourage, point out the much much higher CONSCIOUSNESS THAT IS AVAIABLE, AND   free of  “fast food” noisy and dangerous vehicles, of-gassing smoky factories, abusive people etc., SILENCE BRAKES THE INTUITION SPAM. VORTEX=plasma=CREATION.  To be continued.

Namaste Jarmila Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide



This is my Sacred Space: Prague, the Spiritual High Alchemist.

Aloha, I want to make sure to talk about the fact that our Planet as a Sacred living Sentience, has ever MORE places  deserving to be validated, experienced for their original authenticity and spiritual connections rather then commercial means.  Prague is place of ancient alchemy.

Cause not everybody is into the  comercialism and consumarism rushing to be buing  a bombastic and glamorous souvenier for 8.000  Krowns, burping pizza and bear as he drags his precious souvenier through the thick volumes of visitors., mainly in the summer months. Prague has been stuffed with thousands of crystal snoby shops, with beer spills, cigarette smoke aiming inevitably into your face  of unaware noisy travelers who go to Prague  just to say they have been there to see what everybody goes to see: the tower, the castle, the beer drinking experience, the Charle’s bridge, the Singing fountain. Gets on the horse vagon and presumes now he know the city. Well brother, you might have missed something.

We organic human beings need to REALIZE WE ARE PART OF GREATER EVOLVING CONSCIOUSNESS AND THAT IS MOTHER NATURE. WE NEED TO SEEK  WHAT IS OUR NATURE AND HOW IT MAY MATCH, REFLECT, ACTIVATE, CHANGE UPON/WITHIN THE PLACES WE ARE VISITING, we are immigrating to, or were born to…  We need to stop buying into the pushy and forcing artificial neediness of consumerism as single reality, constantly creating sense of unworithiness, lack, poverty and other self-serving programs of propaganda. And acknowledge each of us has her/his own reality. So does every city, every tree, every hill, vortex, star gate, crystal caves etc. It all has its unique energy, spirit, soul, messages. One of my many realities  for example, is  the fact that i  might have been  born in Prague and had very tough life there, for one nasty people had taken over in some 50 years ago and the czech was duped. The story seems to be continuously modified in accordance to some technology rather then human heart’s truth and free will and co-creation., to the needs of  the surface cosmetic appearances. And it can make one to want to say something about it provided there is a different ground understanding available to us. 

Consider to  open your heart and eyes to what is beyond the matrix in every place you are visiting as traveleres. Lets say for the sake of an example, WHAT IF you wanted to reunite with your true soul family, make a closure to some family history, have more understanding, wanted a different experience,  and the place you were guided to was a Grand Canyon in AMerica, Ancient pyramid in Rumania, dolphins in Atlantic ocean, area 51 or Prague the heart of Europe? NAMING AND FINDING WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT PRAGUE? HOW DOES IT VIBRATIONALLY MATCH YOUR REASONS FOR BEING IN PRAGUE?

YOU didn’t travel here to “just get laid” (to terribly mistaken your sacred sexuality for something else as you saw it on television that doesn’t love you), or got drunk, ate too much pizza!!! I can’t actually believe i’ve seen that, several pizza restaurants in Prague??? Is that why millions of Italian tourists are coming to eat Pizza in Prague? I am really curious myself about this. No no no, you didn’t come for that here. Think again. What makes this place different/ What is unique about Prague? And why these questions are  not part of your corporate declaration?

  For two I may have grew up in the very back yard of Old Time square. The city may had been the inspiration of how could i get to know my self better in times of having no parents around, so… On my very odd days out of time…, was to  spit (with the other kids) down  from the old  tower. The goal was to measure the speed of my spit as a purely scientific curiosity, and then place  bets with my peers for the most powerful, most sophisticated spit ever in history of this very tower. Somehow we intuitively felt many generations before us had a similar use and reasons for being that high looking at all the 100 towers all around and have our moment of a measure too. Do i have to mention some of us got cought and had to face the consequences for we were apparently being disrespectful to this place of our ancestors, people of high places of world famous educators. Well my grandfather was highly respected professor of chemistry at Charles University. There you go world famous chemists shamans and alchemist generations of them growing up Prague and Prague growing their psychic abilities throught chemistry/al-chemy, is all the same. Then we found out the adults were doing the spit as we the kids…  

We live in “times” of big uncovering, discovering, making ancient connections among ourselves, huge awakening in awareness. Working with the galactic 208 000 numbers of years cycles. Places on Mother Earth are waking up and Prague will not stale behind.

