This is my Sacred Space: My soul contract revocation for not cooperating with domination and control
About my soul contract revocation for not cooperation with domination and control. I was sitting in my study listening to some previous recordings with the intention to edit them. ALl of a sudden this urge to write my own soul contract revocation came about so spontaniously. So here it is:My own soul contract revocation: not cooperating w/domination and control
This my Sacred Space: Experince with Galactic Central Sun
During my course intensive of learning how to read the Mother Earth’s Mind called the Akashic records, which was back in 2017 fraud year i had very profound experience. It was during our meditation study. In this meditation we were meeting with the Galactic central sun energy and my Spirit just took over the whole meditation i left the body, broke all my spheres my fields expanded and next thing was I felt and experienced first “hand” the Galactic central sun most profound Presence. I was filled with enormous and most powerful Intelligence I felt home again. When I “looked back” to where i used to be, I saw this tiny tiny miniscul speck of dart black and puny that was my physical existence i didn’t want to go back to it. In the meanwhile my body shacking, crying having this enormous expansion happening this huge birth taking place, my partner who was sititng beside my vacant yet still experiencing body, didn’t know what to do with “me” the body which was now on the grown crying out with overwhelm of love and knowingness, It is here where i again realized how easy it would be to just leave for good and never look back, it is here where I have realized and was reminded again how very vulnerable the human dexter body is and how much more work it needs how many more years it needs to be spoon fed with this pure Intelligence love and then how it may take some weeks and months to fully integrate this to ground this purifing presence through the body through the Earth Mother before I can experience its future layers.
Here is what transpires when i meditate with this memory. I seek authenticity of my true self not the shell that has been programmed and shunt I seek the firm and healthy connection that can build Spiritual life on Mother Earth for without love and without spiritual merging this planet is lost, the human is at the command of technocracy damaging the heart. Do this meditation in your back yard during a sun light so you may have strong and healthy experience. Galactic sun healing session
Light soul language – Bird (birth) people, my meeting in 2006 f.y.
“What doesn’t live for leave it.” Naval-kehe mutu-lu kumia, tula ma/h-t/ra, yuritee mihoro natalu. The Bird people are the cosmic parent, called “Na-esh-etna”. I have met with them sometime in 2006 fraud year end of May. Gaia means: the before and the after! The first born. The first born earth is the heart, its own leading point for set terms, the Prime Creator’s essence, Presence, weightless Light energy language, taken on form through awareness, and Earth’s own teaching of psychiatry,transformation,that which brings up more of Seeing. In previous Atlantis the land called DaiTya. (Not sure if this Atlantian place name is correct, cause it is found in my own old notes). The bellow doodle image describes cosmoses (sample simplified). These are egged and or elliptical and orbital (round). That is all what my notes said, cause the rest tiny bit i must re-meditate for closer accuracy for my self to teach me how it is instead of how it isn’t. The how it isn’t is part of the linear psychopathic old mentality.
Sincere-ly Namaste from Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide, jarmila.
This is my sacred space: Nature doesn’t lie
“If you want to be seen by a healer, what do you expect>” I asked my friend Frank. His reply was: ….”feeling the electrical buzz, something magical..” Well….yes! me responded back….. when i am within countryside, nature i stand in my own truth, i feel validity, vitality, acceptance, happiness, wellness, inner and outer embrace, my nature recognizing the unity and melting into relaxed and innately trusted oneness, for it doesn’t lie. Nature doesn’t eat me, doesn’t steal anything from me. I trust it as a child/adult 100%.
I think and feel in spherical as suppose linear. My heart’s brain doesn’t play games with me. My heart is always there when artificial complications intrude into my life. The linear thing is not my thinking… I put up with it because there is a handful of beings apart from Earth Her self, that I can honestly intercommunicate. Hmmm. and dog just entered my room as i am executing these syllables and others throught the 2D. She came to investigate what i am up to and for her patt, to give her self under my hand’s palm.
“And what if you CAN’T FEEL the buzz of energy?” was my next question addressed to my friend. He replied:..”there is also the psychological angle, thinking patterns and where do they come from”. He observed. “What’s the psychological approach of the healer then?” Frank asked me in return. “Well, the healer’s innate heart intelligence is at work all the time during session, it needs to find the most accurate vibrational sensible frequency matching what’s needed that is not opposing, not forcing, not dictating, rather taking all the opposition away, acknowledging the many layers of trauma, the trapped parasymphaticus nervous system into constant worring and fearing, people have been tricked into through generations. The true healing practitioner’s innate ability is to not let any linear intimidations distract her, for one needs to be carefuly listening and observing all exposing energy present. The generation of the now days is ending the black money magic system and it is a hard work for good people.
