this is my sacred space: messaged

June 11, 2023

 Preamble: For several weeks now i found my self working in the green house of a very busy woman growing hundreds of different tomatoes, very intense hard hard work, biking back and forth, accumulation of exhaustion, no time to write or communicate.  And this is the end of another “weekend”. It is SUN-day and we had One Gaia Honeytation (am being reminded by my self to copy all the many updates Earth Mother has given us). In spite of the fact that my body gets tired from working 9 hours in the green house every day and then long bike ride back where i am staying presently, I get really lovely conversations with the multidimensional self. Just on thursday brief snap of update into my still not bettered family situation arrived. (the heart part of my human woman who loves to have family who loves her two children  but not loved back, mostly ignored for so many years now, I am still troubled by it. There are nights and or parts of my day when I cry such a heavy burden doesn’t go away) What I saw  from within one space is that  there are previous, present and future simultaneous events on one inhale of my bike moving forward on this curvy road to the green house. On my exhale,  I am looking at the birth of my first child from very different perspective: this appearance/image is of  two dark “local” circular rooms made of rubber interconnected into expanding “true and falls North” 2 other tubes leading into the “future events” that are happening also right now. think of this as a gigantic letter “X” except that the cross is pararel!.  The transfer from one near reality into another near – literally next to it and right there simultaneously arriving into my cognition info: …”oh yes, this is the birth of your first child, (repeated again), she came from here (pointing to the left side of one reality/dissected into another reality, my time line, from her past life, so she didn’t go far at all….), she came through you into this reality. Yes she was born to you, and you love her and love your son, but they both came with problems. These problems have nothing to do with you! They both have to resolve their problems. By being born to you, through you, YOur Soul gave them the gift, the opportunity to dissolve re incarnation A.I. negative time lines, hostile computer simulation of reality programming. These kids (now facing soon to be 30 years of age!) have to recognise a lot of things, find DISCERNMENT, so stop putting your self in between trying all this time to unprezzel why they don’t talk to you.  Why you are not actively part of their lives. You took it too personally now you are still sufering from this, but healthy separating from their OWN things nothing to do with you (repeat repeat) will help you to get on with your life even better!”It is so very extremely cruel, difficult, harsh and undeserved. They were born to me I raised them, they were taken, now they don’t talk, I love them, think of them, miss them, yet I have nothing to do with their lives. I say to me this is a wrong time line.  Spirit response” :yes and no both. This is also the more separating of the reptalian skin: the artificial synthetics. Yes it is being propaganda-lized heavily everywhere, but it is the biggest blind spot(s) of the arrogance. ..All the people (that are not awake yet) I see walking the streets are the representatives of their own chaotic time lines they are due to resolve and get rid of, since these time lines are born to chaos not nature, are born of fear and darkness and I am here have also nothing to do with it except for witnessing it.

So today this message came from the SPIRIT OF WATER HER SELF: (the core of this beautiful consciousness is turquoise-to pale blue aquamarine with clear like crystal all around it self, it is a circle but not flat, it is moving self aware intelligence), …”Water now is growing its pure consciousness. It has been collecting much information from all over this planet, such as all changes to magnetic fields, humanity’s different levels of consciousness, how human consciounsness is still for millions fear, in prison. Water brings observation, new resolutions or rather SOULutions (solution = sun + water particles from around the earth different layers!!!, inner water of Earth, deepest waters of Earth, The Universe is of water as well!!!, human/water is new knowledge new ALCHEMY. And this is a great positive part of our over all progress. They (“they” means: arrogance, fear based damaging idiots still acting and pretending they can control at least something and cause the whole provinces fires to damage life to damage fields where food normally grows,) they are hiping the chemicals in the water. For example here where I am right now, they are “repairing” the water pipes changing them for new ones and the chlorine smells 25 times stronger then before. Yes because humanity is leaving idiots behind, we are leaving the nature is claiming us back into her self. this IS winning in progress. TH city water might be expected to get worse in its quality, because THE SPIRIT OF WATER HAS SOLUTIONS FOR US can speak with us with our consciousness.Humanity would so benefit from being able again communicating with other living sentience.

So the message for all good mom and good dad. We will find our children they will find their way back to us. THe re incarnation stupid wheel of repeat karma bullshit with falsified low energy emotional body: emotions not belonging with us as original first golden human from First Prime Original Creator’s Creations. this emotional body assigned to me to you of sadness, hardships, instead of happiness, joy, well being (this is you this is you as the high level sentience), o.k. the falls emotional when repeating on and on and on, then it becomes the reality, it is pathologically trapped. No thank. you. I have also on the other hand witnessed when Prime Creator was crying, was sad. YES, because of what has been happening and nobody could stop it till it could be stopped. So the other point for us parents is that most we are also the chance when these children come through us, chance to exit the re incarnation karma artificial programs that could be considered as karma permanent cancel, resolve, whee it is one on one: your soul (the child) and Earth Healing planet patiently helping you to fully come back into your full circle of pure consciousness.

Namaste, continue to give your self your sacred space where your inner self guide dancing your path into freedom.