Every living soul wants to be loved, respected, seen, heard, acknowledged, each wants to find her/his own place and purpose. Only if you are AUTHENTIC and true to your self, you give your true self  to another living soul, to your project, idea, study, hobby, to Earth…, you shall be happy, living as the original rather then a copy. I have said this many no-times before. For it is true. Each of us have our own truth which is equally valid in the spirit eyes of Mother Earth.

 The authentic self   honores and respects. There is a respect for Earth and everything what is placed  as authenticity on Her face. These places are places of legacy, places of power. We need to  quiet ourselves, teach the yonge generations to be respectful as that is part of being nobel, rather then vulgar, loud, and full of smoking mirrors and arrogaant images and messages that some believe wants us to manifest and forfate our own original blue print of creation. Cause what is a behaviour but reflection of some kind of repetation of believe as a predictive corporate soul-less modeling. That which  only could be observed and copied from wifi  technology programming you, and your thoughts, your actions, your decisions/choices every step of the way according to its forced evolution. Example  public media system. 

 Avoiding second hand opinions of you, I invite you into finding your own authenticity, your own truth of who you are, instead of the forced collective accepted consumer value denying you your own self-validated interpersonal and spiritual need to grow up. The gift of Prague and her essence is in offering you the least expected, facilitation into your beginning. As the silent observer alchemist who knows who is visiting this very heart of ancient scholars of change. Be willing to see Prague not as presented to you by the life-less western cult society uniform of fast food,  big companies, such copies repeat them selves to dull the minds. And how is that “convenient for you”?I don’t really appreciate how that enriches olden city?TO have mc donald as part of czech cuisine? With other questionable cheap shots od those who wrongly believe they are number one and can continue to be harnessing the life force of this planet. Be willing to understand Prague as place offering you more insight into your soul’s journey. 

Who and What Prague is? Should be the equaly good question as who and what am I?  Well dear traveleres,  please consider while  you are being marched by your travel agent group leaders through the Old Time square to see the newly reconstructed Orloy, that is the  Old and “famous” Tower those are the 12 apostles looking  at you from a different time line and different dimensional perspective witnessing you and your  sore necks and feet from the cobble stones all day walking here and there… Here it is when upon the strike of the symbolic skeletal figure indicating the shift of time, you are aligning with your higher divine free sovereing will of organic evolution, peace, love, harmony manifestation, Or if you might be just a 3D tourist , stricking the cord of those who has programmed your life for you. You decide your preference. Here you are making your wishes, your prayers  come true, At least that is the saying that goes by.., or it might be for some rare souls the  conscious application of the sacred arts of the self I am Presence, in Unity and no harm to any sentient life. In the language of that tower are meta messages , symbols of our mixed ancestors. Some may be positive incantations for growing sovereign culture, diversity within unity, far seeing prosperity for all people of peace, anywhere in the worlds. As the apostoles are rotating around, you might be activating your own synchronicities, incarnations you ever have had in Prague and elsewhere. You are steping into multitude spectrum of difficult time lines that Prague had to go through to become this city that is today. Many of her faces real and fake to fit everyone’s idea. 

 You woun’t be abel=able to buy Prague. Under neath of her many skirts is her skill the measure. Only she can decide whether you earned your nowingness or not. This might be for some the highlight of her alchemical application as the sacred lady Prague actually is but in apperance she may resemble many matrix places you have seen somewhere else. (the fast food, the big magnamous stores, the commercials on the T.V. interrupting your clever thoughts) but don’t worry about those. When you are in Prague know you came into a beginning.. Hold onto nothing, let go and enjoy, if you are of pure heart.