..When CALMNESS WITHIN THE HEALING VIBRATION meets the client’s heart, the heart takes over and is in charge of the whole thing then. It is the immidiate realm of creative unspoken wisdom-maturity that love is, that which is for ever, that which continues regardless of the circumstances and freeing possibly the harrasment of intrusive programming within the “psychology”. Is my long asnwer. Such psychology has been the trespasser into our innate selves.” Looking at the history patterns. And Frank added: “Say some people are visual. So the shape of structures.” And Frank goes on to say further: “I found in N.Y. study how building structures of steel concrete deflect Earth energies causing harm or death even to people. So giving healing in a tent is far more effective then in high rise.”
Yes yes and i agree w/my friend here. Because it has been obvious to my innate, I the healing practitioner, has to change the energy in the rectangular concrete nonsense into most respectful/ sacred space so it is successful and hopefully also life changing for the dear human who comes to experience what healing through unconditional love/heart is. One needs to feel safe, seen althou people are afraid of this in the same time due to the psychology as you were hinting on it previously. And this also has to do with the spiritual warfare we have been in, so change the shape and you have more condusive space to assist in healing people.
Frank: “Movie reference called Dark city has very interesting psychology around it, lots of truth to that. The leaders play on such harnessing control that is why the cities are grid based in squares. That is why to bring a change to such un-natural patterning brings enormous upliftment into the psychology of peoples’ quality of life. You know. The mentality then calms down, clarity and memory and thinking for one self and creativity instead of animosity can be achieved much better. And this is the example of shapes and how it is part of creative healing, where the facilitator is capable of making necessary energetic changes and brings a natural form of messaging. the result is COHERENCE FOR THE ENTIRE SYSTEM THAT WE CAN BUILD ON IN THIS PROCESS AND JOURNEY OF HEALING. The trasnference of innate energy NATURE INTO THE SQUARE ROOM,until such thyme when a straw bale or own physical sacred space is available. People get hurt by “healers”, it is difficult to find genuine provider who’s main interests and focus is just that: genuine transference of loving heart energy sisterhood/brotherhood, and dissolving of what has been obstructing the innate genius from past lives, and or present linear circumstances. the cities are bluntly disguised as millions of expansive rental prisons of most un-attractive stupid square-ness, THE TRUTH/NATURE is riped off and people are lost and empty as a result. When people are emtpy because the nature has been destroyed people are psychologically exposed and vulnerable to those brain washing criminals. controls , treason causing.
So clearly go back into the loving arms of nature, lets observe but mainly experience the actual ROUND/OVAL, CURVY shapes and how we feel among these. That is what makes a maxim difference.
So what i as a medical intuitive/detective had to do for her self to survive linearity to survive its ongoing jelaousy and crimes? Well, my feeling is i had to be born with some predespositions, clear codes of conduct to bring the aura of change into this world and then during my childhood doing my best to protect and preserve the innocence we are all born with, through dancing. But first let me say i was forced and throughed into ballet school. Very yonge children like 3 years old, we don’t have any sence of free will. The activation of our innate free will gets activated and realized later mainly when we are pushed against our own hair lines, when things are drilled into us, we must seek and listen to our own free will. People only know it is some “kind of ability for self determination”. Well it is about thyme we take a deep good looks at that.
So later when I was free from the forcing and damaging in ballet, the inner guide pointed to jazz a form of dancing where one could thy from the tight jacket of unnaturalness, and do more feeling and tuning into the lively rhytms of different tones of music. Dancing has been my main element my powerful answer to all forms of oppressions. The faculty of free movement provided my spirit with pleasant flow of enormous energy and vigor that one only finds when one stays connected and centered with her/his own true nature. Staying at my core. Art for painting, drawing, knitting, working with different materials to articulate a form of artistry, is another immortal answer to the problems. Awareness of the problems, what is going on around us, what is going on inside of us, how do we balance everything and keep life at keel. The joy of climbing a tree, growing your own nature’s delicious earthy consumables thanks to the beloved bees, water, sun, wind and soil. When we meditate, continue to have fit human bodies even thou we might be over the hill, is precious and most helping for the inner sanity, inner freedom inner clarity and resistance meaning strong physical/spiritual immune system one must have, one must earn. One can bee her own won solutions innerstanding with Nature. A true solution for happy life.
Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide, sending you a horse-shue hug, very soft version thou.
Love consciously, purposefully constantly. The linear-let to write and or wise versa word(s) are not going in my sacred world to be affecting me, controling my mind: by the way how it used to operate eather from the left to write, from write to left the lower up or the upper writings going down, Just feel your own mind/sentience, how much do you need this technology to be deconstructing your heart, your senses, why are you still frozen unrespponsive to your own finding in what you want, how you want to live your own life???? Have you asked these questions your self? So my word is round I think in Sphere terms, it is the years ago activated SOUL LIGHT LANGUAGES that brought me this major releave of authentic expressions that i wanted for my self that i wanted to share with people with my family, not what the dictate was planning for me and my life. And yours as well and the entire planet Earth Gaia, the Sentient In-Tell-igence. When we talk about LOVE, when we talk about HEALING, we need to feel into much friendlier SHAPES, we need to transfers the deception of rectangular mega cities designed to harvest human’s energy, its capacity to feel and to create, we need to travel deep inside the center of my own heart, where i am connected to everything real and THERE healing, loving, seeing, knowing, creating etc., etc., is.
We need to disharm ourselves from the influencing of piercing, tattooes, drugs, poverty (which is black magic spell over your own INNATE POWER-T.Y.) Oh so many times so many times i didn’t want to write anything publish anything cause the words felt and feel dead, the real spirituality is dead, the culture is dead family everything is broken and yet it is not. Traveling, remembering my heart that i am one, that i live in one helps me to live velvet quality. My inner life has the ability to withstand any outside hardships and tyranny, yet the outside is not negotiable, it is fully revoked not consented to.
I need to step out to walk i might come forward i might continue this writing. Namaste, Transparent Krystal Spirit Guide.
ALOHA DEAR LOVE SOUL FAMILY: What i am going to present here is a simplified map system everyone of you can create for them selves. This one is on FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. It is intuitive clearance, clairvoyance followed by few drawings as a help guide. This guidance may be helpful to anybody, including children for it’s purpose is to show example and open something inside of you that you might not know how to talk about it. In most cases PICTURES ARE REALLY TELLING and we all recognize this.
Here is picture one: with following glossary:”…i feel so many feelings i don’t know what is “fist” or where is the bottom line. The Inmate is also your Intimate and is the guidance; it appeares to have parts to it self for orientation as each map should haver provide with.North 1. {negative}mother (father} person(s) missing or present, self-sustainable support, movement- hnutee-motion of changes; more functional support; Borrowed DNA:Mother persons {positive}<MOTHER PRINCIPAL PRESENT; missing, strong survival, narrows pointing towards each other, repealing, My designated Bototm Line Feelings, piano cords, south, numerous spirals of consequences, free will, new birth, predisposition,..Energy strain in the E-Body, sitting now with one’s own strain till it is dissolved. The shape in above graph is the very first shape of my own emotions that keeps showing up for me. My perception of it is that it is a good indicator of a healthy survival function that is self-correcting, upgrading, cultivating via the SOUL, please see picture three. The bottom line can be taken into more details for each line is an “octave” that leads me into the subconscious for discovery. We must choose it as OUR OWN DISCOVERY FOR WE ARE MAGICAL BEINGS.
