I am innately connected to Mother Earth. I want to be like Her, I want to smell like Her. Everything is a INTROSPECTION, CAREFUL LISTENING PAYING ATTENTION WORKING WITH NATURE HANDS ON, DANCE, EMOTIONS, YEARS OF MEDITATION, PRACTICING REFINING FINE TUNING. All that i have understood and known so far comes from the above capital emphases. People are still lazy and very blocked. Well lets see… all is changing and everybody is being given a chance to be present to your own inner earthquakes to hurricanes so you GO IN to your original.
people are still lazy and very blocked. Well lets see… all is changing and everybody is being given a chance to be present to your inner earthquakes and hurricanes so you GO IN to your OWN original.
Mother Earth is a sovereign free will planet Sentience, much hidden of her MANY GATE WAYS, misunderstood. Earth my teacher and a dearest precious GUIDE and a friend. I have confirmed and ENDORCE Earth Gaia the basic building blog within complex DNA LOVE VIBRATIONAL LANGUAGES THAT IS TRANSMUTING INTO HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND BRIGHT DENSITY. Thus because one recognize being of love that same being exists within this writer.
While I walk this dedicated path of do no harm to any sentient kind, knowing and living love and breathing peace, it is my sovereign free will right and responsibility to practice the knowing that my old soul has: It is the match of all healing modalities and energy languages also given to this soul , the spark of Original Prime Creator.
As i have healed myself and this healing continues till the white light is recognizable signature frequency of human kind interacting with advanced loving star systems in co-operation, co-creation, transfigurating into a better human: Beautiful, purified, cleared, uplifted, matured, who grown out of manipulation control, knows it’s true her-story and is fully living as crystal soul, that is why I am here, as A SPIRIT MANIFEST IN THIS AMALGAMATED, TRANSFORMING HUMAN PHYSICALITY. This page may be a good link to many years dedicated to Gaia through group by-weekly meditations. In these meditations people have been receiving healing, have been reviewing their own patterns, limits, discomforts, grown in internal light, confidence, opening our hearts, letting go of feeling suppressed, finding a refinement of clear thinking and FEELING, healing oppressed personalities, ego, seen and unseen bodies specially the WO-man, sacred feminine manifest in flesh. We have firmly kept our focus with Earth and Her teachings and guidance. Mother Earth doesn’t lie. It is important to develop keen sense of how Earth communicates to Her children/us. The picture(s) here are a sample of much work done with people, groups. If you have questions and relevant comments please either read my blog and see uploaded video broadcasting, or e-mail me. Thank you.