With these “thoughts and ideas” i wish to leave Prague and wish her prosperity of the heart’s truth, of new and unique inventions, talented and gifted souls who are not for sale. Thank you and

Namaste. Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide.Photo on 2009-12-21 at 18.31

In my Sacred Space: Important message to you

Since the fraud day of August 11th 2017 has just expired because I was hand writing the following message into my emerald book i am posting this 17 fraud minutes after midnight, for those who are public 5 D practitioners, speaking writing, healing, channeling, and doing genuine work for Planet Earth and people: I may have written a similar message before in this fraud year not sure. It is what deeply inside of my being I get the Original Prime Creator of this Universe message is we must be each of us our own individuated creations (that is the true oneness actually trhought the separation) Then we move to the celestial soul bodies to form another level of highly advanced existence in much higher dimensionalities . Right now not possible percievable by many but felt and forseen by the few! The other part of this message is to convey the outmost importance for those who are of High service on this planet: It is your, mine internal sacred duty to keep ourselves energetically clean and clear. We must do energy clearing daily, introspection, quieting yes meditation, yes clean house no clutter, yes yoga and or other unifying sports that involve the whole self without being disturbed, interrupted. If you say channel non stop but you don’t do your own inner healing work and clearing something can happen and then you are a history. It is shocking for the rest of us. The bellow hand/drawing is of a stone formation that i did with my beloved soul and today was recieved by Spirit a New DNA decissions to be made by your own DNA Intelligence, the veil is very thin so it is easy to recieve healing, information, “remembering psychically of your DNA true families of star sisters and brothers….” Some of us ARE SPIRITUALLY IMMUNE TO THE ARCHON GRID AND THE CONTROLLERS.

Namaste and enjoy life, Gaia and what is happening in this Universe for the most part healing energy some tugs her and there so one prefers discernemt practices. Your Transparent Spirit Krystal guide. picture of stone setting, and Stone people about DNA own decisions.Photo on 8-12-17 at 12.25 AM

The Sacred Space: is my own inner sacred space always in all-ways, Part one

this is in orange ink (automatic intuitive write i am not checking for spelling mist takes for not interested in “behaving”, Here ONE is interested in claiming, recognizing, and being in the damn physicality which is screwing with nature, human nature and one sees it hence naming it, and

claiming her own place where Gaia is glad to have me.)

Today because of the discerning quealities of today’s energy language: i have taken a look as my daily practice of the language of Mother”Earth/Gaia “shape of evolution”. And clearly today there is much oppressiveness sprayed another layer of schyzoprenia, I know internally how stable warm soft supportive loving rich sincere transparent genuiune connected spacious wise and nurturing my inner being is of. Therefore the daily practice has been to grow that kind of inter-connectidness, that is what is only, and i say “only” here with later explanation, available to you.

the link to your self is the link of harmonic light fabric of your own DNA and the muscle you are growing via your own awareness to it. This is the way to continue one’s own “evolution”  because the collective is content in devolution. Devolution because of forced divergent forced evolution fabrication. If One looks from faraway from Mother Earth plane and takes into a position of a clear observance one sees that all the technology given as a toy to the human kind is self-destructive tool to continue the illusion/debility and to become totaly heart steril of love. The quality frequency of this horid picture realm is of many thousands of layers therefore it has evolved in a thick layers which are like strong white noise of a schizophrenia keeping human asleep, the collective is of this quality. Therefore it continues on its devolution path, therefore one must comprehend and respond in the manner of internal emergence which qualifies to be caretaking daily for the self human woman man with daily cultivation of this flower that your human body-gaia is. It is in some cases an orchid that must be nurnured individually and appart from the collective trap of endless delusion noise and self-distructiveness.