Next graph glossary number two: the next layer of my feelings (this is a map that contains invisible threat to the detailed works of my nervous system and how i choose to interact with it so it can thrive) The visual expression really helps a lot rather then attaching a story to it even thou it may be percieved that way. So here we go: “E-motion”..all by myself on indoctrinated christmas day in the empty house.” (is the offering synchronicity to give or create a space where one can feel her/his own intimate-innate self communicating): is the psyche upset and these tears are now the pathology stug in the nervous system of the Hermit which is sitting in the calcified waters of he hermit. My I AM “comes” in and serves as catalyst so this layer of my bottom line has not only company but recognition what the ego is participating, interacting with the ego is alienated. It seems to mind the scenario of the socieaty’s program which is thousands of years old: Elaborate, well the people the family members come together they eat together, they through the ‘GIFTS’ to each other and then two months later go into the deep depression when they see their bills. Now why is that? Who is doint this to whom? When you look at the second picture bellow it might look like what to you? To me since this is my own example it looks like my Cathalyst is alchemically destiling the old into the Light spectrum through Spirit (spirit here in blue)
There is third picture with following text and glossary: The Infinite, Soul, The person in this world which is supper-imposed overlay projected image), The text says: Living with a psychopath pathogen world and those who are infected by it. I ambrace my person (person as i view it is the momentary octave in Tuning) the “WO” in this case for my incarnation right now is of a feminine character. “I ambrace my person with my soul I am Presence.” The smallest circle on my next picture represents the far reaching Infinite (who we really are), the next middle colored circles symbolizes my present person acting and training, learning and making the journey into the joyfull merging with my soul. =The SUN bright Light that is here what I know I must achieve, do, be, merge with WHAT IS. The bussiness of Isness in all ways. So this is my so called individual goal, my journey of healing. I had to be healed to help heal others. The SUN activates the humming, the moments of the Light merging with the parts that are open to connect, that is called HEALING. Healing is connecting to the warmth of the heart of the soul.
Namaste, T.C.S.Guide,Jarmila
This is my Sacred Space: Growing
The Home page of my love website is a Welcome to you, dear True Soul Family Members. Please make sure you read/feel it. I am addressing also those DNA links to Pleiadians, Sirius, Andromedans, Orions, Vegans, Inner Earth/Agarthans. And the Unseen worlds.
and Infinite Mother Goddess of All Creation incoded in each of us as well as within Mother Earth’s being.
Looking into my websites pages – their many drafts waiting to come out into seen world, I am feeling again like a raw and wet small caterpillar who remembers all the butterfly strings only when it becomes the new butterflying sorcer of Original Source. The Source Itself does get lost, on purpose, to find itself. I have been “sitting in cocoon” chooing on a live (not a leave) of a different life FOR WHERE THE POTENTIALITY OF A SPECIES EXISTS. HUGE AND POWERFUL. On the small scale of my micro being i am aware that Source is holding space for us. IT Has been holding and holding for me feeling in a small minees of feelings the ten thousands million other time lines Source manifest It self while i am speed strugeling from one afwul memory to another into a beautiful gardens with happiness all around me, meeting my unseen world, recognizing the many star families who come and visit briefly as a reminder of how huge this family actually IS.
I got lost my self in my own pretence that i have to shape my writing into simplified calm structure lineary synchronizing to the level of what the public/reader can assimilate as it’s own understanding, (based in linear believes and programs once again>)… against (well I wish to harmonize it instead of formulating as “against something”) and organically synchronizing with the elements of wild nature of all changes punching my ego down to bring about the real communication skills. We have those in the heart. I have walked the edges of what i can put into words in terms of my knowledge, my understanding of the big picture with the mitochondria of a human life. And i found times again that the linguistics are really my only thing that limits me and holding me back from achieving my goals and purposes. The fear of coming forward and sharing throught the world of “words” can be realy overwhelming. You know because….I feel like this BLANK PLAN OF SOURCE ITSELF, again Source holding space for us. I have been rinsing my tonge in the SOUL LIGHT LANGUAGES FOR SO MANY LONG FRAUD YEARS, i have been rinsing my tonge/ language in waters of the new pericardium where the old programming is obsolete, where one is fully imprinting her face into her own heart!
Facing now another insecurity of m negative ego. It is on top of me. Why am I allowing it? Why I don’t want to get involved with the broadcasting system? Because of psychic parazites? I am in the wood. Let me provide you with what i mean when i say “I am in the wood”. My (Spirited) intellect has been chooing on the problem of english for years. Thus i say ….am in the wood. Silent. Standing tree inside of me holding space for my human who goes through so many changes she can barely keep up with it. I have been stretching the synthetic strands of english far too long, looking at it from my NO-TIME LIVING ANCESTOR BEING’s observation/feeling. And i have to say: I cannot speak like everybody speaks for the sake of sameness, for the sake you may understand when i repeat like a parot the sentenses you have been taught in your schools because that is NOT HOW WE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE FOR THE BETTER HERE. My language is HEART BASED. My language must continue to be transparent and authentic. And that is my diagnoses. The amount of work what has been produced privately is enormous but very little comes out into the broadcast to the public. I am also aware this has to do with all the incarnations and evolved individuals and how they have been attacked, destroyed by the schyzophrenic psychopaths of status quo. I am so tired of it. I am so aware of it. And look at us we are coming back we always come back stronger with our own organic evolution our nature just like the wheat grass boldly grows through the toxic poisons called ass-hphalt that makes me smile makes me remember and so i go back into the voice heart truth to be in council of my True Soul families together in union.
