In my Sacred Space: Important message to you

August 12, 2017

Since the fraud day of August 11th 2017 has just expired because I was hand writing the following message into my emerald book i am posting this 17 fraud minutes after midnight, for those who are public 5 D practitioners, speaking writing, healing, channeling, and doing genuine work for Planet Earth and people: I may have written a similar message before in this fraud year not sure. It is what deeply inside of my being I get the Original Prime Creator of this Universe message is we must be each of us our own individuated creations (that is the true oneness actually trhought the separation) Then we move to the celestial soul bodies to form another level of highly advanced existence in much higher dimensionalities . Right now not possible percievable by many but felt and forseen by the few! The other part of this message is to convey the outmost importance for those who are of High service on this planet: It is your, mine internal sacred duty to keep ourselves energetically clean and clear. We must do energy clearing daily, introspection, quieting yes meditation, yes clean house no clutter, yes yoga and or other unifying sports that involve the whole self without being disturbed, interrupted. If you say channel non stop but you don’t do your own inner healing work and clearing something can happen and then you are a history. It is shocking for the rest of us. The bellow hand/drawing is of a stone formation that i did with my beloved soul and today was recieved by Spirit a New DNA decissions to be made by your own DNA Intelligence, the veil is very thin so it is easy to recieve healing, information, “remembering psychically of your DNA true families of star sisters and brothers….” Some of us ARE SPIRITUALLY IMMUNE TO THE ARCHON GRID AND THE CONTROLLERS.

Namaste and enjoy life, Gaia and what is happening in this Universe for the most part healing energy some tugs her and there so one prefers discernemt practices. Your Transparent Spirit Krystal guide. picture of stone setting, and Stone people about DNA own decisions.Photo on 8-12-17 at 12.25 AM