The other layers observed today from afar is the fact how many other observers of our planet has influencing her Mind by just simply observing her, therefore obscuring her own natural identity that She is wanting/AIMING to solve and be of only. To ged rid of the harness that would be good only in times of necessity to prevent another world disaster . One as these many other observers (layers of other previously existing beings who are now considered to be outwardly, the local freaks and their technology based in insecurity\thus  disturbing for it is causing geopathic heavy overload stress. Such technology given to present humanity is diverse from naturalness only trapping the brain development. Even the numbers of people who are awakened are doing their own work, but collectively we are looking from the DREAM SCAPE at the five (5) contradictory planetary versions where the number 5 is our present condition we are trapped in choked and misguided into devolution….,the 4 previous such planetary version ending in dissasters are the bottom layers of the fifth version contained in this dream like knowingness memory of the maybe still subconsciouss mind. What we are doing with it? Well, we are trying to remember where this all has started and please forget now Atlantis of the version of consciousness that is just a name in this overall picture, how “good natural life actually is” (examples self-sustainable villages, organic (so called) food. The organic food is like a chip we are feeding ourselves with to helps us to remember the goodness of Earth Mother’s heart and Her highly stable nutritious qualities. The effect of such “work” is like a small gentle blow against powered machine that is based in the negative dark feminine bitch full of greed and arrogance. One needs to conclude her his own thinking in all of this how far have you come inside of your own? Does your beingness need achievements? And when you begin to co-exist with your beingness, how can you evolve? Towads what, where, whom? Is it my duty to solve the mystery of the Original Prime Creator? One has some huge questions here that are more important then looking into stupid (meant stupid not in the original idea of but as falls linear time passes to waste yours mine energy IF i let it,)YOU Tube channels. If you make your own, and your are transparent i am sure you are aware of the rampant changes in your own thinking psyche so only major learned lessons are wise to share and the rest is to be discarded. As the other resulst of one’s own journey for a healer for example is to have the effect of strong and stable healing abilities that are actually much needed and desired for this kind of broken humanity. The question is will they know that is what is needed to help, address, resolve and remedy? Instead of artificial technology?

Namaste,Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide

In my Sacred Space: Happy Galactic Gaia Summer Soulstice day 2017




in pure and innosence Jarmila.

This is my Sacred Space: The Neutralight my own word and practice.

Here is an insight of what i as energy is observing and unraveling, my own sovereign reverence of I am Presence in neutral self, the one who represents the sacred feminine in physicality, the one true source time stream lost in time and space on purpose…What is my energetic space? Natural. That’s what it is. The Earth mother. The Sun. The Galactic Sun…Natural. The neutralight, as I just named it, can be used for my physical person to observe and live in these days of the great stupid digitalized shortcomings, while the borg a broken robot machine getting more into an energy spasm: insufficient, exponentially uncomprahensive, incompetent in its legal (Must have a license for it self thou!) acts, statutes, by-laws, filling up freaky documents for plastic made up permanent resistance cards soon to expire again, which take up 3 days to complete if one is lucky *so called*. In the meantime the days are so short that you just see the person opening and closing the curtains in the bedroom…which reminds me: Something back in the day we used to play with, was an electrical =(the trick representing artificial light in darkness namely “the bulb”..hmmm) switch as fast as we could, well now the day/night is really getting closer and closer to that game end….

i found this is my cz writing and it belongs here to be shared:

jako slunce nemuze zit jinym svetlem net tim, ktere vyzaruje, cili vydava, tak ani tobe neni (ty nemuzes) zit jinym svetlem, nez tim, ktere vydavas, Vsechno, co jsi, to vydavas.
jarmila, 1978 praha

translation to one of my Light Soul languages, the Guwe .Ina-hava-kawa. Em-kwa sh’na kankara mani kaye ikakaye Kaye mawa epaava,kunyya, muki-peye, kontiya kymawa, moalle’.Keka-choye O’-yamma, me-ma’ka-wa,sh-na.

Translation to english roughly:..” as the sun cannot live by something/someone else’s light but go by its own, the one which it gives so you to cannot live by anybody’s light (Orders) but those that you yourself are giving/sharing. Everything you are you are giving.” (Jarmila, Prague 1978)

so interesting i should find this old note tugged in one of my books yet to be written….

Photo on 2016-08-12 at 18.11the picture is one of many Mother Earth/Gaia meditate,drawings of mine.