Namaste, Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide Jarmila
This is my sacred Space and what the Light Soul Languages
Oh brother, I thought i had something more then just nothing on this so evolved page. To share with interested soul family the Light codes. Here are my writen thoughts in the meantime.
i think while making some food for myself human woman, i am thinking thoughts that are directed to my daughter. She represents the next future present generation. I would like to email here to ask her something new:…” would you be interested in my website? I would like to learn what you think of this kind of work, what would be your feedback?” There is a sad memory/ distant shadow of wanted an approval, so to cancel the push backs and many disapprovals and fraud years of rejectings of me. Like the rejection of Light languages which is something that is so part of my being as this human is part and shelter for my soul. The light languages carries DNA activation, healing codes, upliftment, omnipresence, removing mental linearity. I celebrate the birht of them in my being for many years. Since my childeren were little children teh light soul languages helped me to heal my self, they helped to understand who and what i am and whom i am becoming, how my soul grows expontialy in light years, so distant from human drama, separation, lack, unhapiness, and all these things that make this life on earth so dense and difficult. The soul light languages are my soul shards, helping rise mine and thousands of other people’s frequency. I sing them to Mother Earth for many years now in Earth Shamanic ceremonies. Here are some examples:Movie on 2014-05-11 at 14.00 #2 (it is a spirit ray song of peace). And i will be bringing all the soul light codes here for i have many to share with my beloved soul families all over this planet and other planets as well. It is just difficult for me to do computer work and i need help. SO with more percevirence and a help from a dear friend i shall succeed.
This is my Sacred Space – The Pandora Box and the Realm of realness
It is matured fraud afternoon at this moment.
The SUN wants me to go outside of my house, to get in its Golden-orange ornamental Presence. So I can regain my sunny nature of happy and happy -go- lucky being of natural Earth. It is December 25th 2017 another fraud day in the world of preetendce. The world has its many a Pandora boxes wrapped in poisoned chocolates and faked expensive gifts that people are opening now as their most “un-expected” christmas present(s). I am in the arms of me of-no-time recapitulating what i have done this fraud year, what i have given, learned, forgotten, got angry with and about while still feeling love and gratitude for what is real.
I raised a glass of pure water to my forehead and the water revealed to me the state of my mind. There was a depth of it in orange color and all around it – but not in perfect circle, – rather in perfect cosmic like spiral i saw clouds and white fluff very soft and floating. In my dream there were the actions of many changes. What needs to heal? Everything! I say. This world is such a mess and it is breaking apart, the people are so concerned with their attachments just like i am concerned with mine: where should i live, what other kinds of works and healing modalities i can birth to prove my self to a new awakening persons without any need to prove anything. Then i saw in the dream of many layers a cat and her human owner. The owner was moving from one house to another and had to arrange a truck to fit all her possessions into it. The cat meeaued, hopped on her master’s lap and “just because”.. that was it. What a brisk and brilliant vivid message from Spirit!? I thought to my self.. The cat with no attachments and the human person with all attachments. Another world of differences. I have thought of very old and diseased people who have very hard time to die, to leave this planet so other souls may be born. I thought of Europe and the places i have visited during my birth there, the place of deep ancient alchemy where i come from and how it may have served me with what i am of service now. To raise the torchred humanity’s consciousness, to raise my young human woman, the person who stutters behind my Spirit….Healers and alchemist they have most definitely much different knowingness and observation from those living in unawareness busy with the Pandora boxes. Just wait when they open them. In last several months, during the forced evolution and its manipulating people into buying things for the end of the year”christmas”, i saw many versions of a christarms trees: And on the last occasion while complete and as always ignoring the whole sharad the Intuitive in me saw a tall evergreen (my Spirit, the Krystal or Christ being as the KRYST_ARMS TREE of glowing its DNA the garlanded, laced golden belt wrapping in a spiral motion from the top crown all the way down the bottom…….then i was thinking what i am not thinking anymore: how many birthdays and christmases and new fraud years i have been missing my children and how heart braking that has been for me as their mom. Rather I thought how much I love them and in no position of ever doubting that that is EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED, LOVE.
