Finally made it clear to add another page, on dream. This dream is just 2 nights (june 17/18,2014) i know from the years of work in dream time there is no wasting time which was offered to you to something good with it and in so doing it removes easily the by-polar idiotic pretend we have only a two realities to our disposal: day/night. Well, look have you realized what you can create with your two hands, your heart, your feelings, your voice, your body your Spirit?
Now walk with in my dream, take your shoes off. i was opening my stuck heart. My Beloved Guardians were helping me. They showed me-since Infinite Spirit, Grandmothers and Grandfathers do not use human words (question if words were Ever a true human)! They showed me a mountain and levels of opening the depths of my heart. They explained i am to hard focusing on widening, and spreading the heart center as if making a hole that is un-natural. The Grandmothers showed to actually let go of myself (in the dream so much easier, unless you are a dancing body, at which point to relax is a second nature) and i relaxed. The image of the mountain merged with what was happening in my supper consciousness: the whole Earth and all her life spectrums went in and we merged. i felt the deep solitude of my heart i felt the unspoken sounds of resonance with silence. Earth and Her Guardians were helping to remove my fear and doubt. The night before in the dream i opened my art drawer (june 16,17), three little completely bright red birdies rushed out of the drawer; one with his beak opening in the flight got onto my finger. Boy what a visceral experience, you could feel so small bird with so much power in him/her, feeling its beak pulling on my finger as if to separated from the rest of my hand. Then i signaled this bird (the rest of 2 of Birds were Happy freely flying in my kitchen, looking around, transmuting their flight into joy to help my apartment). Now let’s go back to the first dream. All of a sudden i was sitting at a congress and Alfred Webbre (if the name is correctly written?) was pointing at four pictures of people and name on man as a “comrade”maybe from Russia. It was strategy congress, very clearly distinguishing the True faces behind the scenes like Radionics channel to teach me whom am i going to be dealing with to get to know them without these 4 people actually being present. Yes, you can say it was briefing meeting. Briefing helps to specifically clarify personnel since so far there has been convoluted over polarization and confusion who is working for whom and or what, at every level, horizontal, vertical, too many spy, agents having multiple layers of functions classifying them as Politically by-polar, and this situation over the many years like 130. The stronghold created very uneasy enmeshment unpenetreable system of artificial linguistics within the human nervous system, scale of collective consciousness. This one is contracted as artificial web.
See the living tree , the central nervous system network of intelligent bio-organic information originally interconnected through the human body container out into the entire cosmos signaling exchange of ongoing information, co-creation, knowledge and loving. And now choked with synthetic backwards contradicting the intelligence, interrupting it to cause huge confusion in each individual (subconscious not connecting to the present moment, present moment needs to be overcome, since it is perceived as a difficulty, interrupted time lines, congruity, cohesiveness interrupted as well)! Person lost touch with her self, no understanding of her self no trusting for her self, her own thoughts deep inside trying to petition her to get rid of something very harmful but she can’t figure out what it is, so she keeps checking her e-mail, her other 57 web nets like a complete schizophrenic ), no breathing, no emotional connection to her self, to her heart space. The whole Bio-metry was shut down absorbed by this synthetic gene weapon and people are even paying monthly fee for it. HALLO EVERYBODY WHAT’S IS WRONG YOU ARE NUMB, I AM YELLING AT YOU TO WAKE YOU UP, but instead i woke myself up body temperature – hot. Took a sip of aqua that is alive went back to bed re-entered the dream situation and followed it to the end. Wholly Shit! i exclaimed upon the full realization of this monstrosity that i have seen face to face in a great microscopic details! Accidentally, have you ever eaten raw organic noodles made out of sea weed vegetables crunching in your mouth, you can see through it? Well, that really reminded me of this parasitical network alto the food in itself was good tasting, but for me it was a good association.
As a healer, and i mean ancient in memoriam master healer i know that it can be removed and the natural web of biological organic information can be restored. it will heal itself quickly, Nature is Smart, self-Repairing. This gave me huge boost of quickening and retrieval of my ancient natural healer abilities. Paying more attention, more focus for the works with my ancient clan of benevolent Ancestors, my Grandmothers and Grandfathers. It is to recognize we all have been violated on the largest scale, Another things is to immediately (translation: taking slowly step by step + time) to get out of such historical en bush. And it is happening. It is happening for me. How is it happening for you? What steps have you been taking to free your self? Write to me about it. There is some interesting stuff i know something about and will write it here in my new dream work, since i have been collecting most of my dreams for many years, since a kid, as best as can remember them, it depends what level of consciousness you are, you can connect the day link with the night and travel easily through the dimensions. The dimensions are your own, you are a sphere of multitones of energies, especially when and if in love with Gaia, especially if and when you are doing your steward-ship with Her. She is the Best Mother ever we could find and ask for!!!!!! DO YOU COPIE THAT?
From the Heart of Gaia