This is my sacred space: The Heart Language and excersise of sovereignity

as one of the noticeble preference of heart expressiveness, i continue to challenge my human warrior of I am in zero sacred neutrality /my woman to break apart the corps of english mental squarness and give my self and my fellow soul sister/brother the gentle reminder of the heart language when it is somewhat required of me. The layerPhoto on 2014-07-25 at 23.27 here is with trees, love, nature as the natural law which everyone knows but is slowly forgetting. So lets come back/forward into it. We are born inside of a Mother. Inside is my point. We internally speak to our selves all the time in a wonder in a lost of what is happening to humanity, to nature of humanity and where it is going.People may feel all sorts of different subjective feelings. I am assisting mainly to those who find me and are interested in a private healing sessions. There have been also many years of conducting group meditations and Spirit Retreats. I have been personally all my present live-hood healing, self/internally studying for the most part for i have found that being in and or part of as a student, a so called mystery school is both good and bad and when it is bad one had to change and recognize that to be her own mystery school is the way to go and to be if i wanting to continue to be impecable transparent, original and true, to be my self sovereign being! Example when it used to be good to be a member of a mystery school: it has opened me up, i felt unlimited i was happy because the ancient teachings at the very beginning were uncorrupted, i was at the time also a single mom of two children and loved them with all my heart and wanted to be the best i could ever be mom. My children and i lift in innocence and purity. Then few years passed and i learned the teaching became corrupted and people were getting ill, lost their homes sometimes even a life. I rejected such a membership and a teaching immediately and became my own sovereing student teacher asking Mother Earth and the Original Creator to be my prime first hand teachers and guides. ANd so it was. The negative experience with the mystery school  tought me to teach me a spiritual immunity and very strong discernment. I may have said this somewhere else in my previous blogs sharing but since it continues sto be paramount it doesn’t hurt to remind people. I have had many hurtles and hardships as people on this planet of hard knocks do, but i don’t take them as obvious and as easily automathic for the sin or SIN regime never felt it was natural either. The soul has triggers the soul has purpose and one of them is to evolve naturally. When it is forced on ya, question why, The other purpose of your soul is to learn about love so that is why we are here to learn love. It is great big deal to me this love business. The love is of a mother, the love is the bird singing , the love is the ocean, and all that you may not ignore around you in its natural state of beingness. I enjoy so much to be loving to express love. I love to hug trees, i love to hug my friends, i love to hug my partner i love my partner. I love the sun, the planet, i am listening to Mother Earth and everything She has been teaching by telling/whispering,  showing me kindness, patience, fellowship/land actually =fellowlandfriendliness, how to grow life in the soil, how to build with her clay, straw and timber a friendly home that is most comprehansible to Her own natural surface. The physical Earth and the Gaia/soul two so called different aspect to me same thou in no competition! I have recieved teachings from Original Creator as well many many many. The recent one from last fraud year was my grant experience with the Galactic Central Sun. May i share with you?  It was a suxession of many meditations, graduating and forming into this peak meeting that i didn’t know i was going to have. I was in a group of another soul family. After few deep breaths i really decided i had enough of being physical all the time, i let go of everything and just left….this 2nd picture on my left is something i was able to draw for my many many hours of coming back into this dark reality. what it says is a description of my live experience where all the so called physical parts of my self went “out” and dissolved, all the fields around the physical body shell dissolved and i found my self soul one with the galactic sun (“face to face”). The human blue eyes i previously though i had were gone, instead all colors were in my spirit eyes everything was in bright colors the tonge changed into something so giganticPhoto on 5-26-17 at 6.11 PMSomebody i met wiht a camera i was trying to give him my experience but i barely could speak and i was trying to tell the guy the problem with his camera is the camera doesn’t feel, sense and see what i see now so how come i could ever discribe to anybody what just happend to me. Well, i am doing now here after some time has passed and i had more other experiences thou this one to me is very important for i went home. Thank you for reading . Namaste

Transparent spirit crystal guide.

In my Sacred Space – the Life in me

The following is an living experience. And it shall spiral outwards into the expansiveness of one’s growing awareness. For such living experiencing no matter how brief they may seem to the observer, are profound, leaving an impact on the experiencer.

