This is my Sacred Space: The Neutralight my own word and practice.
June 1, 2017
Here is an insight of what i as energy is observing and unraveling, my own sovereign reverence of I am Presence in neutral self, the one who represents the sacred feminine in physicality, the one true source time stream lost in time and space on purpose…What is my energetic space? Natural. That’s what it is. The Earth mother. The Sun. The Galactic Sun…Natural. The neutralight, as I just named it, can be used for my physical person to observe and live in these days of the great stupid digitalized shortcomings, while the borg a broken robot machine getting more into an energy spasm: insufficient, exponentially uncomprahensive, incompetent in its legal (Must have a license for it self thou!) acts, statutes, by-laws, filling up freaky documents for plastic made up permanent resistance cards soon to expire again, which take up 3 days to complete if one is lucky *so called*. In the meantime the days are so short that you just see the person opening and closing the curtains in the bedroom…which reminds me: Something back in the day we used to play with, was an electrical =(the trick representing artificial light in darkness namely “the bulb”..hmmm) switch as fast as we could, well now the day/night is really getting closer and closer to that game end….
i found this is my cz writing and it belongs here to be shared:
jako slunce nemuze zit jinym svetlem net tim, ktere vyzaruje, cili vydava, tak ani tobe neni (ty nemuzes) zit jinym svetlem, nez tim, ktere vydavas, Vsechno, co jsi, to vydavas.
jarmila, 1978 praha
translation to one of my Light Soul languages, the Guwe .Ina-hava-kawa. Em-kwa sh’na kankara mani kaye ikakaye Kaye mawa epaava,kunyya, muki-peye, kontiya kymawa, moalle’.Keka-choye O’-yamma, me-ma’ka-wa,sh-na.
Translation to english roughly:..” as the sun cannot live by something/someone else’s light but go by its own, the one which it gives so you to cannot live by anybody’s light (Orders) but those that you yourself are giving/sharing. Everything you are you are giving.” (Jarmila, Prague 1978)
so interesting i should find this old note tugged in one of my books yet to be written….
the picture is one of many Mother Earth/Gaia meditate,drawings of mine.