IN THE NATURAL WORLD THERE IS THE CALM BREATH OF EARTH, HER KRYSTAL ARMS, HER BEAUTIFUL FACE FOR AN ALTAR. THE BIRDS, TREES, ANIMALS OF LAND AND WATERS KNOW ITS REAL PLACE. THAT WHICH IS GENTLE YET VERY COLD BLIND AND CARELESS AS PER THE NORTHERN WIND BLOWING INTO MY FACE ITS OWNING DOMINION OF WINTER’S SOLSTICE. TODAY IS A RESTORATION DAY. THAT IS HOW I CALL IT. TAKING BACK POWER I HAVE GIVEN AWAY. I just feel the psychic mail coming in recognition of the old memories that are now harm and trauma free, receiving what is mine. I wish (or …”i witch/the green woman the shamans) I wish to every woman man and child and all the nature and Gaia to be in love for ever. Love doesn’t need us, but we need it. It is the building blog of the universe, it is what heals and inspires and brings back what is yours. Stand tall and know you are the EVERGREEN which makes this world to go round.
Namaste from Transparent Krystal Guide.
It is matured fraud afternoon at this moment.
The SUN wants me to go outside of my house, to get in its Golden-orange ornamental Presence. So I can regain my sunny nature of happy and happy -go- lucky being of natural Earth. It is December 25th 2017 another fraud day in the world of preetendce. The world has its many a Pandora boxes wrapped in poisoned chocolates and faked expensive gifts that people are opening now as their most “un-expected” christmas present(s). I am in the arms of me of-no-time recapitulating what i have done this fraud year, what i have given, learned, forgotten, got angry with and about while still feeling love and gratitude for what is real.
I raised a glass of pure water to my forehead and the water revealed to me the state of my mind. There was a depth of it in orange color and all around it – but not in perfect circle, – rather in perfect cosmic like spiral i saw clouds and white fluff very soft and floating. In my dream there were the actions of many changes. What needs to heal? Everything! I say. This world is such a mess and it is breaking apart, the people are so concerned with their attachments just like i am concerned with mine: where should i live, what other kinds of works and healing modalities i can birth to prove my self to a new awakening persons without any need to prove anything. Then i saw in the dream of many layers a cat and her human owner. The owner was moving from one house to another and had to arrange a truck to fit all her possessions into it. The cat meeaued, hopped on her master’s lap and “just because”.. that was it. What a brisk and brilliant vivid message from Spirit!? I thought to my self.. The cat with no attachments and the human person with all attachments. Another world of differences. I have thought of very old and diseased people who have very hard time to die, to leave this planet so other souls may be born. I thought of Europe and the places i have visited during my birth there, the place of deep ancient alchemy where i come from and how it may have served me with what i am of service now. To raise the torchred humanity’s consciousness, to raise my young human woman, the person who stutters behind my Spirit….Healers and alchemist they have most definitely much different knowingness and observation from those living in unawareness busy with the Pandora boxes. Just wait when they open them. In last several months, during the forced evolution and its manipulating people into buying things for the end of the year”christmas”, i saw many versions of a christarms trees: And on the last occasion while complete and as always ignoring the whole sharad the Intuitive in me saw a tall evergreen (my Spirit, the Krystal or Christ being as the KRYST_ARMS TREE of glowing its DNA the garlanded, laced golden belt wrapping in a spiral motion from the top crown all the way down the bottom…….then i was thinking what i am not thinking anymore: how many birthdays and christmases and new fraud years i have been missing my children and how heart braking that has been for me as their mom. Rather I thought how much I love them and in no position of ever doubting that that is EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED, LOVE.
IN THE NATURAL WORLD THERE IS THE CALM BREATH OF EARTH, HER KRYSTAL ARMS, HER BEAUTIFUL FACE FOR AN ALTAR. THE BIRDS, TREES, ANIMALS OF LAND AND WATERS KNOW ITS REAL PLACE. THAT WHICH IS GENTLE YET VERY COLD BLIND AND CARELESS AS PER THE NORTHERN WIND BLOWING INTO MY FACE ITS OWNING DOMINION OF WINTER’S SOLSTICE. TODAY IS A RESTORATION DAY. THAT IS HOW I CALL IT. TAKING BACK POWER I HAVE GIVEN AWAY. I just feel the psychic mail coming in recognition of the old memories that are now harm and trauma free, receiving what is mine. I wish (or …”i witch/the green woman the shamans) I wish to every woman man and child and all the nature and Gaia to be in love for ever. Love doesn’t need us, but we need it. It is the building blog of the universe, it is what heals and inspires and brings back what is yours. Stand tall and know you are the EVERGREEN which makes this world to go round.
Namaste from Transparent Krystal Guide.
It is matured fraud afternoon at this moment.
The SUN wants me to go outside of my house, to get in its Golden-orange ornamental Presence. So I can regain my sunny nature of happy and happy -go- lucky being of natural Earth. It is December 25th 2017 another fraud day in the world of preetendce. The world has its many a Pandora boxes wrapped in poisoned chocolates and faked expensive gifts that people are opening now as their most “un-expected” christmas present(s). I am in the arms of me of-no-time recapitulating what i have done this fraud year, what i have given, learned, forgotten, got angry with and about while still feeling love and gratitude for what is real.
I raised a glass of pure water to my forehead and the water revealed to me the state of my mind. There was a depth of it in orange color and all around it – but not in perfect circle, – rather in perfect cosmic like spiral i saw clouds and white fluff very soft and floating. In my dream there were the actions of many changes. What needs to heal? Everything! I say. This world is such a mess and it is breaking apart, the people are so concerned with their attachments just like i am concerned with mine: where should i live, what other kinds of works and healing modalities i can birth to prove my self to a new awakening persons without any need to prove anything. Then i saw in the dream of many layers a cat and her human owner. The owner was moving from one house to another and had to arrange a truck to fit all her possessions into it. The cat meeaued, hopped on her master’s lap and “just because”.. that was it. What a brisk and brilliant vivid message from Spirit!? I thought to my self.. The cat with no attachments and the human person with all attachments. Another world of differences. I have thought of very old and diseased people who have very hard time to die, to leave this planet so other souls may be born. I thought of Europe and the places i have visited during my birth there, the place of deep ancient alchemy where i come from and how it may have served me with what i am of service now. To raise the torchred humanity’s consciousness, to raise my young human woman, the person who stutters behind my Spirit….Healers and alchemist they have most definitely much different knowingness and observation from those living in unawareness busy with the Pandora boxes. Just wait when they open them. In last several months, during the forced evolution and its manipulating people into buying things for the end of the year”christmas”, i saw many versions of a christarms trees: And on the last occasion while complete and as always ignoring the whole sharad the Intuitive in me saw a tall evergreen (my Spirit, the Krystal or Christ being as the KRYST_ARMS TREE of glowing its DNA the garlanded, laced golden belt wrapping in a spiral motion from the top crown all the way down the bottom…….then i was thinking what i am not thinking anymore: how many birthdays and christmases and new fraud years i have been missing my children and how heart braking that has been for me as their mom. Rather I thought how much I love them and in no position of ever doubting that that is EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED, LOVE.
IN THE NATURAL WORLD THERE IS THE CALM BREATH OF EARTH, HER KRYSTAL ARMS, HER BEAUTIFUL FACE FOR AN ALTAR. THE BIRDS, TREES, ANIMALS OF LAND AND WATERS KNOW ITS REAL PLACE. THAT WHICH IS GENTLE YET VERY COLD BLIND AND CARELESS AS PER THE NORTHERN WIND BLOWING INTO MY FACE ITS OWNING DOMINION OF WINTER’S SOLSTICE. TODAY IS A RESTORATION DAY. THAT IS HOW I CALL IT. TAKING BACK POWER I HAVE GIVEN AWAY. I just feel the psychic mail coming in recognition of the old memories that are now harm and trauma free, receiving what is mine. I wish (or …”i witch/the green woman the shamans) I wish to every woman man and child and all the nature and Gaia to be in love for ever. Love doesn’t need us, but we need it. It is the building blog of the universe, it is what heals and inspires and brings back what is yours. Stand tall and know you are the EVERGREEN which makes this world to go round.
Namaste from Transparent Krystal Guide.
Satnam. (she drawing is a curtasy from my children’s archive)