It is about Mother Earth   of this universe. Towards the fraud december time of Winter soulstice i was sitting in my private meditation of no- time. As an observer and experiencer i am going with the flow of my breath connected through my heart to Mother Earth’s heart. I was being guided into the most intimate place of Earth’s consciousness, where Gaia takes the light breath of all +year+round  deeply inside of her self body, mind heart, the deepest longest silent communicans, affirmation of retrospection, alingment with zero point. To me it felts as if i just witnessed something very intimate only Mother Earth is capable of. Gaia takes all of it in, everything as the good alchemyst She is. And in the sixth month the june She puts on so high light it is all over the place, She floats on expansion  in the awareness of Union with trillions of living stars star systems and different places reaching high all around to touch everyone with Her Presence. Such as the breath of this universe. And this brings me to today which is already called yesterday.

We are in the group meditation of One Gaia in my small collective beautiful of consciousness just enough to share  the message that i got: to OPEN UP TO MY SELF. It is apparently the year of 2017 the third day of january of a fraud time.

I am being told to explore me, “do go into you, your self, open up to your self.” What is the true Genome of dear human original: the DNA heart human is the shorter (but don’t think of that ever as anything short actually) strands of the physical non linear nature. Maybe i think of it as so called Gaia chromosomes somewhere around within my DNA language light. The “longer” strands just like the silver umbelical cord, thee longer strands of your DNA language is from the Prime original Creator of this universe, but we also have already the other Info DNA from the previous universes we have lived and existed before this one.. So the later data is of the during “info” meditation as i am experiencing a new learning material form my soul to my human being woman. It get to tell me:” You need to seek, know, understand what is the DNA in your blood (1) you are your own ancestral line, lineage! Water, cerebrospinal fluid DNA this is the first major foundation of you: Gaia DNA + PRime creator I am PResence creates a specific DNA you are vessel of. It is going to be your own Study, openness to this knowledge of your own making”.  So i  am being told. “It is important you focus on you as above explained”.

This schooling of your self will bring you totally different world. YOu are a vessel of ((((((((((s billions and one lives, questions, events, activations, deactivations. Feel now the chest heart releasing some scared poisons? (such as doubt, the carrot and the stick, other insecurities that are the a.i. of thought forms.) So knowing you are your own ancestry line is then stored in this DNA white light capsule within MOther Gaia Earth Library. There is also the frequency of silver, gold, platinum and placenta and many other the forced linear english doesn’t acknowledge,so there is no name for it, In the Light soul language is thou. Maywa-he kona sheesha-mama-kne. “

Go into SOLFEGGIO dear being.” THe mine own picture from my own book is about a sense i got how DNA Light information from all my incarnations may be “stored” in “glass” the glass may be a spine.  And the glass is just symbolic of portrait. I am now going to be studying the light capsules. So i wish a Happy aware loving consciouss, kind and thoughtfull new healthy year with many sovereign actions leading you me and us into total freedom . You, we cannot be just sitting like praying mantis pretending we don’t exist. Lets be visible, heard, seen and loving actively towards Nature that loves to take care of her dear human if he quits to be stupid.

Namaste. Spirit Crystal Guide,

What is a Sacred Space…walk back-ards to your own Heart (I skipped the “w”)

Always stay in full colors, too black is the world of demise as an ex-change (that means status quo) for your soul. This “world” is supper imposed over the Land Mother Earth. the Land Mother Earth is also your very own Heart. You should know and here is how you know: you are in pain, you are still paying for living here, you are enslaved. Your mind is schizophertic dead broken antena of what used to be the living reciever of collective consciousness resonant telepathy.

I have read some of the comments people actually leave me with. I feel for man and wo and mainly children. Have very frequent dreams being their care giver letting them grow through their first hand life experiences, not imposing names and labels on that life the children have to grow with to be whole not with Holes as the adult is now. The adult thou has found her/his own solution by living with Gaia unconsciously through the pain. Pain is either imposed for the most time since it is not our natural state, and or a call to help you change. This is very old well known truth. So anyway I did read some of the comments and they are cry and lack of inner seeking sustanance. This is not a critisism, it is an acknowledgement. I had a man in my class meditation of One Gaia this morning. He came to me afterwards asking what is this horrible pain he has felt in his heart and it made him to leave temporary the practice. Then he -re-entered. Just precicely what the heart made him to “do”. THe Heart is LIVING INTELLIGENCE. When will you start getting it? THe heart Has Been DISCONNECTED. THE TRUTH: the Nature IS Organic. Make sure you know what means organic. Organic is NOT YOUR STUPID CELL PHONE. Do you have any idea how much the cell phone the A.I. (artificial intelligence) would “love” to be you????? It clones everything except it CANNOT be you. Because YOU are living soul!!!!!! You have a soul you feel. Man, start feeling O.K>! The A.I. absolutely CANNOT AND WILL NOT EVER EVER EVER be who and what you are.

In our Guided by Original Creator+ ITS Mother Earth -guided meditation as is for the most part unexpected for light as we know is unpredictable, old news, our/mine first hand experience was living heart inside of my chest growing and i saw how its ventricles, veins, tubes and all these branches were “growing” and connecting, offering them selves as if hand reaches out offering itself to another. Well, the “another” in this case was the schizopherinous mind (so much to “worry” = disconnected, about ) The visceral experince first hand was just like a surgeon putting back all its missing peaces, the whole body that is went back into the Heart. You know, we have done this thousands times before, such kind of work-meditation, you know we went into Gaia’s Heart and Sacred Chakras to teach us our memories back. When the group transitioned “back” into the physical dream schock the shoe without the foot, everybody has said they felt the physical connection has changed. So very different. In a way i am happy i cannot put words to it. IN a way i am saying continue to stay connected to your self and what is happening inside of you, your own nature guides you back into you YOU. Mother Earth is the Heart as we do know. Even if you are fighting with some one, why are you doing it? There can be two main “reasons” Perhaps, may i offer a suggestion? One: the programs installed in you your tummy your amygdala/and the so called reptil. brain did collapse in you disintegration taken place your body is having a reaction, goes into override. Two: the A.I. is the leach replicating the living soul but IT Doesn’t Work, The argument fight is the backwards play back which has been previously insterted into and over the living soul, the living cell of sovereign being on this living planet and the living cell the soul is REJECTING IT, READING ITS CODES FOR WHAT IT IS : FALLS ARTIFICIAL . AND SO, it transmutes it. YOu may get a headache knowing this time there is no reason for it. So you just go outside hug your friend the tree and the headache is gone. You just let the intuitive intelligence to actively assert its rigthful place of well being. As one of my dear and honest soul sister shared with us this morning. Man you are nature it self, walk with this for a while and feel its resonant truth and guidance.

And…there is something else i do want to share here: When the hand of your is this time placed on your chest where the heart IS found, with some inner voice,sound you feel the vibration in your chest, when you would pay some attention it would help you to “show you: the actual living heart has its own voice, ears, language it has been supressed and very much denied its own existence, see only behind the skin you could sense (Maybe yes maybe no) this very first born organ is there, Well it is much more and everything then just organ. It is also the Oregon you know….think about it. One think is to read something and the other is to have FIRST HAND EXPERIENCES. A.I. cannot have them you can. It comes from the ABILITY TO IMAGINE TO CREATE TO CO-EXIST. My heart has showed me demonstrated where it is that the medical intuitive is and can heal the rest of itself, namely “the Body”. If you find it for your self you are on your good way home.

And i too have a challenge in my own body lately. IT is changing again, I continue to practice all the muscles through Unity-Yoga, and biking and dancing and shacking like a wet dog and talking to my body like good lover does. I have known our sexuality needs to be learned actually, we don’t know anything about anything in this line of energy, again the zero point the electric/magnetic kundaliny intelligence, how to open woman so she may have not terrible experiences with a guy who only masturbates into her, unconsciously. How sad. The relationships are not working now because they want to work differently, without programs, without the education system without the Hollywood, the T.V. The news, the government, healthy, that is without the second hand me down block head someone else telling me who i am what i am not, what is expected of me and how much it will cost me or else if i don’t pay the fine i go to jail….I know i just may have lost you on my last few words here it is because of the convolussions people have been living appart from them selves because apart from the Nature. I keep writing about this because I want Gaia to know Her little Gaia people are getting it and we brake the gray cement and smelly as-hphalt. Have a question for you who ever may be reading this: what do you feel about a fellow man who has also been as a child divided and concered by the system, living in two separate families (mother and father appart), then his mother moved out and he has not spoke to her for 30 years till recently because somebody insisted he will get back to his good mother? The thirty 30 years of not communicating……!!!! This guy has a so called relationship but it is not working for the woman he “wants” to be with. The guy doesn’t know what to do with “his” woman he doesn’t communicate he doesn’t have what it takes to make a relationship work, to find his love. He only keeps saying to this woman in his brief messages: …”i love you and i miss you”. What do you think? The woman wants to for long time brake up this dead wood, for she is naturally alive, mostly happy choosing to enjoying her days and put energy and her presence into positive uplifting eventfull activities, not to be this guy’s care giver, which is why she wants to leave him . She says: “I am not your nanny man!” This same woman has obviously known that the somewhat “lost guy” is actually missing his own mother but it has been so long he may not even make such a realized connection. So she decides to be more sensitive and gentle and instead of giving him the boot, she’ll do everything to reunite him with his mother healing number one and then this guy can actually discern for him self whether any relationship (to relate to) would be his primary extention to his open and healed heart or what ever else may come to him as genuine neutral and matured understanding. I would so much want to learn from you what you may gather as your own experince to share .

Thanks. This is unsensored as is my own text. I trust it may be of inspiration and or help. Namaste. Transparent Crystal spirit guidePhoto on 2014-09-25 at 12.28 #2

This is my Sacred space: healing sessions always the teachers

For this kind of teaching one needs to continue to grow in her own aspects, in her own sacred neutral, and sacred feminine sovereignty. I do trust in Spirit and i do trust Mother Earth and my heart space. Recently i was asked to assist a being who has been coming to see me for some time for really unsual healing sessions. This time wasn’t different, it only added to our usual unsualities and we were told to observe and allow the changes withing her own evolving DNA Light spectrum. Me as the Divine instrument holding space and observing (lots to learn, yeay) and my dear beloved sister friend client lots to endure. Pockets of old layers transmuting away as so called above her skin living intelligent light communicated its growing presence. Some times i was told “well, this part comes and belongs, and is connected to….Lemuria and it used to be used for such and such.” My dear beloved client recently gotten rid of her wrist watch for which i have congratulated her. For what reason we should continue to be accepting some fraud linear time frequency, how that does benefit the living soul anyway? As the session was in progress and we have continued i was then asked to move up, which meant towards my client’s upper skeletal structure, and the skulp, the brain, the head. At this point she went through very rough portions of remembering something from long ago. We didn’t talk i just continue to observe and knew by the way of the color/vibratory spectrum there was this very painful unconfortable, yet very strong need for a confrontation. Well i am not used to beating around bushes, so i just say: she went through a faze of being spiritually and physically violated in a big way sometime during Atlantis and before she said any word to me i begun to see this very black pyramid in the astral body. It created a huge problem, blackages for people in Atlantis who were mainly some one like high priest or priestes, highly evolved being with pretty amazing brain function. This violation of her very beneficial faculties and set of skills were done by the dark people who forced them selves into the Atlantis, brought this black pyramid and this pyramid basically fried her brain. This technology is used today or till this day via cell phone and similar devices with the same aim. I saw how this dark technology undermined Mother Earth, somehow got attached into Her nervous system and the heart and Mother Earth begun to shrink in Her consciousness in Her innate abilities to be multidimentional being. It looks like some leaky ashphalt that has the capability to choke the intelligent life. My client cryeid and explained her own experiencem, not surprised what i have shared with her that i saw this black pyramid and what it has done to her brain. She said that resonated because from the perspective she observed she had this has affected the humanity and asked if we somehow could change that. The asnwer was yes. If anybody who may read my posts has anything to add to this interesting perspective, please leave me a message. I appreciate to hear from decent and honest people who are genuinely interested in learning and undoing any harm done to the humanity and our beloved Mother Earth. I don’t like people stealing and or copying something they have not lived, experienced, figure out them selves and or created from their original self. Namste,

Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide.